Outbound Exchanges
The student exchange program allows you to study abroad for a term or full academic year at one of 70 exchange partner institutions around the world. Apply by January 30, 2025 to study abroad in 2025-26 (late applications for Winter 2026 exchanges accepted until May 16).
Please note the Exchange Application will open on October 7-11, 2024.
We support you every step of the way with support and guidance before, during and after the application process, as well as with pre-departure sessions and gatherings for returning exchange students.
Visit the International Opportunities Fair on Tuesday November 20, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00p.m. to meet exchange students and learn more about the program! Drop-in to the Concourse in Waterloo.
On this page:
Why Study Abroad?
Travelling abroad has many personal benefits like learning about other cultures, meeting people from around the world, and challenging yourself. There are also career benefits as you can network while abroad, as well as demonstrate to employers that you are resilient and a capable problem-solver.
Studying abroad helps you gain a new perspective about your field of study and experience a new way of learning.
Maya’s favourite part of exchange was meeting different people with various personalities, cultures, and backgrounds. It great to go into a situation without knowing anything or having much planned because it is a fresh start.
Explore and research our partner institutions to discover where you can study abroad. You have a high chance pf being placed with an institution as there are up to eight spots in each of our 70 institutions.
Here are some things to consider when choosing an institution for an exchange:
- The term dates at the institution.
- If you need to return to Canada for the next term for school, co-op or work, and if the institution's term dates will impact this.
- Courses available to you as an exchange student.
- Student services and support, and if you need to register in advance to access any services.
- The cost of living where the institution is located and how that relates to your budget.
- Residence and housing options, and what is available to exchange students.
- Safety.
- Your own preferences, including the size and location of the campus, the overall student population, the number of international students as well as the city and country location.
You can go on exchange in your third, fourth or fifth year. The general requirements to go on exchange are:
- Complete a minimum of 10 credits before participating.
- Have a minimum GPA of 7.0, based on your cumulative GPA (meaning we will consider all grades earned during your time at Laurier).
- If your GPA is between 6.0 and 6.9, you must have a GPA Waiver Form signed by your academic advisor and submitted with your application.
Review the information below for other requirements that you may need to meet.
International Students
Eligible to study abroad but will pay international student fees to Laurier.
You must investigate the implications to your study permit and visa requirements to travel to the host country. Contact an International Student Advisor for more information and guidance.
Co-op Students
You can choose one study abroad term unless you choose to do a co-op work placement abroad for a second term. There are more opportunities to go abroad in the fall because there are more partner institutions with corresponding term dates.
Contact your co-op coordinator to determine the best time to go on exchange.
Part-Time Students
You are eligible to go on exchange, but you must be enrolled in full-time studies at the host institution. An exception is if you are registered with Laurier's Accessible Learning Centre for a reduced course load, then you may take a reduced course load on exchange and pay your usual tuition instead of full-time tuition for your exchange term.
Program-Specific Requirements
Check your program requirements because some programs may have specific requirements and/or restrictions when it comes to an exchange.
Business Students
You are eligible to study abroad during your fourth or fifth year. It is not possible to go on exchange in your third year.
Communication Studies and Economics Students
You are eligible to study abroad, and recommended that you do so during your third year.
Laurier-University of Waterloo Double Degree Students
As a double-degree with UW, you can apply to both UW and Laurier exchanges if you wish, or just one or the other. You should:
- Consult with academic advisors at both institutions regarding your exchange.
- Have academic advisors from both institutions sign your departmental approval form for your Laurier exchange application.
- Pay your tuition for your exchange term to your home institution.
For double-degree BBA students going through Laurier's Student Exchange Program, regarding courses on exchange, Laurier International recommends you to:
- Take as many electives abroad as you can.
- Plan to take business courses if you’re doing an exchange through Laurier since few of our partners offer computer science and math courses abroad.
Amy recommends that anyone thinking of going on exchange to just do it, because you do not want to miss out on all that the world has to offer.
Before you apply for the student exchange program, you must attend the information session.
These sessions are hosted in person and virtually to provide you with more information about the program.
The upcoming sessions are listed here and more will be announced shortly.
Other resources you can refer to include:
- Academic requirements including course equivalency and convocation.
- Applying to graduate school while on exchange.
- Studying abroad costs and housing.
To help you prepare for the student exchange program, you can consult with support areas with any questions you have.
The student abroad advisor (Waterloo campus) and global engagement coordinator (Brantford campus) can help with the following:
- Referring you to pre-departure resources.
- Selecting an exchange destination that fits your program.
