Community and Workplace Partnerships COVID-19 FAQs
Will I Still Be Able to Complete My Experiential Learning Opportunity in Winter 2023?
Yes! In most cases, students will still be able to complete placements, projects, and other experiences coordinated through the Community and Workplace Partnerships office in Winter 2023.
If your course involves a placement component, we expect to offer in-person opportunities with some continued options for remote/virtual placements as well.
Do I Have a Choice About Whether I Attend an In-Person Placement?
We do anticipate a return to in-person placements for the majority of courses but know that our community and employer partners still have remote and virtual opportunities to post as well. Students can work with their placement coordinator and/or their placement partner to determine the best option for them.
Can I Choose a Remote Placement Instead of an In-Person One?
For all CWP courses using a placement model of engagement remote/virtual options will be posted for your course in addition to in-person placements. Students will select a placement that they are comfortable with. We will also accept both remote and in-person self-initiated opportunities for most courses that have a placement component.
What Do I Do If I Don't Feel Safe Working Onsite at My Placement?
Students have the right to refuse work if they believe that the workplace is unsafe. If a student finds themselves in an unsafe situation or hazardous condition, they should not proceed with that work and should immediately report the hazard to their placement supervisor. If the student has addressed this situation with the placement supervisor, and still feels unsafe, the student should immediately stop work and notify their placement coordinator at Laurier, who will assist the student in navigating the work refusal.
What Insurance Coverage Does Laurier Provide if I Contract COVID-19 in a Placement Setting in Ontario?
For unpaid placements, there is no specific coverage related to COVID-19. If the placement organization has Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage for their own employees, the Student Trainees will have WSIB coverage through the Ministry of Colleges & Universities (MCU), which includes infectious disease coverage for COVID-19. If the placement organization does not have WSIB coverage for their own employees, the Student Trainees will have MCU coverage under Chubb private insurance. Chubb coverage does not include claims resulting from any infectious disease, including COVID-19.
Students need to understand that this may be a risk that is assumed when accepting a placement. Some placements will not have WSIB coverage, and alternative insurance coverage may need to be arranged.
Please note information regarding insurance for unpaid placements may change frequently and we will update as we receive updates from Safety, Health, Environment and Risk Management as well as General Counsel at Laurier.
What Happens if There is an Outbreak at My Placement Organization?
If there is an outbreak at your placement location, you will need to work with the placement supervisor and Laurier to determine if it is safe and appropriate for you to continue in the placement. If you want to continue and the agency has determined that it is safe for you and the people they serve to continue, Laurier will not prevent you from continuing with the placement. The placement organization always has the right to end a placement if they determine that continuing is not appropriate for you or the people they serve.
What Happens if There is an Outbreak at My Agency and My Placement Ends? Will I Lose My Academic Credit?
If an outbreak or other situation forces the placement partner to end or pause your placement, CWP staff will work with you and your professor to determine how you will meet your course requirements. In planning for in-person placements, we have already determined with professors what options students will have if they can no longer attend. Some of these include:
- Moving to a remote or virtual placement if the partner can offer it.
- Completing an academic assignment.
- Depending on how many hours you have completed at the time the placement is ended, it may be determined that you have already met requirements.
Do I Need to Bring My Own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to My Placement?
The standards for PPE vary based on the placement, the type of services provided by the placement, and the hazards present. If the placement organization requires any PPE in addition to the standard cloth masks, they are required to provide the necessary PPE for you to be safe in their setting.
Will I Need to be Tested for COVID-19 Before Beginning My Placement?
This will depend on the placement organization. Some organizations may require testing. You will need to follow up with the placement to determine their specific requirements, which could change over the term of your placement. This requirement will be noted on the placement posting.
If a placement organization requires placement students be vaccinated against COVID-19, this will be clearly noted on the placement posting and students can choose to apply for that placement if they wish.
If I Contract COVID-19 at My Placement Setting, Do I Need to Report This to Laurier?
Yes, if you contract COVID-19 at your placement you need to report this to your placement supervisor, and follow the protocols established at your placement site. You will also need to inform your placement coordinator at Laurier so that we can complete any further reporting for WSIB or insurance purposes. Your placement partner will then work with Laurier on addressing this issue.
How will I know if my host organization has a vaccination policy?
The placement coordinator/office that handles your experiential learning placement will ensure there is clear communication available to you about the requirements and your obligations related to vaccination against Covid-19 and/or mandatory disclosure of vaccination status and/or mandatory antigen testing. Placement organizations have requirements such as police checks, TB testing and other immunizations. This information is communicated to you by your placement coordinator/office early in the placement process. For new information related to COVID-19 vaccination policies please review communications sent by your placement coordinator/office and contact your agency for any clarifications. Vaccination requirements are no different from other requirements that you need to assess and accept as part of your consideration of a placement. It is your responsibility to contact your agency to determine any pre-placement requirements and processes. For any concerns about the requirements, please contact your placement coordinator/office.
If the host organization for my placement requires vaccination/disclosure of vaccination status, where/to whom do I provide this information?
In most cases, you will provide your personal health information and documentation to your placement organization. Each organization will have different requirements and processes for managing information/documentation. Your placement coordinator/office will provide as much information as possible about the process to you including the appropriate contacts within your host organization who can give you the details you need.
Can I request an accommodation or exemption from the requirements related to Covid-19 vaccination and/or antigen testing?
All organizations and agencies in Ontario are required to comply with the Ontario Human Rights Code and individuals may be entitled to accommodation from a mandatory vaccination requirement for a medical reason, disability or for creed/religion grounds. If you request and receive an accommodation, alternate learning activities within the placement, or a new placement may be an option. The appropriate placement coordinator/office will work with you and the placement organization to develop an accommodation plan, if possible, that still allows you to complete the required components for your program/course. As these Covid-19 requirements are recent, in some cases, there may be a delay to moving to a new placement setting or starting your placement. Your placement coordinator/office will support you in this process.
If I would like to request accommodation or exemption related to a mandatory vaccination requirement/policy, what do I do?
Contact your placement coordinator/office and they will work with you and your placement organization to determine how you can make this request. Please review all communications sent to you by your placement coordinator/office and/or your placement organization contact
My agency now requires a Covid-19 vaccination and/or antigen testing as a pre-placement requirement. Can they request this after my placement has already been confirmed?
Placement organizations are entitled to have their own policies and processes (subject to legal limits) and in many cases will have obligations and standards that go beyond what the university requires. Vaccination requirements are no different from other requirements that you need to assess and accept as part of your consideration of a placement.