Building hours and access
July 6, 2021
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Building hours and access at Laurier encompass a wide variety of safety and security requirements, operating conditions and stakeholders, all of which need to be considered in order to have an effective, efficient and impactful policy for Laurier and its campuses. As a result, Laurier’s Building Hours and Access Policy has been revised.
What does this mean for you?
- Always carry your OneCard with you to ensure you can access buildings and spaces. If you don’t have a OneCard, find out how to get yours.
- If you forget your OneCard and need to access a controlled or restricted building or space during office hours, contact Business and Facilities Operations at 519.884.0710 x6280.
- If you need after-hours access, including during holidays and university closures, contact the Special Constable Service:
- In Waterloo: 519.885.3333 (or x3333 with on-campus phones).
- In Brantford: 519.770.3778 (or x3333 with on-campus phones).
- Review the building hours schedule (accessible through the Campus Status page) and familiarize yourself with open, controlled and restricted hours:
- Open building hours: The building’s exterior doors are open to all, including students, employees and the public.
- Controlled building hours: The building’s exterior doors are locked to the public but may be opened by those with access using their OneCards.
- Restricted building hours: The building’s exterior doors are locked. Designated employees and students may access the building using their OneCards.
- New signs have been posted in front of Laurier buildings in Waterloo, Brantford and Kitchener directing you to the Campus Status page for the building hours schedule.
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