- Selecting the correct number of courses to study abroad.
- Support while you are abroad.
- Upon your return, re-entry debriefing and credit transfers.
Your academic advisor can help with:
- Advising which may be the best term for you to go on exchange.
- Advising which courses you need to complete your degree. Before meeting with your advisor, review your course requirements through MyDegree and the academic calendar. It is ultimately your responsibility to ensure program requirements are met.
- After you've been accepted to the Student Exchange Program, your advisor will help with assessing which foreign courses would count as Laurier equivalent courses or electives.
If you're in co-op:
- Ask your co-op coordinator which may be the best term for you to go on exchange.
- Look for partner institutions that have term dates similar to Laurier's term dates. For example, you cannot attend an institution abroad from January to May if you need to be in school at Laurier in May, or on a co-op term that starts in May. Look for institutions with term dates that are September to December or January to April.
Laurier is committed to making your participation in the student exchange program safe, accessible and responsive to your needs, such as:
- disabilities
- health conditions (e.g. allergies, diabetes, Crohn's disease, etc.)
- mental health diagnosis (e.g., anxiety, depression, panic disorder, obsessive compusive disorder, etc.)
- supports related to sexual, gendered, racialized or other types of violence
When you inquire about exchange opportunities:
- do not specify your disability, mental health or medical diagnosis
- do not disclose any sensitive and private information
- only provide information about the accommodations and supports you require
Connect with the Accessible Learning
You can connect with Accessible Learning about exchange opportunities. A consultant can:
- discuss what you can expect during an exchange (services abroad may be different from Laurier)
- make plans with you about specific accommodations and supports
- summarize your accommodations in a letter that you can forward to the host institution
Reduced Course Load
After you are accepted to the Student Exchange Program, if you are registered with the Accessible Learning Centre for a reduced course load, please email exchange@wlu.ca to confirm what your usual course load is. Laurier International will inform Service Laurier so you are billed tuition for your usual reduced course load.
If you would like to take a reduced course load on exchange and are not registered with the ALC, please email exchange@wlu.ca to learn about your options.
On-Campus Accommodations
Some host institutions may offer on-campus accommodations. Make note that:
- Host institution accommodation forms must be completed and returned to qualify.
- Host institution deadlines for applications must be met.
- Any questions regarding accommodations must be directed to the host institution.
- You can apply to host institution accommodations only after you've been accepted to Laurier's Student Exchange Program.
Off-Campus Living
Your host institution will suggest housing locations and property management companies to help you start your housing search. Many students live off-campus while on exchange, and often with other exchange students.
Exchange Costs
Laurier tuition: You must pay full-time tuition and fees to Laurier based on 2.5 Laurier credits per term while you are on exchange. If you are registered with Laurier's Accessible Learning Centre to take a reduced course load then you will pay your usual reduced course load tuition while on exchange. If you take more than 2.5 credits, there will be additional fees.
Partner institution fees: There may be some incidental fees to pay at the partner institution like a bus pass, gym pass, etc. You may be required to buy health insurance from the host institution.
Laurier International fees: There is a $30 application fee to apply to the Student Exchange Program. If you are offered an exchange placement, there is a $110 placement fee to secure your space in the program.
Consider Extra Costs
As you do your research on exchange destinations, make sure you take extra costs in addition to tuition and fees into consideration (e.g., flights, accommodations abroad, passport and visa expenses, emergency funds, local transportation, immunizations, etc.).
Financial Assistance
You have some financial assistance options to help fund your exchange:
- If you are receiving OSAP and going on an exchange:
- You will retain your eligibility for OSAP.
- You must notify the Financial Aid Office with your intent to study abroad.
- Exchange scholarships and awards
- Global Skills Opportunities Grants (GSO), with awards starting at $2,000.
Apply for an Exchange
When you're ready to apply, you'll find the application and all supporting documents in Journey, Laurier's system for travellers.
These key dates and deadlines will help you plan when you will study abroad. Applications are typically due in January for exchanges occuring in the following academic year.
Jump to dates and deadlines for exchanges in the following term:
Fall 2025
- Jan. 30, 2025 at 4 p.m.: Final deadline for fall 2025 exchange applications.
Winter 2026
- Jan. 30, 2025 at 4 p.m.: First deadline for winter 2026 exchange applications.
- May 15, 2025 at 4 p.m.: Final deadline for winter 2026 exchange applications (selection limited to institutions still available after first round).
Collect Your Documents
Before you submit your application, prepare all the components that are essential to your application including: Exchange Course Planning Tool, passport copy, Laurier student exchange participant agreement, budget information, letter of motivation answers, etc. Allow more than an hour to fill out the application. Often applicants work on the application over a number of weeks or months.
