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Doctoral Dissertation

The dissertation is the culmination of your doctoral program. As a PhD candidate, you are required to complete an original dissertation that makes a significant contribution to the existing knowledge in your field. Each dissertation is subject to the scholarly criticism of all members of the university community, and consequently is available in the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FGPS) Office two weeks prior to your oral defence. The oral defence is also open to any member of the university community.

The guidelines below will ensure that the coordination of your doctoral dissertation oral defence goes smoothly. Your dissertation advisor and graduate coordinator are responsible for ensuring that the necessary forms are completed throughout this process.

Progress and Activity Reports

The Progress and Activity Report highlights your progression through your PhD program, to identify successful achievements, professional development opportunities, and any areas for improvement.

The process is undertaken collaboratively between you and the full advisory committee.

Each year in the program, every doctoral student is required to submit a progress and activity report to their advisor by April 15 and the full report must be submitted by June 1.

Procedures and Requirements

You are expected to follow all protocols in fully consulting with your dissertation advisor, members of your advisory committee, and graduate coordinator in preparing for and writing the dissertation.

All dissertations are subject to dissertation defense procedures as specified by the policies and procedures set out by FGPS. Refer to the graduate academic calendar for the regulations governing a doctoral dissertation, which includes the requirements concerning the structure of the doctoral advisory committee (DAC), the doctoral examining committee (DEC), and the guidelines for conducting the oral defence.

Role of Advisors

It is important to note that your advisor, with the members of the advisory committee, play a very important role at every stage of your doctoral research including the completion of the dissertation and defence. To ensure that you are in a strong position to succeed in writing the dissertation and preparation of the defence, your advisor and advisory committee will:

  • Read through several drafts of your work and provided feedback on it.
  • Consult as a committee and with you in determining that you are ready to proceed to the oral defence.

Doctoral Advisory Committee (DAC)

Doctoral Advisory Committee (DAC) formation is a necessary step in meeting program milestones for PhD students at Laurier.

The role of the advisory committee is twofold:

  • To mentor, advise and support you as you undertake the thesis/dissertation;
  • To uphold academic standards in the discipline and at the institution.

All students who are undertaking a dissertation must ensure that a committee formation form is completed: 

  1. Submit the form to your program's graduate coordinator. 
  2. After the form is reviewed and signed by the graduate coordinator, it can either be submitted to FGPS by your program, or by you, to the secure upload site.

If any changes are made to your committee, a change of committee form must be submitted.

Tip: Having your committee approved early on in your academic journey ensures that your committee meets all graduate academic calendar regulations and requirements for the dissertation which is a necessary condition for good standing and future success in your program. 

Apply to Graduate

Apply to graduate at your earliest opportunity. Do not wait until your final semester to do this, because you may miss your preferred graduation ceremony if you do not apply by the final date.

Applications typically open: 

  • At the end of June for fall convocation.
  • Beginning of November for spring convocation.

To find the online application: 

  1. Log in to LORIS.
  2. Select the Student Services tab.

Learn more about convocation processes and awards for graduate students

Submit Your Dissertation for Examination

There are a few more steps to reach the finish line!

When your DAC has confirmed that dissertation is ready for defence, agreement has to be reached by the DAC, and by you, on the preferred date/time of the defence to ensure that everyone is available. From that point, many others are assigned different responsibilities to make sure that this important event can proceed as expected.

Schedule the Oral Defence

The following steps can take anywhere between seven to nine weeks before your oral defence. We've highlighted the steps based on when they should be completed.

Submit Your Dissertation

Congratulations! Take a moment to celebrate and decompress. 

Your Graduate Candidate Record will be returned to FGPS noting the decision of the committee. Familiarize yourself with the deadlines related to the decision categories when completing any required revisions.

A few reminders: 

  • You must remain fully registered until all degree requirements have been completed. Do not drop your dissertation course on LORIS. FGPS will do that for you and make any account adjustments available to you when your advisor has signed off on the changes on the Graduate Candidate Record.
  • Ensure you receive a list of the required edits from your advisor, if applicable.
  • There are time constraints for making any revisions. Refer to the Decision Categories for the Dissertation Defence in the graduate academic calendar (under General Regulations > Regulations Governing the Doctoral Dissertation).
  • Once the edits have been completed, send the revised version to your advisor(s) for review.
    • Be sure to give your advisor enough time to complete the review within the specified timelines.
    • The advisor will sign the Graduate Candidate Record to confirm that revisions have been completed, and submit the Record to
  • Ensure your title page meets the formatting guideline found in the academic calendar, specifically ensuring to include the copyright symbol (©).

Complete the Required Forms

Complete and submit the following forms provided by FGPS ahead of the defence:

Upload Your Final Approved Dissertation

Do not upload your dissertation until the final document has been approved by your supervisor and until all paperwork has been sent to the FGPS.

  1. Review the instructions on how to complete the upload. Ensure the embargo period field matches the same period indicated on the embargo form.
  2. Upload the final approved version of your dissertation to Scholars Commons @ Laurier. You must create an account to upload.

Final Requirements

Make sure you are aware of upcoming deadlines for coursework submission, degree (and co-op) and final requirements, to be eligible to graduate.

Check the Graduate Academic Calendar under Academic and Related Dates.

FGPS will:

  • Make adjustments to registration and arrange for any applicable adjustments to tuition and fees. After this has been done, students may submit a refund request when they have a credit balance. Note that these adjustments will also impact any funding or OSAP you received for the term.
  • Forward notice of your completion to the Convocation team to confirm your eligibility to graduate.