Reasons why you should do an honours thesis (PS499)
There are many different reasons why you might want to do an honours thesis (PS499) during your time with the Department of Psychology.
An Opportunity to Apply Your Knowledge and Skills
Completing an honours thesis is a great opportunity to learn more about the research process and apply knowledge and skills you have been developing throughout your studies in different content, methods and statistics classes.
The thesis project can also be a great way to see if you enjoy conducting research. Indeed, the honours thesis is a great idea if you are thinking about applying to a graduate program in psychology because it will give you a chance to see if you like conducting research and will also strengthen your application by giving you hands-on research experience to talk about in your application.
Building Connections
Another thing you will gain through the honours thesis program are valuable connections to faculty and other students.
Connections with Faculty Members
During this process, you will develop a meaningful mentorship relationship with your supervisor that can be valuable to you even after you finish your thesis.
The connections you will make with both your supervisor, and also, the instructor of the PS499 seminar can be very useful if you choose to apply to a graduate program, as both of these faculty members may be able to write you a strong letter of support speaking to your abilities to conduct research, think critically, and work with others.
Connections with Students
Beyond the close mentorship you will receive, you will also be in a seminar class with all the other PS499 students where you will learn about key elements of the research process, give feedback to each other on your research projects, and learn about other valuable career-building skills like applying to graduate school.
A Building Block to Apply for Grad School
If you are planning to apply to graduate programs in psychology, one thing to note is that some psychology programs require a thesis. There are also many other ways to gain research experience; for example, by volunteering in a lab. Check online or contact individual graduate programs in which you are interested to find out how you need to prepare to be a strong candidate for their programs.
Ready to Apply?
If you're interested in learning more about the honours thesis (PS499), find all the details along with information on how to apply on the Honours Thesis page.