Career Resources for Students with Disabilities
The Career Centre and Accessible Learning work closely together to provide services for students and alumni with disabilities at Laurier. As a member of a distinct community, you may have additional concerns while making career decisions or finding a job. Some issues you may find helpful to discuss include deciding when and if to disclose to an employer, how to research inclusive organizations and what to include when writing a resumé.
Specialized Services
- A dedicated career consultant who focuses on meeting the needs of students and alumni with disabilities.
- Individual appointments and tailored workshops.
- Drop-in appointments in partnership with Accessible Learning.
- Specific career resources for students with disabilities.
Career and Job Search Resources
In addition to the jobs listed for Laurier students and alumni in Navigator, the following websites may be of use in conducting your job search:
Career Edge: Geared for qualified, new graduates with disabilities, offering four to 12-month internships in a variety of fields.
Disabilities Mentoring Day: This program offers an opportunity to job shadow a local employer in your field of interest.
disABLEd Person: A resource for job listings and scholarship information; includes resources around disability, disability employment, and disability regulations.
Federal Student Work Experience Program: A federal program that recruits students following Employment Equity guidelines.
Lime Connect: Open to students and alumni with any disability for scholarships, co-ops/internships and full-time opportunities with Lime’s corporate partners; includes professional development webinars and more.
Additional Job Search Websites
Workplace Accommodation and Accessibility Resources
Canadian Abilities Foundation: Includes link to Abilities magazine and information related to education and employment issues.
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work: Provides up-to-date information and relevant articles in the disability field.
Discover Ability Network: Join the Discover Ability Network to access various resources to help you gain and keep meaningful employment.
Disclosure and Accommodation Guide for the Workplace: Developed by the University of Toronto.
JAN Network: A free consulting service that provides information about accommodations (note that legislation will differ as the site is based in the U.S.).
Mental Health Works: Provides resources for managing mental health issues in the workplace.
National Educational Association of Disabled Students: NEADS is a consumer organization with a mandate to encourage the self-empowerment of postsecondary students with disabilities.
Respect Ability: Provides news, education, training, and various resources about issues people with disabilities face.
Community and Government Resources
- Canadian Hearing Services
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Canadian National Institute for the Blind
- Disabilities Mentoring Day
- K-W Access-Ability: Offers a variety of social, recreational, educational programs and services.
- Learning Disabilities Association of Canada
- March of Dimes
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
Know Your Rights and Responsibilities
- Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
- Canadian Human Rights Code
- Ontario Human Rights Commission
- Ontario Human Rights Commission - Duty to Accommodate
- The Employment Equity Act
Selected Professional Associations
Canadian Association of Professionals with Disabilities: A federally incorporated non-profit organization dedicated to maximizing the inclusion, job retention and advancement of current and future professionals with disabilities.
Contact Us:
Visit our locations and contacts page for office locations and service hours.