Academic Petitions and Appeals
Note: The information on this page applies to undergraduate students only. Graduate students should follow the graduate student petitions process.
You should become familiar with the university's policies and procedures on petitions as stated in the undergraduate academic calendar. Carefully read all the information required and provided by the university with regards to petitioning. It is your responsibility to fully understand the requirements and the petitions process.
The Illness Self-Declaration Form can be used to request academic consideration for course work due to medical reasons, in lieu of a medical document.
This form will automatically be forwarded to the instructor teaching the course to support your request.
Academic Petition Process
There are two categories of petitions to a faculty petitions committee:
- An petition may be filed on the grounds that the normal faculty or university rules, calendar requirements and/or Senate-approved regulations have not been properly or fairly applied to your circumstances.
- You may request relief from a faculty or university rule, calendar requirement and/or Senate-approved regulation because of severe extenuating circumstances, such as medical or compassionate grounds. You cannot petition relief from a course policy.
In both types of petitions, a faculty's petitions committee will review your circumstances and supporting documentation and exercise its discretion to decide whether or not to grant an exception.
If you have questions regarding the petition process, arrange to meet with an academic advisor.
Petitions are commenced by submitting the appropriate petition form of the faculty in which you are registered. Students registered in double major programs across two faculties (e.g. Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts) will have a designated home faculty.
- Course specific petitions are usually submitted to the faculty that offers the course. This includes the extension to course work petition, the final grade appeal petition, third attempt in a course petition and a deferred exam petition.
- Students registered in double degree programs (e.g. Honours BA Financial Mathematics/Bachelor of Business Administration or Honours BSc in Computer Science/Honours Bachelor of Business Administration) may submit the petition to either faculty for review by the double degree petitions and regulations committee.
Petitions should be filed within six weeks of the onset of the issue impacting your academic success. Faculties may waive this deadline in special circumstances, which you must justifiably account for in your petition. Petitions will not be considered for students who have graduated from the university or who have left their studies at Laurier for circumstances that occurred prior to the granting of their degree.
Where appropriate, submit relevant documentation with your petition. Supporting documents must come from an official source and be specific to the dates of the applicable term.
All documentation is subject to confirmation. Fraudulent information and/or altered supporting documents provided on or with your petition submission is considered a serious academic offense and will result in immediate denial of your petition. Allegations of academic misconduct will also be considered by the associate dean for possible further penalties.
Documentation may include, but is not limited to:
- Medical or mental health documents (e.g. letter from a physician, counsellor, social worker, etc. – see below for details).
- Documents for appeals on compassionate grounds (e.g. published obituary notice, original note from funeral home, etc.).
- Supporting letter from Laurier personnel (e.g. dean of students, disability consultant, residence life manager, instructor, etc.).
- Legal documents.
Petition submissions may include a redacted version of documentation, in addition to a clean version. In the redacted version, the student name and WLU student ID number should be redacted. The redacted version of the documentation will be provided to the Petitions Committee, while the clean version will be reviewed by Petitions Committee Chairs and support staff to ensure validity. In the event that a redacted version of documentation is not provided, the clean version of documentation will be shared with the Petitions Committee. Student should contact the Petitions Committee should they wish to provide redacted versions of documentation.
Medical Documentation Expectations
Supporting medical documentation must contain the dates and reasons you were examined as well as the functional impact the illness has on learning and attending class.
Incomplete medical documentation will delay consideration of your petition or result in denial by the petitions committee. It is important to communicate these expectations to your medical professional(s) if your petition is being supported by medical documentation.
The Laurier Verification of Illness Form is preferred. Check with your faculty to see if alternate documentation, such as an original medical certificate, will be accepted. It is your responsibility to ensure that all requested information is included on your submitted medical documentation.
There is no guarantee that a filed petition will be approved. Each faculty's Petitions and Regulations Committee takes into account not only what is in the best academic interest of the student filing the petition, but also to what is fair and equitable for all students and what is allowable under university Senate regulations.
The faculty petitions committee will consider and decide all petitions within six weeks of the filing of the petitions, providing that all documentation and information required from the student are submitted with the petition.
