Peer Perspectives: Affirmations of Support and Encouragement
This year has been a year for the record books and no one understands that more than students. We asked student volunteers from the Student Wellness Centre how they have been doing this term and to share some words of encouragement and support to help their peers get ready to tackle exam season. Feel free to read through them as you get ready to tackle final projects, papers, and exams and wrap up a year for the record books.
On behalf of the student teams from the Student Wellness Centres on both campuses, we wish you the best of luck as you tackle the end of term!
"In a world full of chaos, remember to take a moment to celebrate the little successes each day."
Holly Nelson | 2nd year MA Developmental Psychology | Peer Supporter | Waterloo
I have been feeling overwhelmed and stressed for sure. I miss seeing everyone on campus and getting to interact with the students in my lab.
I like to remind myself and others to take things one day at a time. I find that it helps to ease my worries about the uncertainty and keep me motivated to focus on what I need to or want to do each day. In a world full of chaos, remember to take a moment to celebrate the little successes each day.
"This has not been easy, but I am proud of myself and my peers and our resilience throughout this situation"
Brooke Stockhamer | 3rd year Psychology | Peer Supporter | Waterloo
I have been feeling relieved that we've managed to get through another virtual semester and I am counting down the days until the summer! This has not been easy, but I am proud of myself and my peers and our resilience throughout this situation.
It has been difficult staying motivated during another study season, and I have found myself getting tired if I sit in the same spot all day. Remember to get fresh air daily- go for a quick walk around the block, grab an ice cream, take your dog out! This refreshes me into the next study grind.
Schedule out your day in advance! It may help you follow through with the things that need to get done if you have an order to your day. Make realistic expectations as to what you can do in one day and don't beat yourself up if you finish the day with some things unfinished- there is always tomorrow!
"This year has been a great testament to our resilience and I am proud to have persevered through these obscure times."
Mariah McCaw | 3rd year Health Science | Peer Wellness Educator | Waterloo
All of the hard work from strengthening our mental mindset to managing our own time has finally paid off. This year has been a great testament to our resilience and I am proud to have persevered through these obscure times.
Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Coffee is great too, but it's best to start your day with a refreshing morning routine to set the tone for how you want to feel. Re-hydrating with a full glass of water helps to aid digestion, enhance skin health and boost energy.
Get outside and breathe some fresh air. At least for now, being outside is NOT cancelled!
"It's easy to get wrapped up in spending your entire day at your desk, so make sure to break up your day."
Macie | 3rd year Health Science | Peer Wellness Educator | Waterloo
I have been feeling pretty burned out this past school year due to the virtual nature of things. I am proud of myself for getting through it, and excited to complete the year.
Take time to do what you enjoy. It's easy to get wrapped up in spending your entire day at your desk, so make sure to break up your day. Go on a walk to Tim's, bake something with your family, read a book, or practice your hobbies!
"Your grades are not what defines you and it doesn't have to define how you choose to live your life!"
Esther Gui | 3rd year Health Science | Peer Wellness Educator | Waterloo
I feel quite burnt out, but at the same time I’m proud of myself for everything I’ve been able to accomplish!
One thing that has really helped me to stay well is going on daily walks, walking around in my neighborhood or in the Forest by my house keeps me grounded and gives me a break from the screen. It also allows me to take a break from school to allow me to stay motivated!
I think to remember that there’s so much more to life than assignments and due dates. There’s a lot to look forward to! There’s still so many years ahead of you and so many more people for you to meet! Your grades are not what defines you and it doesn’t have to define how you can choose to live your life!
"Now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good!"
Myra | 2nd year Masters Social Work | Peer Supporter | Kitchener
I’ve been feeling tired and it’s been difficult getting motivated
Some of the 'good sayings' I have written down for myself are:
- Ds get degrees, Plan B can be as good as Plan A,
- A game is good, but the B game is just as good
- Now that you don't have to be perfect - you can be good
- As a parent - living in guilt about all the screen time is not good - maybe this is the 'year of the screen'.
- Just to be nicer and kinder to myself (and others).
"I just try to continuously remind myself that this won't last forever, it will get better."
