Overcoming Barriers to Study Abroad for Better Engagement of Indigenous Students: a data-based approach
To Indigenous Students at Laurier:
Recently, you received an email inviting you to participate in the joint research from the Office of Indigenous Initiatives and Laurier International. We are working together on a research project and are requesting your participation. Together, with Laurier International, we are launching our project “Overcoming Barriers to Study Abroad for Better Engagement of Indigenous Students: a data-based approach “. We are looking to better understand Indigenous student needs when it comes to engaging in International opportunities during your time of study!
We are looking for participants to engage in a survey, focus group or both! The information collected through the survey and focus groups will be used to better understand your experiences or ideas about Indigenous Student travel abroad experiences/mobility within the university. Compensation for the survey will be a draw for 1 of 2 Ipad airs and 1 of 5 Laurier Bookstore gift certificates of $50.00. Compensation for participation in the 1-1.5 hrs focus group will be offered by an honorarium of $75.00.
By sharing your ideas, you will contribute to helping Laurier International and the Office of Indigenous Initiatives strengthen existing services to better support the goals of Indigenous Students, including increased opportunities for international experiences. Additionally, you will also be contributing to the growing field of Indigenous post-secondary education research. The findings from this project will be shared in a final report and the recommendations gathered will guide future collaborations and programming planning. The final report will be shared and available for viewing on the Wilfrid Laurier University website.
Participation in this project is voluntary and you are welcome to share any questions or concerns you may have with me. If you are interested in sharing your voice and experience please note the following information:
1) Survey: Complete by May 3, 2021
2) Register for Focus Group Session: May 7 | 1PM-2:30PM EST
Email indigenous@wlu.ca with the subject line: Focus Group Interest
Miigwetch! Nya:weh! Marsi! Thanks!
Director and Interim Senior Advisor, Indigenous Initiatives
Indigenous Student Centre | Indigenous Initiatives | Brantford and Waterloo Campuses
519.998.5068 | mireland@wlu.ca