You will receive the petition decision and its rationale in writing through an email to your Laurier student email account.
For information on appealing a Petition Committee decision, see the Senate Student Appeals procedures.
Academic petition decisions may have financial implications (i.e. financial aid or scholarship eligibility). Financial issues are not taken into account in the academic decisions made by a faculty's Petitions and Regulations Committee. The committees will not be held responsible for any financial implications of their decisions. Contact Service Laurier for more information on how your tuition or funding may be affected.
You may use the tuition fee appeal process to apply for any reversal or adjustment of tuition costs associated with a change in academic record.
Step 1: Informal Resolution
The course instructor bears primary responsibility for assigning the final grade. Students who believe that the final grade received in a course does not reflect their academic performance should informally consult with the course instructor. The instructor may review the final examination with the student.
Step 2: Final Grade Reassessment
If the course instructor is unavailable or if the student remains dissatisfied, an official request for a grade reassessment may be submitted to the chair of the department or equivalent. In the case where the chair is the instructor, the dean of the faculty shall assume the functions of the chair.
The request shall be filed in writing and shall contain a statement of the specific reasons for the belief that the grade does not reflect the student's academic performance in the course and must be accompanied by any relevant assignment or test which has been returned to the student. The student may review the final examination in the department office in order to prepare the official request. The request for grade reassessment shall be filed no later than six weeks following the formal release of grades from Enrolment Services.
The chair (or equivalent) shall provide the student with a written decision regarding the request for grade reassessment within four weeks of receipt of the official request.
- In the event the course is part of an interdepartmental major and not offered by a particular department (e.g. Canadian Studies), the coordinator of the program will act in the place of the chair.
- Faculty of Human and Social Sciences and Faculty of Liberal Arts students should begin by completing the appropriate form below, which will be forwarded to the program coordinator or the associate dean, who may act in place of the chair.
- Grade appeals for final exams pertaining to courses belonging to the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics can be requested by completing the Grade Appeal Request form.
Step 3: Faculty-Level Petitions
Students who remain dissatisfied with the department chair's decision may, after the release of the chair's decision, petition to the faculty petitions committee in which the course is owned.
A fee of $25 per course will be applied to the student's account if the faculty petitions committee denies the student's petition.
For more information, see the Grade Reassessment section of the undergraduate academic calendar.
Final Grade Reassessment Forms
Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
- Criminology Grade Reassessment Form
- Game Design and Development Grade Reassessment Form
- Global Crime and Justice Grade Reassessment Form
- Health Studies Grade Reassessment Form
- Leadership Grade Reassessment Form
- Policing Grade Reassessment Form
- Psychology (Brantford) Grade Reassessment Form
- Public Safety Grade Reassessment Form
Faculty of Liberal Arts
- Digital Media and Journalism Final Grade Reassessment Form
- English Final Grade Reassessment Form (Brantford)
- History Final Grade Reassessment Form (Brantford)
- Human Rights and Human Diversity Final Grade Reassessment Form
- Indigenous Studies Final Grade Reassessment Form
- Law and Society Final Grade Reassessment Form
- Social and Environment Justice Final Reassessment Form
- User Experience Design Final Grade Reassessment Form
- Youth and Children's Studies Final Grade Reassessment Form
Note: Waterloo campus students should use the appropriate petition form for a faculty-level petition. For a department-level final grade reassessment request (which should come first), submit your request to the department chair in letter form along with any supporting documentation.
A 12-week course may normally be added no later than 10 business days from the beginning of term lectures. For students taking a six-week course, the add deadline is normally 5 business days from the beginning of lectures.
After the last day to add courses for the term has passed, you may file a petition to request registration in a course. In the petition, you are expected to clearly explain why an exception should be made. The petition goes to the petitions committee in the faculty in which you are registered.
A late course registration request will not be granted if the course instructor is not supportive of the request. You should therefore provide written evidence of instructor support for the late addition of the course. Instructor support does not guarantee approval of a late add petition.
A late course registration request will not be granted if the course is at capacity or had a waitlist at the time of the add deadline.
It is your responsibility to monitor your LORIS account to ensure all student fees are paid on time. Tuition fees for a late add will be applied after your petition is deemed successful.
