Climate Action Week 2024 showcases collaboration for a net-zero future at Laurier
Climate action is integral for Laurier’s sustainability journey towards net zero emissions. This year, the Sustainability Office hosted Climate Action Week from October 7th to 11th to engage the Laurier community on climate-related initiatives and research happening across our campuses. The theme for the week was Collaboration for Climate Action. Tackling one of the world's most pressing environmental challenges requires collaboration among industry leaders, educational institutions, governments, NGOs, and all citizens. Overall, the goal of the week was to showcase research, operational, and engagement efforts, happening at Laurier, to tackle climate change.
Through online and in-person engagements, the Sustainability Office demonstrated how the University can be a leader in climate action among post-secondary institutions. So, what happened during Climate Action Week 2024? Check out the successes and faces of climate action below!
Faces of Climate Action Video
Throughout the month of September, the Sustainability Office conducted 15+ interviews with researchers, managers, leadership, staff, and students who are committed to climate action in their work or research. These interviews were conducted on the Brantford and Waterloo campuses to highlight the spectrum of climate mitigation and adaptation work happening at Laurier. All the footage was condensed and compiled into a four-minute video, the Faces of Climate Action, that highlighted research, operations, and engagement initiatives that are contributing to a net-zero future at Laurier.
Students bring out innovative ideas at the Laurier 2040 Challenge
Students were invited to participate in the Laurier 2040 Challenge: Mapping Climate Action on the Waterloo campus. On October 8th, 20 students came together to build a net-zero, sustainable campus by 2040. Students worked in groups of less than five to identify mitigation, adaptation, and community actions that will bring Laurier to net-zero emissions ahead of the University's 2050 goal. Groups were provided with a map of the Waterloo campus and had less than one hour to work through 40+ predesigned actions that could contribute to a sustainable campus.
Teams were judged by a panel of three judges - Dr Ehaab D. Abdou (Assistant Professor, Global Studies), Suma Abid (Energy Manager), and Eric Meliton (Sustainability Manager). Judges evaluated all six teams based on their innovative ideas, actions, and the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction potential. In the end, team "Tree Amigos" won $500 with their innovative campus design and actions. The winning team decided to donate their winnings to a local environmental charity in Waterloo Region. The Sustainability Office looks forward to hosting this challenge on other campuses and with other departments!
What’s your flight plan? Tackling air travel in Laurier’s climate action
Air travel plays a crucial role in core university missions including research, collaborations, and student exchanges, field courses and recruitment. Flying is also an important source of greenhouse gas emissions. On October 9th, the Sustainability Office, Office of Research Services, and the WLUFA Climate Action Committee brought together 22 individuals, virtually and in-person to discuss air travel emissions related to research and work travel. The goal of the event was to address the ethics of academic air travel, in a climate emergency and potential strategies to reduce it. The WLUFA Climate Action Committee will release a summary report on the participants findings and contributions related to reducing air travel emissions at Laurier.
How can YOU contribute to climate action at Laurier?
Tackling climate change on an individual level is overwhelming for most. But together? We can continue to contribute to climate action to reduce emissions or adapt to a changing climate with collaboration, operational improvements, and commitment towards a net-zero future. Everyone has a part to play as society moves to a more sustainable, low-emissions future. Throughout Climate Action Week, we've showcased innovations, projects, and enthusiasm for building a future that is sustainable for all.
To learn more about Laurier's progress, please visit the 2023-24 Annual Sustainability Report page or view the 2023-28 Action Plan to see how the University is addressing sustainability at Laurier.
For any questions, please connect with the Sustainability Office at sustainabiliy@wlu.ca.