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Informed Consent Guidelines

If you are conducting any research involving human participants, you must normally give them and have them sign an informed consent statement. Detailed information about the research may be provided as part of the informed consent statement or in an additional information letter. 

An informed consent statement or information letter has two purposes: 

  • To enable potential research participants to make an informed choice as to whether they wish to participate in a study. 
  • To document their decision to participate.

The words and language used to describe these factors must be understandable to potential participants. In order to make an informed choice, potential participants must:

  • understand the study,
  • how they are involved in the study, and
  • what sort of risks it poses to them.

Depending on the research method used in the project, each participant must be given a copy of the informed consent statement (and information letter, if applicable) to read prior to participation in the study, in paper or electronic format.

Exceptions to Written Consent

Evidence of informed consent by the participant or authorized third party should often be obtained in writing and in some instances is mandatory (e.g., Health Canada regulations under the Food and Drugs Act). However, there are instances in which written consent is culturally unacceptable, or where there are good reasons for not needing to or not being able to record informed consent in writing.

When consent is not documented in a signed consent form, researchers may use a range of consent procedures, including oral consent, field notes and other strategies, for documenting the consent process. For example:

  • oral consent documented in some form of recording (e.g., field notes, consent log, audio recording)
  • building a consent form into your online survey and utilizing checkboxes to document consent (e.g., Qualtrics)


The Research Ethics Board (REB) provides a downloadable informed consent statement template that you can use. We strongly suggest you use the wording provided in the template and consult the guidelines below to complete the template.


  • Laurier’s REB does not allow the use of negative option or passive consent, where participants are required to contact the principal investigator (PI) to indicate that they do not wish to be a participant.
  • Provide two copies of the informed consent statement, one to be retained by the participant and one to be signed by the participant and, if applicable, the participant's parent(s)/guardian(s)/legal representative(s) and returned to you. For online surveys, participants should be instructed to print or save a copy of the form.
  • For participants under the age of 16:
    • A separate informed consent statement or, in the case of very young children, oral assent must be obtained both from them and from their parent(s) or guardian(s), and, if applicable, from a school authority, agency director, etc.
    • Normally, persons aged 16 years and over may give free and informed consent on their own behalf.
  • For younger children:
    • Prepare a script for REB review of what will be said to them to verbally recruit their participation, using age-appropriate language.
    • Despite the informed consent of parent(s)/guardian(s), children must be able to refuse to participate in research or to withdraw their participation at any time.
  • In research involving participants who are not competent to give free and informed consent on their own behalf:
    • Free and informed consent must be sought from their authorized representative(s).
    • In such situations where third-party consent has been obtained, but participants understand the nature and consequence of the research, their assent must be obtained; a potential participant's dissent will preclude his or her participation.