- See official academic and related dates in the academic calendar.
If you inadvertently withdraw from a course after the last day to add courses for the term, it may be possible under some circumstances to be readmitted without a petition. Contact your faculty for information. You may be required to submit validation from the professor that you have been actively participating in the course to date.
You may request withdrawal from a course(s) after the final day to drop without financial or academic penalty for the term if extenuating circumstances have impacted your ability to fully participate in the course(s). You are expected to clearly explain why an exception should be made. Original supporting documentation should be included with the petition, where applicable. You cannot request withdrawal from a course if the course has been completed and a final grade has been assigned.
If a late withdrawal appeal is granted, any tuition refund for the course(s) (if applicable) is based on the date and type of decision. Tuition refunds are not available for all course withdrawals. Not accountable terms and voluntary withdraw ("WD") petitions are not eligible for a tuition fee appeal.
If you wish to be considered for a tuition refund, you must follow the tuition fee appeal process. The outcomes of academic and tuition appeals are not related.
Withdrawing from a course after the deadline may change the number of courses on your transcript and could impact funding such as OSAP. Contact Service Laurier for more information on how your funding may be impacted.- See official academic and related dates in the academic calendar.
The third attempt at a course petition must be submitted to the petitions committee of the faculty that offers the course. However, for course MA129, students using it to fulfill requirements for a program offered by the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics (LSBE) must submit their petition to the LSBE Petitions Committee. If the course is used to fulfill requirements for programs outside of LSBE, the petition should be submitted to the Faculty of Science Petitions Committee.
University regulations state that no course may be attempted more than twice (including course exclusions). You may appeal for relief from this regulation in the circumstance that successful completion of the course is a requirement of the your desired program and/or if extenuating circumstances affected one of your first two attempts.
It is recommended that you meet with your academic advisor as a first step to discuss a third attempt petition. Your academic advisor can help you determine the appropriate timing and academic implications of a third attempt petition.
Successful petitions for a third attempt must include a third attempt petition learning plan. The learning plan will help you develop an action plan for success and must be reviewed by a learning consultant.
Steps for completing your learning plan:
- Download and complete the Learning Plan Reflection document for a third attempt petition.
- Upload your completed learning plan to the Learning Plan Appointment Request Form.
- You will be contacted by Student Success with your 30-minute appointment confirmation.
- After completing your appointment with a learning consultant, you can submit your learning plan along with your petition.
Please note that it may take up to 5 business days to schedule a learning plan appointment.
You are expected to clearly explain why an exception should be made. A third attempt petition will not receive favourable consideration if you are on academic probation. Original supporting documentation should be included with the petition, where applicable.
“Not Accountable” refers to a student not being held responsible for their grades for one (or more) term(s), where severe extenuating circumstances have affected their ability to fully participate in courses.
“Not Accountable” may be applied only when you have completed the courses and final grades have been assigned. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, you may not select the courses you wish to have deemed “Not Accountable” as such status is applied to an entire term.
You are expected to clearly explain why a "not accountable" term should be granted. Original supporting documentation should be included with the petition, where applicable..
We recommend you include details regarding your plan and the supports you have in place to ensure future academic success.
If a “Not Accountable” petition is granted, the courses in that term remain on your transcript with the phrase "Not Accountable" noted beside each final grade. However, the grades will not be calculated into your overall cumulative (and major, if applicable) GPA and the credits will not be used toward the completion of your degree requirements.
Students who are deemed “Not Accountable” are responsible for 100% of all tuition and incidental fees. A tuition fee appeal will not be granted.
Students should first discuss extension to course work requests with the course instructor.
You may petition for an extension to the due date(s) for course work beyond the last date of the term where extenuating circumstances have impacted your ability to complete the work by the instructor's set deadline. Petitions that may be approved, depending on the circumstances, include individually submitted course work such as essays, papers, and projects. Petitions that request extensions for the majority of coursework in a course will not be approved. Petition requests to extend deadlines for midterms, tests, quizzes, discussion posts, group work, lab attendance, and participation grades will not be approved. When extensions are granted, the Petitions Committee will determine a submission date for the late coursework; this date will typically not extend beyond the end of the deferred examination period.
