Progress Issues
Progress issues is a type of appeal which includes:
- Extension to complete coursework.
- Change in registration status.
- Program milestones.
- Degree time limits.
- Failed courses, unsatisfactory progress, or requirement to withdraw.
Extension to Complete Coursework
Under calendar provisions, for courses with a defined beginning and end date, a course instructor may grant a student an extension to complete coursework to a maximum of one term for a registered student.
The instructor is responsible for reporting a grade of "INC" when final grades are due (the last date of each academic term), and for submitting a copy of the coursework extension form confirming approval of the request to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. A final grade must be submitted by the last date of the subsequent term of registration. If a final grade cannot be submitted by that deadline because the coursework remains incomplete, the student may submit an appeal to GSAC for a further extension before the original extension expires. The maximum extension to be requested is for one additional term.
Where the extension granted is for the final course (as defined above) required for the degree, no re-registration in that course is required for the duration of the instructor-approved extension (i.e. one term). If you do not complete the work within that approved extension period, any subsequent approval by GSAC may include the requirement to re-register.
If you wish to submit this type of appeal, you must clearly identify your requested outcome in the appeal (in question 4).
For example: “I request to be granted an additional extension to complete coursework for course [AB123] from the [Winter 202x] term to DD-MMM-YYYY [insert date].”
This type of appeal will require the following supporting documents for each course needing an additional extension:
- Fully completed GSAC petition form including all signatures.
- Course syllabus.
- Statement from the instructor detailing exactly what has been completed and what work is outstanding.
- A specific due date for the outstanding work to be received by the instructor (Example: Aug. 15, 2021).
- A timeline to completion of remaining work by the submission due date.
- Any relevant communication with the course instructor.
- Summary of Supports letter from the Accessible Learning Centre, if applicable.
- Proof of submission of any of the required coursework components.
- Other, as applicable and relevant to the circumstances.
Change in Registration Status
Graduate programs are designed to be completed on either a full- or part-time basis. When you accept an offer of either full- or part-time studies, you normally complete the degree program under the terms of the admission. Notwithstanding this expectation, there are circumstances that unexpectedly arise that require a change in registration status. Requests based upon unexpected medical grounds, caretaking duties, or full-time employment opportunities may be considered.
Depending on the qualifications and selection processes as outlined in the Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association Collective Agreement, some graduate students may receive a Contract Teaching Faculty (CTF) appointment to teach a course. Consult your academic unit for more information about CTF appointments. Doctoral students who are taking on one or more CTF appointments should be aware of the regulations surrounding these appointments and how this type of employment may necessitate a change in registration status.
The number of courses in which you are registered in any given term does not always impact registration status. Students who are undertaking their academic work off campus are ineligible to petition for inactive status as a result of being off campus (extended absences while registered full-time are permitted with approval and documentation).
If you wish to submit this type of appeal, you must clearly identify your requested outcome in the appeal (in question 4).
For example: “I request to be granted part-time status effective Spring 2021 for ‘one/two/three terms’ (S21 and F21) or ‘for the duration of the program.”
If applicable, documentation supporting such an exceptional circumstance may be required. For example, students who are admitted as full-time students and who engage in full-time work are required to submit documentation in support of their petition to move to part-time registration (i.e. a signed letter from the employer indicating the beginning and end date, if available, of the full-time position is required).
This type of appeal requires the following supporting documents (as applicable):
- Letter of employment/employment contract (you may redact private details such as salary).
- Medical documentation.
- Other, as applicable and relevant to the circumstances.
Program Milestones
The comprehensive examination is one of the most important milestones in a doctoral student’s program. You become a candidate for the doctoral degree only after the requirements of the comprehensive have been successfully completed. Inasmuch as doctoral programs have different requirements for the satisfaction of the comprehensive experience, the GSAC recognizes that timely completion of this experience is a key factor in ensuring your overall progress as a doctoral candidate. The maximum time available to complete the comprehensive experience from first term of registration is seven terms of full-time study. A request for additional time to complete the comprehensive requirement may be considered by the GSAC. A completed progress report for the current academic year must be on file in order for consideration to be given.
Consideration of program milestone petitions normally will be given a maximum of a one-term extension if extenuating circumstances warrant, and upon the conclusion of that one-term extension, the progress report must be updated and submitted with the appeal. Failure to complete the comprehensive requirement by the end of the eighth term of registration may result in the classification of “With Some Concerns 1” on your progress and activity report (whereupon the requirements for remedy under that process would apply).
You should include in the appeal the course code and description, and the timeline expectations per your program for the milestone in question. This type of request should include the progress and activity report (PhD students) and a timeline of completion for the period of extension being requested, demonstrating how you will use the additional time to work toward successful completion of the milestone.
