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Research Funding

Funding for Conference Presentations

Funding for Thesis/Dissertation Research

Students are invited to apply for funding to support their thesis or dissertation research. PhD students are normally allotted up to $250. The types of expenses that are covered include, but are not limited to, the costs for:

  • transcription
  • travel
  • honoraria for research participants
  • photocopying
  • printing supplies
  • hiring a research assistant

To apply for funding, please complete the Thesis/Dissertation Research Funding Request Form. This form will assist the FSW Programs Office to better track research funds that are granted internally to students. Please note that while requests for funding for thesis or dissertation research are normally granted, the Associate Dean: PhD Program has final budgetary approval.

Once your request has been approved, please submit the corresponding expense form (Travel Expense, Meeting Expense, Cheque Requisition), to the Administrative Coordinator  All itemized original receipts and documentation for your expenses must be attached.