A final examination deferral is not a petition for an extension to course work, see Deferred Exams.
Once the final grade of the course has been released, petitions to submit late work are typically not approved.
The extension to course work petition is submitted to the petitions committee in the faculty that offers the course.
In your petition, be sure to include:
- Relevant course materials, including the syllabus, communications with the instructor, and the course work in question (what has been completed, if applicable).
- Original supporting documentation.
- A clear explanation of why an exception should be made.
- A timeline for when the work can be submitted by.
Forms and Faculty-Specific Information
Note: See Final Grade Reassessments for grade reassessment forms from the faculties of Human and Social Sciences and Liberal Arts.
The form below alone does not contain all the information you need to submit your petition. You must carefully review all the information on this page as well as on the form itself before proceeding with your petition. In addition, see the following faculty-specific information.
- To facilitate the processing of the petition/appeal and to assist the associate dean or committee in reaching a fair decision, extenuating circumstances and related details must be fully disclosed and documentary evidence must be presented where applicable. A typewritten statement must submitted in addition to the petition form and documentation. The committee will not consider any petition until all of these have been submitted.
- Medical certificates must include date(s) of illness, the date(s) the individual was examined, the nature of the illness and the expected time of convalescence where pertinent. The Verification of Illness Form can be used.
- The committee’s decision will be conveyed via your myLaurier email address only. If you are expecting a response from the Petitions Committee, you must check your Laurier account.
The form below alone does not contain all the information you need to submit your petition. You must carefully review all the information on this page as well as on the form itself before proceeding with your petition. Meeting with your Academic Advisor prior to completing this form is strongly recommended.
The form below alone does not contain all the information you need to submit your petition. You must carefully review all the information on this page as well as on the form itself before proceeding with your petition. Meeting with your Academic Advisor prior to completing this form is strongly recommended.
The form below alone does not contain all the information you need to submit your petition. You must carefully review all the information on this page as well as on the form itself before proceeding with your petition. Meeting with your Academic Advisor prior to completing this form is strongly recommended.
The form below alone does not contain all the information you need to submit your petition. You must carefully review all the information on this page as well as on the form itself before proceeding with your petition. In addition, see the following faculty-specific information.
- All petitions shall be initiated by filing the appropriate forms and documentation not later than six weeks after the student has been advised of the decision to be appealed. The Faculty of Music petitions committee will consider and decide all petitions within six weeks from the date that the completed petition and documentation was received.
- Students are fully accountable for all course work until notified of the outcome of the petition.
- This form can be used to either petition for an academic regulation to be waived or to petition for an examination deferral due to extenuating circumstances.
Carefully review all information on this page, as well as the following faculty-specific information, before proceeding with your petition. All petitions shall be initiated by filing the online form not later than six weeks following the academic date/deadline that the petition concerns.
- Students registered in programs offered by the Faculty of Science (including Water Science and Environmental Health, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Geography, Kinesiology and Physical Education, Health Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Honours Science and General BA/BSc) must submit their online petition form and supporting documentation (if applicable) to the Office of the Vice Dean: Faculty of Science for most types of petitions. Exceptions include course-specific appeals (e.g., Third attempt at a course, Extension to Course Work, Grade Reassessment) which are submitted to the petitions committee in the faculty that offers the course.
- You must seek academic guidance through the Science Academic Advising office in advance of filing a petition to ensure that you understand the petition process, expectations, and implications of possible outcomes. You may connect with an Academic Advisor by completing the Faculty of Science Academic Advising Inquiry form.
- Most types of petitions require supporting documentation. If you are filing a petition on the grounds that an exceptional personal circumstance influenced your ability to meet course expectations, an academic deadline or academic standards, relevant dated documentation from an official source, specific to the term identified in the petition, is expected to be submitted with your petition form. An exceptional personal circumstance is a circumstance unique to you, beyond your control and due to no fault of your own (e.g., acute physical illness, mental health condition, serious injury, bereavement, traumatic event). Incomplete documentation will delay consideration of your petition. A lack of supporting documentation increases the likelihood that your petition will be denied by the Petitions & Regulations Committee. If you need additional clarification regarding the type of supporting documentation relevant to your personal circumstances, you may connect with your Academic Advisor or the Petitions and Curriculum Coordinator.
