Grade Reassessment Request Form: Criminology

Prior to completing this form please review the detailed information about the final grade reassessment/appeal process.

Complete this form if you are requesting a grade reassessment for a Criminology course in the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. This form should be submitted by students when they can demonstrate that the grading criteria for an assignment were not applied correctly or there was an error in the calculation of their final grade.

The reassessment process is limited to concerns regarding the application of grading criteria to the work submitted, and/or the calculation of grades only.

Therefore, the following issues cannot be addressed through the grade reassessment process:

  • Procedural matters regarding the application of classroom, department or university policies (e.g., the application of late policies, changes to the syllabus, etc.)
  • Poor performance due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., sickness, family emergencies, etc.)
  • Dissatisfaction with the course structure, grading scheme, number of assignments, etc.
  • The instructor’s personality, demeanour, and/or attitude

These types of concerns should be directed to the faculty petitions committee or the department chair/program coordinator, as appropriate.

Grade reassessments must be submitted no later than six weeks following the formal release of grades from Enrolment Services.

If you wish to have multiple assignments re-assessed, please submit one form per assignment. Each request should contain its own unique explanation of why the assignment merits a grade higher than the one assigned. Do not copy and paste the same information across multiple requests.

If you have any questions, contact