Career Expo Week
Jan. 24, 2021
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It's a new year - do you have career-related goals for 2021? The Career Centre is here to help!
We're showcasing various services and programming the week of January 25 - 29. Meet us online with your questions, receive resumé feedback, attend a workshop or career panel, and learn about the opportunities that await you at Job Fair on February 2. Lastly, follow along on Instagram, @lauriercareercentre, for the Expo schedule, career tips, and exciting prize draws!
Career Expo Line Up:
- Workshops - Monday to Friday featuring Job Search Chat, Interview Success, LinkedIn: Build Your Profile, Career Planning through Chaos and more!
- Career Panels - Careers in Communications, Careers in User Experience, Diverse Careers: Inside and outside the professoriate
- Prepare for Job Fair
- Virtual Networking: Make the Most of Job Fair Workshops - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
- Job Fair Q&A Drop-in Hours - Chat with a Career Centre team member for expert tips and have your Job Fair questions answered.
- Ask about the Career Centre - Meet a team member and learn about our services. Wednesday - Thursday 1:30 - 3 p.m.
- Resumé and Job Search Blitz for student groups:
- Resumé Critiques - available all week by email or same-day appointment.
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