Sara | 4th year Kinesiology | Peer Wellness Educator | Waterloo
This year more than ever I have been experiencing a lack of motivation. Some days, it's hard to get even the simplest tasks done.
I just try to continuously remind myself that this won't last forever, it will get better. To keep motivated, I try to make to-do lists that are not too overwhelming and then I reward myself when I get everything done.
Prioritize yourself and take time for self-care. Simple things like cleaning your room or going on a walk can be super beneficial for your mental health.
"As long as every part of you is trying to a little a day, you can feel accomplished."
Dom DeGrasse | 4th year Social Work | Peer Supporter | Brantford
I have felt overwhelmed and exhausted. This has to be the most difficult past semester of the entire school year academically, but we're here and we made it.
Step away from your computer. Breathe. Eat a fruit. Walk for 5 mins and come back to your computer. As long as every part of you is trying to do a little a day you can feel accomplished.
"I know that sometimes the simple tasks can become difficult, so be kind to yourself and be proud of accomplishing even a small task."
Dillon | 3rd year Biology | Peer Wellness Educator | Waterloo
I have felt overwhelmingly stressed. I feel like this term was so much harder than the previous term and either really understanding or not understanding at all, but both still grade very hard.
Don't forget to stay hydrated, eat proper meals, and rest your eyes by taking breaks from staring at screens (computer and/or phone). I know that sometimes the simple tasks can become difficult, so be kind to yourself and be proud of accomplishing even a small task such as taking a shower or brushing your teeth.
"Give yourself a break, we're in a freaking pandemic!"
Danielle | 4th year Psychology and Neuroscience | Peer Wellness Educator | Waterloo
I am looking forward to graduating and moving to Alberta for the summer but I have no idea what I want to do with my life after that.
Give yourself a break, we're in a freaking pandemic!
"Remember that you're allowed to take breaks and rest whenever you need to - doing this outside can be a great way to stay connected to the world beyond your computer screen!"
Emily Weatherhead | 2nd year MA Community Psychology | GSA Wellness Coordinator
While this year has been hard, and I miss seeing my friends and my students in person, it's exciting to know that we're close to the end of the semester, and encouraging that we're getting into warmer weather!
Remember that all of the small tasks you're doing each day are all helping you along the way to your goal of graduating, and making a difference in the world with what you learn during your degree. Remember that you're allowed to take breaks and rest whenever you need to - doing this outside can be a great way to stay connected the world beyond your computer screen!
"I remind myself that I need to be a better me and ask for support when I need it so that I can be the most helpful and supportive to others."
LeAnn | 3rd year Psychology| Peer Wellness Educator | Waterloo
The beginning of the school year I found quite hard with the transition to online school. As the end of this semester is approaching however, I find winter semester went a lot smoother but I am still look forward to classes being back in person.
In order to stay motivated, I find that I remind myself to keep update with my lessons and learn that it is okay to take breaks and do things that provide you happiness because if you do not do this it affects all areas of your life. Remember that whatever it is is temporary and accomplishing little bits at a time is the way to go as it may get overwhelming to look at everything at once.
Never be afraid to ask for help or even reach out for support when you need it. This can be a very hard thing for many people to do, just know that asking for help makes you stronger, not the opposite. I remind myself that I need to be a better me and ask for support when I need it so that I can be the most helpful and supportive to others as possible as this would not be the case if I was really struggling and did not want to ask for help.
"You and your health always come first and anything else can be put on pause if that helps you cope."
Yasmeen Al Momani | 3rd year Health Science | Peer Wellness Educator | Waterloo
I have felt very burnt out and anxious as the semester has been nearing an end.
Please always remember to take time for yourself. You and your health always come first and anything else can be put on pause if that helps you cope. Try to talk to people and seek help if you need it.
"You can't expect yourself to function like you would pre-covid all things considered, so adjust your expectations accordingly and take it easy."
Jessica Linton | 3rd year French | Wellness Education Assistant
I've been incredibly burned out this term which makes it really hard, sometimes nearly impossible, to get started on assignments and stay motivated.
Be kind to yourself! We've been living in a global pandemic and unable to socialize for more than a year, which is taking its toll on all of us. You can't expect yourself to function like you would pre-covid all things considered, so adjust your expectations accordingly and take it easy.