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Step 2: Choose Electives

Note: The following information represents requirements for the 2024/25 academic calendar year. The Course Registration Guide will be updated for the 2025/26 academic year mid-May.

Electives are are outside of the required courses listed for your program. All programs require students to choose electives to complete their degree, but the number of electives you need to take will depend on your program, and what you choose to take is up to you – you can even take electives outside of your faculty!

Find Electives

Go to Browse Classes to search for electives using the criteria below along with the discipline codes chart. 

Choose an Elective

Electives are a great opportunity for you to expand your knowledge and explore various areas of interest. It is a good idea to create a list with more possible electives than you will need, just in case scheduling constraints, high enrolment or course restrictions limit some of your options.

Choosing electives may seem overwhelming at first, but there are a few things you can consider to make the process easier:

  • Customize your degree with Options and Minors (or both!). Check the program's requirements for an option or minor and choose courses that can be used to complete it. 
  • Search for electives that align with your passions outside of the classroom or subjects that you enjoyed in high school.
  • Think ahead to your career and further education goals. Are there certain prerequisites that you will need to complete in order to apply? (i.e. Law School, Teacher Education, Medical School, CPA requirements etc.).
  • Review your program’s suggested electives in Step 1 of the Course Registration Guide or the Academic Calendar.
  • Consider course availability (term offered, delivery method, prerequisites, restrictions etc.) and search for electives that allow you to balance your schedule around required courses and personal commitments. Ideally each of your terms will have both required and elective courses.
  • Check your program’s year level limits to ensure that your elective choices will not exceed the maximum number of 100 level credits allowed in your degree.

Discipline Codes

Legend for Campus: 

  • B: Brantford
  • M: Milton
  • O: Online
  • W: Waterloo
Code Discipline Campus Faculty
AN Anthropology O, W Faculty of Arts
AB Arabic W Faculty of Arts
AR Archaeology and Heritage Studies O, W Faculty of Arts
AF Arts Faculty W Faculty of Arts
AS Astronomy O, W Faculty of Science
BI Biology B, O, W Faculty of Science
BU Business B, O, W Lazaridis School of Business and Economics
MB Business Technology Management B, M Lazaridis School of Business and Economics
CH Chemistry B, W Faculty of Science
GC Christian Studies and Global Citizenship B, O, W Martin Luther University College
CS Communication Studies O, W Faculty of Arts
CP Computer Science B, M, O, W Faculty of Science
CC Criminology B, M, O, W Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
KS Cultural Studies O, W Faculty of Arts
DATA Data Science W Faculty of Science
DH Digital Humanities W Faculty of Arts
DMJN Digital Media and Journalism B, W Faculty of Liberal Arts
EC Economics B, O, W Lazaridis School of Business and Economics
EM Education Minor O Faculty of Education
EN English B, O, W Faculty of Arts
ES Environmental Science O, W Faculty of Science
ENTR Entrepreneurship B, O, W Lazaridis School of Business and Economics
FS Film Studies W Faculty of Arts
FR French O, W Faculty of Arts
DD Game Design and Development B, O Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
GG Geography O, W Faculty of Science
GESC Geography and Environmental Studies O, W Faculty of Science
GL Geology W Faculty of Science
GM German W Faculty of Arts
UNDC Global Crime and Justice O Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
GS Global Studies O, W Faculty of Arts
HE Health Science W Faculty of Science
HS Health Studies B, O Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
HI History B, O, W Faculty of Arts
HR Human Rights and Human Diversity B, O, W Faculty of Liberal Arts
ID Indigenous Studies B, O, W Faculty of Liberal Arts
UU Interdisciplinary O, W Interdisciplinary
INED International Education Studies W Faculty of Arts
IT Italian W Faculty of Arts
KP Kinesiology W Faculty of Science
LL Languages and Literatures W Faculty of Arts
LY Law and Society B Faculty of Liberal Arts
OL Leadership B, M, O, W Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
MA Mathematics B, M, O, W Faculty of Science
ML Medieval Studies W Faculty of Arts
MI Mediterranean Studies Faculty of Arts
MU Music O, W Faculty of Music
MZ Muslim Studies W Faculty of Arts
NO North American Studies O, W Faculty of Arts
PP Philosophy  B, O, W Faculty of Arts
PC Physics W Faculty of Science
PD Policing O Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
PO Political Science B, W Faculty of Arts
PS Psychology B, M, O, W Faculty of Science
SAFE Public Safety O Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
RE Religion and Culture O, W Faculty of Arts
SKRT Sanskrit W Faculty of Arts
SC Science B, O, W Faculty of Science
SE Social Entrepreneurship  O, W Faculty of Arts
SOJE Social and Environmental Justice B, O Faculty of Liberal Arts
SK Social Work B Faculty of Social Work
SY Sociology O, M, W Faculty of Arts
SP Spanish W Faculty of Arts
ST Statistics W Faculty of Science
UX User Experience Design B, M, O, W Faculty of Liberal Arts
WS Women and Gender Studies O, W Faculty of Arts
YC Youth and Children's Studies B, O, W Faculty of Liberal Arts

Next Step: Build Your Timetable

In steps one and two, you've taken note of all the required courses and electives you are taking. It's time to move to Step 3: Build Your Timetable.