Four reasons why you would connect with us
1. Academic Disruptions or Absences
Throughout the course of their time at Laurier, some students experience significant academic disruption due to injury, illness or emergency situations which require time away from Laurier, a reduced course load or seeking alternative ways to complete academic program requirements. If faced with academic disruption or absence, the Dean of Students office can notify your faculty, coordinate documentation and assist you in navigating your time away, and return, to Laurier.
2. Transitioning to University Life
University can be a significant transition for lots of reasons. If you're struggling academically or personally and aren't sure what resources are available, or where to start, the friendly staff in the Dean of Students office can point you in the right direction.
3. Financial Struggles and Money Management
It’s not uncommon for students to struggle financially or with money management. There are resources to help students better understand how to budget, manage their finances, access financial resources and get support in financial emergency. The Dean of Students office can help connect you to financial support, or provide more immediate help in cases of financial emergency affecting personal safety or well-being.
4. Physical and Mental Health Challenges
Students can’t do their best when they don’t feel their best. Wellness challenges, mental health struggles and illness can affect students’ success in many ways. Students are often surprised to learn just how many resources, services and supports are available to help support their wellness. The Dean of Students office can help you learn more about what exists and what may be helpful for you.