If you wish to submit this type of appeal, you must clearly identify your requested outcome in the appeal (in question 4).
For example: “I request to be granted a one term extension (S21) to complete the xx milestone.”
This type of appeal will require the following supporting documents for each program milestone needing an additional extension:
- Fully completed GSAC petition form including comments and signatures from the advisor/course instructor and the graduate coordinator.
- A timeline to completion of remaining work by the submission due date.
- Summary of Supports letter from the Accessible Learning Centre (if applicable).
- Other, as applicable and relevant to the circumstances.
Degree Time Limits
The calendar policy on degree time limits apply. A completed and signed FGPS Action Plan is required, covering the time (e.g. number of terms) that is requested in the body of the appeal. For any subsequent appeals for degree time limits, the items listed in the prior action plan must be addressed in the body the appeal.
The following precedents are established by the GSAC and may be considered minor:
Master’s Students in a Full-Time Program with Normal Duration of Four or Fewer Terms
You will be required to complete the program requirements, including thesis defence (if applicable), in no more than six terms.
Requests (i.e. for a seventh term of registration or beyond) may be considered by the GSAC and may be granted in one-term (or full-time equivalent) increments only.
Master’s Students in a Full-Time Program with Normal Duration of Five or More Terms
You will be required to complete the program requirements in no more than nine terms.
Requests (i.e. for a tenth term of registration or beyond) may be considered by the GSAC and may be granted in one-term (or full-time equivalent) increments only.
Doctoral students
You may request extensions beyond 15 terms (or full-time equivalent) in total registration in the degree program.
Requests beyond 15 terms (or equivalent) may be considered by the GSAC and may be granted in no more than three-term (or full-time equivalent) increments. A current progress report must be on file in order for consideration to be given. Failure to complete the degree requirements by the end of the 18th term of registration would result in the classification of “with some concerns” on the student’s progress and activity report (whereupon the requirements for remedy under that process would apply).
Other Precedents
- Regardless of degree option, master’s students normally will not be permitted to extend their candidacy beyond five years of registration from the date of acceptance into the master’s program.
- Masters and doctoral students must be registered in the term in which their MRP/thesis/dissertation defence is held. Students who require registration in a semester beyond their approved time limit and whose defence has been set for that semester, are not required to petition for an extension of degree time limits. Verification of the defence date from the program is required in order for FGPS to approve a time ticket and waive the petition requirement.
To submit this type of appeal, you must clearly identify your requested outcome in the appeal (in question 4).
For example: “I request to be granted a two term extension to degree time limits for the S24 and F24 terms, to (last day of the last month of the term) e.g. Dec. 31, 2024.”
This type of appeal will require the following supporting documents (as applicable):
- Fully completed GSAC petition form including comments and signatures from the advisor/course instructor and the graduate coordinator.
- A completed and signed FGPS Action Plan covering the time (e.g. number of terms) that is requested in the body of the appeal.
- Summary of Supports letter from the Accessible Learning Centre, if applicable.
- Other, as applicable and relevant to the circumstances.
Failed Courses / Unsatisfactory Progress / Requirement to Withdraw
Calendar regulations outline the minimum grade requirements by level of study, and by program, as well as consequences (e.g. academic probation, repeating/replacing failed courses).
If you received an unsatisfactory progress report and the remedial period has expired, the program will advise the AVP and dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies that you are required to withdraw.
Doctoral students who attain a failing grade (as defined by the specific requirements of their program) are normally required to withdraw, a decision which may be the subject of an academic appeal.
A statement outlining the recommendation and the chronology of events leading to the recommendation (including evaluation reports) is submitted to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
The Dean will communicate the decision to you in writing. You will be given an opportunity to voluntarily withdraw from the program, and the Withdrawal Form must be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies within 10 calendar days from the date of the letter.
If you are required to withdraw and there is new informaiton to present, you may request reconsideration of that decision to GSAC.
This type of appeal will require the following supporting documents (as applicable):
- Fully completed GSAC petition form including all comments and signatures from the advisor/course instructor and the graduate program coordinator.
- A timeline of events.
- Course syllabus (for each course in question).
- MyLS summary of grades.
- Relevant email communication with course instructor/supervisor/graduate coordinator.
- Field placement details (if relevant).
- Evaluation feedback.
- A fully completed copy of the most recent Annual Progress Report, including all signatures.
- Medical documentation.
- Travel documents which confirm dates related to the appeal (private details redacted).
- Summary of Supports letter from the Accessible Learning Centre, if applicable.
- A plan detailing what supports will be accessed to ensure success if the appeal is granted.
- A timeline to completion of the work in question.
- Other, as applicable and relevant to the circumstances.