Appeal Form
The information on this page is designed to help you understand the information being asked for under each point of the Graduate Student Appeals form.
For assistance with compiling your appeal package, you can consult FGPS or support offices such as the Centre for Student Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (CSEDI) or the Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management.
How to Complete the Appeal Form
Specify the type of appeal you are presenting (e.g. Progress Issues – Extension to Complete Coursework).
What You Need to Know
Review the Types of Appeal page to know which appeal you need to present:
Select the type of appeal that most closely matches your request. If you are appealing more than one item, you can state “combination request,” and then list the types of appeals you are presenting.
Specify the academic regulation, process or requirement being appealed (related to the type of appeal you are presenting). Include the section and text from the regulatory source (e.g. graduate acaemic calendar).
What You Need to Know
State the regulation or deadline for which you need an exception.
- Go to the General Regulations link on the left-hand menu of the graduate calendar.
- Search through the sub-sections for information or a regulation that pertains to your appeal (e.g. Degree Program Time Limits or Registration Status, etc.).
Tip: Sometimes the information you need is found in the calendar under Course Offerings in your program, or in the Academic and Related Dates section, whereas other times you may find useful information on
Ask your supervisor, program graduate coordinator or program administrator, or email, for assistance if you are unsure what to include under this question.
Clearly and concisely describe your situation and indicate how your progression in the program has been impacted by the regulation, process or requirement. A timeline of events leading to this appeal may be useful. Where appropriate, include details such as course number, term, academic requirement, etc.
What You Need to Know
Explain the details of why you are submitting this appeal and how the decision will impact your progression in the program.
Only share details you are comfortable with others knowing, especially where it pertains medical information. For example: you might mention you were experiencing mental health concerns that moderately or severely impacted your progress, but you do not need to describe each symptom in detail.
Please note that any information shared as part of a petition will be kept confidential. If you are unsure how much to include under this question, contact
Tip: Some requests are very straightforward, and we don’t need a lot of detail. Other times, the situation is more intricate, so may require more detail for the GSAC to understand your circumstances and why you making your request, but again, only as much as you feel comfortable providing. See options for medical documentation in the next section, Supporting Documentation.
State the outcome that you are requesting from this appeal. Be specific.
What You Need to Know
It is important that your request to the GSAC is very clear and specific, and date-driven where applicable. This section should only include a very brief and to-the-point statement of what resolution you are seeking.
Tip: For ideas on how to form this statement, see the example statements under each Type of Appeal.
Submitting More Than One Request
You can sumbit more than one request at once by combining your requests on one appeal form. Under point four, number your requests using the following example:
- I request to be granted a change in registration status...
- I also request a one term extension to degree time limits...
Supporting Documentation
Each student appeal must contain:
- the completed and signed appeals form
- your Laurier email address (to which the decision will be communicated)
- any supporting documentation as outlined in the appeals form
If you are a doctoral student, you must submit a copy of your most recent annual progress report (including all signatures). Appeals concerning progress and degree time limits will not be considered without the progress report being available.
Examples of supporting documentation are provided on the Types of Appeals page. If you are still not sure what type of documentation you should provide after reviewing the information under your type of appeal, contact
Medical Documentation
Situations Based on Your Own Medical Situation
For situations where a petition is based on your own medical situation, medical documentation is normally required.
Where applicable, you must provide a letter or a supporting medical documentation form completed by your healthcare provider and it must pertain to the timeframe under appeal. Dates are particularly important, for example indicating onset of condition or expected time period of recovery and date of return to program (as applicable).
In some cases, it can also be helpful for the committee to receive and consider a summary of academic supports from the ALC, if you are registered with this service. Your ALC consultant can provide you with a Record of Information letter, which typically gives a brief summary of what supports are available to you without going into detail about your personal diagnosis.
Situations Based on a Family Member
Should the basis of the petition be on a medical/health condition of a family member (that is, not you the student), a diagnosis or specific medical information will not be required in the case for a third party.
However, you will be required to provide supporting verification regarding the third party medical/health condition in the form of a document from counseling services, a doctor or the Accessible Learning.
Signatures on the Appeal Form
The signatures required on the form should be applicable to your appeal and circumstances, such as:
- Your research supervisor/co-supervisors.
- Course instructor(s).
- Field placement/practicum supervisor.
- Graduate program coordinator.