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Academic Petitions and Appeals

Note: The information on this page applies to undergraduate students only. Graduate students should follow the graduate student petitions process.

You should become familiar with the university's policies and procedures on petitions as stated in the undergraduate academic calendar. Carefully read all the information required and provided by the university with regards to petitioning. It is your responsibility to fully understand the requirements and the petitions process.

The Illness Self-Declaration Form can be used to request academic consideration for course work due to medical reasons, in lieu of a medical document.

This form will automatically be forwarded to the instructor teaching the course to support your request.

Academic Petition Process

There are two categories of petitions to a faculty petitions committee:

  • An petition may be filed on the grounds that the normal faculty or university rules, calendar requirements and/or Senate-approved regulations have not been properly or fairly applied to your circumstances.
  • You may request relief from a faculty or university rule, calendar requirement and/or Senate-approved regulation because of severe extenuating circumstances, such as medical or compassionate grounds.  You cannot petition relief from a course policy.  

In both types of petitions, a faculty's petitions committee will review your circumstances and supporting documentation and exercise its discretion to decide whether or not to grant an exception.

If you have questions regarding the petition process, arrange to meet with an academic advisor.

Types of Exceptions to University Undergraduate Academic Regulations

You may submit a petition for, but not limited to, the following reasons.

Forms and Faculty-Specific Information

Note: See Final Grade Reassessments for grade reassessment forms from the faculties of Human and Social Sciences and Liberal Arts.