- Fraudulent or misleading information and/or altered supporting documents provided on or with your petition submission is considered a serious academic offenseand will result in immediate denial of your petition. Allegations of academic misconduct will also be considered by the Associate Dean for possible further penalties.
- Correspondence regarding your petition, including the decision of the Faculty of Science Petitions and Regulations Committee, will be conveyed through your myLaurier email address only. Upon submission of a petition, you should check your Laurier email account regularly.
- Complete the online Faculty of Science Petition for Exception to Academic Regulations form and upload/attach scanned supporting documentation (if applicable). Incomplete forms will be returned. Photos of documents will not be accepted.
The form below alone does not contain all the information you need to submit your petition. You must carefully review all the information on this page as well as on the form itself before proceeding with your petition. This form can be used to either petition for an academic regulation to be waived or to petition for an examination deferral due to extenuating circumstances. Meeting with your Academic Advisor prior to completing this form is strongly recommended.
At Laurier, we are committed to helping you reach your goals. We understand that sometimes regulations meant for all students will not be appropriate for every student.
Grade Appeal Request
Please thoroughly review Grade Appeals information above before completing the Grade Appeal Request form. This form is used to appeal your final grade in a course and includes regrading all of the course work done in the course (not just the final exam). There is no formal mechanism to regrade just the final exam.
The form below alone does not contain all the information you need to submit your petition. You must carefully review all the information on this page as well as on the form itself before proceeding with your petition. As noted above on this web page related to documentation, in addition to the signed petition form itself, you must provide a personal statement explaining why you are submitting the petition and if appropriate to the context, medical documentation. In addition, see the following faculty-specific information below related to each petition type.
- Single Degree BBA/Econ. Lazaridis Petitions,
- Lazaridis WLU/UW Double Degree Petitions,
Late Add Of A Course
When requesting to register for a course after the official deadline, you must meet the following requirements:
- Complete the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics Petition for Exception to Academic Regulations form for a late add and you must include a letter/printed email of support from the instructor of the class which you wish to add. The instructor’s support should explicitly state that they agree to allow you into the class late, and ideally, that you have been attending the class. We do not favorably consider requests for late registration in classes with wait lists
- Include a personal statement explaining your circumstances.
- Ensure you are not exceeding the 3.0 credit limit per term.
Late Drop Of A Course
When requesting to withdraw from a course after the official deadline, you must meet the following requirements:
- Complete the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics Petition for Exception to Academic Regulations form and include a personal statement explaining your circumstances and either a letter/printed email from the instructor noting you have not participated in the class or medical documentation demonstrating a change in circumstance that prevented success in the class.
- Include a supporting documentation; must come from an official source, and be specific to the dates of the applicable term.
- Only courses where the final examination has not been written will be considered for a late withdraw.
- Late drop petitions will only be considered up until the last day to drop a course of the following term. For example, if you have not written a final exam for a Winter course then you have until the last day to drop a course of the Spring term to submit a petition.
Final Exam Deferral
Deferred final exam petitions for courses offered by the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics are submitted to the petitions coordinator using Lazaridis Deferrals, The petition form should be submitted with all supporting documentation included. For more information, see deferred exams.
Having A Semester Deemed Not Accountable
A petition to have a semester deemed not accountable requires supporting documentation clearly dated by a professional and covering the timeframe in question. Your petition must include your plan to ensure academic success.
Third Attempt Of A Class
Petitions for a third course attempt must include the support of the instructor and academic advisor. The committee also needs to see a learning plan (as mentioned above in "Third Attempt at a Course"), which will outline why you will be successful this time when you were not before. These requests are seldom approved.
Use the form below to petition academic decisions at Martin Luther University College, formerly Waterloo Lutheran Seminary. The form below alone does not contain all the information you need to submit your petition. You must carefully review all the information on this page and on the form itself before proceeding with your petition.