Contact Your References
If you're considering applying to go on exchange, we advise that you send requests to your reference right away, to help make sure it is submitted by the deadline.
For your application to apply to go abroad, you must have one reference. The reference can be one academic OR one non-academic (it is your choice). Submitting more than one reference will not provide any additional advantage. To ensure a fair process, only one reference will be reviewed, even if multiple are submitted.
- Academic references must be an instructor from Laurier – a professor, teaching assistant, instructional assistant, or lab instructor.
- Non-academic references can be anyone who is not related to you or a friend of yours, such as a coach from a sports team or employers (past or present).
To submit your reference:
- Enter your references' contact information in Journey.
- The reference will receive an automated email to log in to Journey and answer a few questions about how they know you, and if they recommend you for a study abroad experience.
- You will know the reference is done when you see "complete" in the reference section of your Journey application.
Before you apply, you must attend the mandatory information session.
In your application you can apply to up to four institutions and we aim to place as many students as possible.
To apply for an exchange:
- Submit an Exchange Course Planning Tool form.
- Log in to Journey by clicking the purple "log in" button and use your Laurier single sign-on.
- Apply for one to four institutions depending on how many schools interest you. Complete one application for all institutions that interest you.
Matching to a host institution and Placement Offer Process
Laurier International will check each application to make sure it is complete and that you have met the eligibility requirements. When matching applicants to a host institution:
- Students with the highest GPA are matched first with their first host institution choice.
- Applicants are ranked by GPA and then assigned one exchange institution offer.
- It will not strengthen your application if you have more than one reference. Only one is required.
- All applications are considered equally regardless of whether the application is submitted on or before the application deadline.
- If there is a “tie” where there are two applicants and only one space left, Laurier International staff will re-review each application. Staff will consider if the letter of motivation and department approval form are demonstrating strong academic reasons for matching the applicant with that institution. For example, a student wishing to study Japanese history or business would have a stronger reason to be placed in Japan with that institution than a student with no academic reasons related to the host country or institution.
If you are eligible for exchange, and submit a complete application by the deadline, Laurier International would like to find a place for you to go on exchange!
Even if you don’t get offered one of your top four institutions, Laurier International will work with you to find another location that still has space left and/or you can go on a waitlist.
Learn more about receving your offer, waitlists, and withdrawing from exchange.
Accepting Your Offer
If you have been matched with a host institution, we will notify you by email. You can:
- Accept the institution offer: No waitlist option.
- Decline the institution offer: You can apply to an institution with open spots and/or add yourself to a waitlist for a different institution.
Prepare to Go Abroad
You will receive a detailed pre-departure training and checklist after you accept your exchange institution offer. This checklist includes preparation of student visa documents, credit transfer processes, and personal document preparations.
Whom to Contact
While you're on exchange, your host is your main point of contact. Laurier International is also available to support you.
Course Credit Transfer Agreement (CCTA)
Complete the CCTA once you've enrolled in your host institution courses and your courses will not be changing. For example, you know there are no schedule conflicts.
You can complete this form before or at the start of your exchange term.
Once the CCTA is signed by your Laurier academic advisor(s) or program coordinator, email it to Laurier International.
Promote Laurier at your Host Instituion
Students at your host institution would like to hear why you love Laurier and why they want to come to Laurier on exchange.
Here are some ideas of how you can promote Laurier:
- Attend an international fair at the host institution.
- Let your host institution know you can be a contact for any student interested in studying on exchange at Laurier.
- Offer to deliver a short presentation about Laurier (click to download a presentation template).
Just returned from an exchange? Next steps are to ensure your credit transfer is complete, as well as apply your exchange experience to your Laurier life and future career.
Credit Transfer
To transfer your credits, make sure Laurier International has your signed CCTA and host institution transcript. Your credits will be transferred to your Laurier degree within two to four months after your exchange.
You can apply to graduate before your exchange credits are transferred.
Share Your Exchange Experience
Send your exchange photos and stories to exchange@wlu.ca, and volunteer with Laurier International to share your exchange knowledge with future #hawksabroad.
Continue Global Experiences at Laurier
Get involved in Laurier's International at Home events and student leadership programs.
Put Your Exchange to Work for You
Contact the Career Centre to learn how to put your new skills and experiences from exchange on your resume, or to explore further education overseas.
Your exchange has now finished and what you've learned on exchange and the people you connected with will continue to influence your path as a lifetime golden hawk and global citizen.