Student Exchange Program Information Sessions
Enhance your Laurier degree by participating in the Student Exchange Program which allows you to study abroad at one of our 70+ partner institutions around the globe!
This session will cover:
- Why go on exchange
- Program eligability
- Where you can go
- When you can go
- How the credit transfer process works
- Costs (pay your tuition to Laurier!)
- Next steps to applying
This information session is appropriate for students in first, second, third and fourth year. Presented by Laurier International staff. Email for more information.
Students are required to watch an info session before applying for the Student Exchange Program.
- Waterloo WAT Click this tab to view content pertaining to Waterloo
- Brantford BRANT Click this tab to view content pertaining to Brantford
All information sessions are offered virtually via Zoom and are approximately 1-hour in length.
- Thursday, Sep.12 | 1p.m. EDT - General (excluding LSBE students)
- Thursday, Sept. 26 | 11a.m. EDT - LSBE students only
- Thursday, Oct. 10 | 11a.m. EDT
- Tuesday, Oct. 22 | 1p.m. EDT
- Tuesday, Nov. 12 | 12p.m. EDT
- Thursday, Nov. 28 | 1p.m. EDT
- Thursday, Dec. 12 | 1p.m. EDT
- Tuesday, Jan. 7 | 1p.m. EDT
To view a previously recorded information session, please review the announcments posted on Journey.
All information sessions are offered virtually via Zoom and are approximately 1-hour in length. Students from all faculties are welcome to attend any session.
- Thursday, Sep. 12 | 1 p.m. EDT
- Tuesday, Sep. 24 | 10 a.m. EDT - Focus on Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
- Wednesday, Oct. 9 | 12 p.m. EDT - Fccus on Faculty of Science
- Friday, Oct. 25 | 10 a.m. EDT - Focus on Faculty of Liberal Arts
- Tuesday, Nov. 5 | 1 p.m. EST - Focus on Faculty of Education
- Thursday, Nov. 21 | 10 a.m. EST - Focus on Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work
- Tuesday, Dec. 3 | 1 p.m. EST - Focus on Identity, Inclusion, and Accessibility while abroad
- Monday, Dec. 16 | 12 p.m. EST - Focus on Studying in Non-traditional locations
- Wednesday, Jan. 15 | 12 p.m. EST
To view a previously recorded information session, please review the announcments posted on Journey.