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Generative AI Guidelines

Generative AI is a category of artificial intelligence (AI) tools that generate new outputs, based on the data on which they have been trained, in the form of images, text, audio, and more. Generative AI tools require enhanced caution and care in their use because any bias or incorrect information in the training data will be replicated in the content that is generated.

Generative AI tools predict what word or part of an image comes next based on its training data. This makes them good at predicting natural speech, but they are not thinking. You are still needed to do the synthesizing, evaluating, and understanding.

When the use of generative AI is permitted by your instructor or employer, use it to work with you, not for you.

Can I Use Generative AI Tools in My Course?

  • Each of your instructors will determine if and how generative AI can be used in their course. Read your course outlines and assignment instructions carefully.
  • If your instructor does not permit the use of generative AI in their course or in certain components of their course, it is considered academic misconduct if you use it.

Using Generative AI Tools

  • Generative AI tools will plagiarize directly from other sources. If you submit plagiarized work generated by a generative AI tool, you are responsible for the plagiarism and it is considered academic misconduct. This applies even if your instructor permitted the use of generative AI in the assignment.
  • Generative AI tools will generate incorrect information and will make up citations to sources that do not exist. You are responsible for the accuracy of any AI-generated content that you submit in a course.

When using generative AI tools:

  • You must cite and/or acknowledge the use of generative AI in any coursework: 
  • Don’t upload someone’s intellectual property into a generative AI tool without their permission. This includes, but is not limited to, course materials such as lecture notes, assignments, videos, quizzes, etc, articles, textbook chapters, and assignments completed by other students.
  • Maintain your data privacy and security. Don’t use your Laurier credentials (email address and password) when creating an account on a generative AI tool.

Acknowledgement Statements with Examples

Sample Statement

I acknowledge the use of [insert AI system(s) and link] to [specific use of generative artificial intelligence]. The prompts used include [list of prompts].

The output from these prompts was used to [explain use].

Example 1

I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT ( to generate materials for background research and self-study in the drafting of this assessment.

I entered the following prompts on [insert date]: Insert prompt.

Example 2

The output from the generative artificial intelligence was adapted and modified for the final response. I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT ( to generate materials that were included within my final assessment in modified form.

I entered the following prompts on [insert date]: Insert prompt.

Example 3

I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT ( to refine the academic language and accuracy of my own work. On [insert date] I submitted my entire essay [link to original document here] with the instruction to “Improve the academic tone and accuracy of language, including grammatical structures, punctuation and vocabulary”. The output [link to output] was then modified further to better represent my own tone and style of writing.

If Generative AI is Permitted or Required But Not Used

No content generated by generative AI has been used in this assessment.