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First-Year Program Requirements: Options and Minors (Brantford)

The following information is part of Step 1: Program Requirements of the Course Registration Guide for options and minors for first-year students in Brantford. To view the remaining steps, consult the Course Registration Guide.



A minor is a secondary area of concentration in a subject that is different from your major. Minors are a great way for you to pursue other areas of interest and fully customize your degree.

Most minors require 3.0 credits. The courses provided below will start you off on the right track towards a minor, but be sure to consult the undergraduate academic calendar for course selection in future years of your program.


Similar to minors, options are a great opportunity to turn elective courses into a focused area of study.

An option is an enhanced minor, normally consisting of 4.0 credits, and will require a higher GPA than a minor (usually a 6.0 or 7.0 GPA). Consult the undergraduate academic calendar for course selection in future years of your program. The courses below will provide you with a good start toward the requirements.

Finding it hard to pick just one? You can complete a minor and an option. You can also complete two minors. If you are considering pursuing multiple minors or want to complete both a minor and an option, be sure to consult with academic advising. Their advice will direct you on the path to graduation.

First-Year Requirements for Brantford Campus Minors and Options

Business Technology Management Option

  • MB105
  • MB115
  • EC120 or EC140


To declare this option, you must achieve a GPA of 6.0 (C+) in MB105 and MB115. A GPA of 5.0 (C) is required in the EC course(s).

Computer Science Minor

  • CP104
  • CP164

Criminology Minor

  • CC100
  • CC102


Consider taking some 200 level CC courses of interest, such as CC200, CC202, CC203, CC205, CC211, CC212 or CC215. They can be used toward the minor as well.

English Minor

  • EN111
  • EN119

Education Minor

  • EM101
  • EM202
  • EM203


Consider taking YC100 or EN285 as they can be used toward the minor.

Game Design and Development Minor or Option

  • DD101
  • DD102


  • GG101
  • GG102


All GG courses are available through online learning only.

Global Crime and Justice Certificate


  • UNDC100 and/or UNDC201 and/or UNDC202 and
  • UNDC101 and/or UNDC103 and/or UNDC203


  • UNDC100 and/or UNDC101 and/or UNDC205 and
  • UNDC102 and/or UNDC200 and/or UNDC204


The certificate in Global Crime and Justice consists of 2.0 credits and can be added to any degree. All UNDC courses are only offered online.

All UNDC courses are 0.25 credits and run for 6 weeks of a term. Course sections of OCA will run in the first 6 weeks of the term, and course sections of OCB will run in the last 6 weeks of the term. You should choose at least 2 UNDC courses per term (1 OCA and 1 OCB) to ensure that you complete a 0.5 credit in each term.

Heath Studies Minor

  • HS101 and/or
  • HS102


Consider taking HS200 (email Brantford Campus Advising for an override), HS203 or HS227 as they all can be used toward the minor.

HS103 cannot be counted toward the minor.
Students in the Health Management Program and the Applied Health Sciences Program cannot complete this minor.

History Minor

  • Choose 2 from: HI124, HI127 and HI199

Human Rights Minor

  • HR100


Consider taking HR163. This course is not required but can be counted towards the minor.

Indigenous Studies Minor

  • ID120


Consider taking ID100. This course is not required but can count towards the minor.

International Development Option

  • HR163


While you can take EC140 in your first year, it is recommended to take it in second year, after having taken HR163.

Consider taking HS203 as it can be used toward the option.

Students in the Human Rights & Human Diversity program cannot complete this option but can complete the International Development specialization.

You cannot complete both the International Development Option and the International Policy Option.

International Policy Option

  • EC120
  • HR163


While you can take EC140 in your first year, it is recommended to take it in second year, after you have taken HR163.
You cannot complete both the International Policy Option and the International Development Option.

Law Option

  • LY100

Law and Society Minor

  • LY100
  • LY101

Leadership Minor or Option

  • OL140


OL101 can also be taken toward the minor or option.

Philosophy Minor

  • PP110


Consider taking PP111 through online learning as it can be used toward the minor.

Physical Forensics Minor

  • HS103


Students in the Applied Health Science program cannot complete this minor, but can complete a Physical Forensics Specialization.

Policing Minor

  • PD200
  • PD201


Consider taking CC100 as it is a prerequisite for some future courses you can take toward the minor.

Politics and Public Policy Option

  • PO101


Students in the Law and Society program cannot complete this option, but they can complete the Politics and Public Policy Specialization.

Psychology Minor

  • PS101
  • PS102

Public History Minor

  • HI124


Consider taking AR101 (OC), DMJN202 or UX100 as they can be used as optional requirements toward the minor.

Public Safety Minor or Option

  • SAFE210
  • SAFE220


All SAFE courses are available through online learning only.

Social and Environmental Justice Minor

  • SOJE100
  • ID120

Social Innovation Minor

  • UX103

Teaching Option

  • EM110


Consider taking EM101, EM202 or EM203 as they are courses that can count toward the option.

Youth and Children’s Studies Minor

  • YC100

Youth and Children: Texts and Contexts Minor

  • YC100
  • Choose 1 course from: EN111 or EN119

User Experience Design Minor

  • UX100
  • UX103

Next Step: Choose Your Electives

Now that you've determined your program requirements, it's time to move to Step 2: Choose Your Electives to plan and select your electives.