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Milton Advising

All Milton campus students are registered in Faculty of Science programs. Faculty of Science undergraduate academic advising is available to help you navigate your academic journey from acceptance of your program offer through to graduation.

This advising may include, but is not limited to:

  • clarifying academic goals
  • degree program requirements
  • course planning
  • GPA and progression requirements
  • explaining academic procedures, policies, and regulations
  • general academic difficulties, including those who have extenuating personal circumstances that are impacting their academic performance
  • recommending appropriate campus resources

We are committed to providing high-quality, inclusive, comfortable, and confidential academic support to undergraduate students. Regular contact with an academic advisor is recommended and encouraged!

Who are My Academic Advisors?

The Science academic advising team on the Waterloo campus provides general academic support to all Faculty of Science students. As a first-year student, your academic advisor, Dan Taylor, is your primary contact for academic information.

Department undergraduate officers are experts in their discipline and program/course content. They are the primary contact for senior (Year 2+) students.

Academic Advising Question?

For any academic advising-related inquiries, complete the Faculty of Science Academic Advising Inquiry form to initiate a request for information and support.

  • This form replaces direct email to the Faculty of Science Academic Advising office or any Department Undergraduate Officer.
  • Completed forms are forwarded to the Faculty of Science Academic Advising office (Waterloo Campus, Science Building, N1054).
  • The received forms are reviewed during university office hours, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • You will receive a response to your myLaurier email account from your academic advisor, department undergraduate officer or advising support staff within one to five business days (depending on the type of inquiry and volume of requests).

Advising Appointments

Virtual and in-person appointments are available with your Academic Advisor, Dan Taylor, for more complex circumstances.

Complete the Faculty of Science Academic Advising Inquiry form to initiate an appointment request. Select “Seeking appointment with my Academic Advisor in the Science Advising office (N1054)” from the list of options on the form.

Note that:

  • In-person appointments are available at the Milton Academic Centre one day/week (Thursday).
  • Virtual appointments, in either the morning or afternoon, are available three days/week, Monday through Wednesday, on Teams.
  • Appointments are scheduled for 15 minutes.

Other Resources in the Science Academic Advising Office 

Find more information about academic integrity, academic accommodations, and the petitions and appeal process including how you can make appointments with the appropriate staff member to ask questions or discuss your concerns.