Career Planning and Research
Some people believe finding a career is a result of logical planning, while others believe a successful career transpires from being in the right place at the right time. In fact, it is both. A rewarding career is found through a combination of embracing opportunities that arise and careful planning. Taking the time to both reflect and act on where you want to go personally and professionally will aid you in being more aware of your potential career options, resulting in a more informed choice following graduation.
The Career Planning Process
Successful career development is a life-long process. The first step in successful career development is effective career planning.
At the Career Centre we believe that the major you choose or the career you seek should represent positive steps in your path to a rewarding future. When you understand yourself and are informed about your options, you will have the tools to make choices which will enable you to be successful in whichever career direction you aspire.
Career planning is an ongoing process including self-awareness, career awareness, career immersion, goal setting and employment preparation. Book an appointment at the Career Centre to learn more.
If you are uncertain about your career path or have not had the opportunity to gain paid experience in your chosen career field, volunteering can be a tremendous source of information and experience!
Research Your Prospective Careers
How many careers can you identify? Most of us can only describe a handful of career options with any degree of accuracy, yet there are thousands of available careers within the world of work – some of which have yet to be discovered!
By opening up your mind to the range of potential career options available, you can liberate yourself to think about jobs, environments and industries that may present exciting opportunities for your future. Career awareness involves conducting the secondary research required to understand and expand your knowledge of potential career opportunities.
Online Resources
- Career Cruising (contact the Career Centre for the username and password).
- Job Bank: explore careers with the Government of Canada's career tool.
- The Future of Jobs Report 2025: how jobs and skills will evolve over the next five years.
- SparkPath Challenge Cards: discover the challenges that you want to work on. Find sign-up details in Navigator.
- My World Abroad: a comprehensive resource for students considering volunteering or working abroad. Access through Navigator.
Laurier Graduate Survey Report
Each year the Career Centre surveys Laurier grads to learn information such as employment rate, career choices and further education choices. View the report to learn about average starting salaries and where grads go during their first year after Laurier.
Career Resource Centre
The Laurier Career Resource Centre contains comprehensive career-related information including career options, employer directories, labour market information, further education information and application supports, graduate admission test resources and job search, resumé and interview preparation resources.
Explore the resources to help you with prepare for your future:
- Waterloo: 192 King Street North
- Brantford: OM206-40, One Market
- Lazaridis Hall: LH4011, Waterloo
Resources can be borrowed overnight with a $10 deposit with the exception of any resources marked "Reference."