5 Keys to Success in Virtual Courses
We want you to realize your potential for academic success this term, so we've pulled together some recommended strategies for remote and online courses that will help you to not just survive but also thrive during your virtual winter term!
Review Your Course Resources
Browse each course in MyLearningSpace (MyLS) to review your syllabus and find out whether your course will include lecture slides or online discussion boards. You're setting yourself up for success by taking an inventory of available resources at the beginning of the term.
The sooner you become familiar with the resources that are available for each of your courses, the better equipped you'll be to engage with your course material.
Stay Up To Date With Messages From Your Professor
Check MyLS and your myLaurier email regularly for news items and information from your professor.
Still have questions? Take advantage of available virtual office hours and reach out to your professor if you need clarity regarding an assignment or course content.
List the Key Dates in all Your Courses
Online and remote courses require self-direction and accountability. Treat each course, whether it has weekly class meetings or not, as if you still have scheduled in-class time. Block time to complete readings, review lecture slides, create notes, or try practice problems.
We can all relate to a time when an assignment or test seemingly snuck up on us. Avoid surprises by listing each assessment (midterms, essays, discussion posts, final exams) at the beginning of the term and tracking throughout.
Stay organized by using the built-in calendar function in MyLS, which is automatically populated with due dates, or by creating your own on a Google calendar.
Develop a Plan to Manage Your Time
Utilize the flexibility of virtual classes and create a personalized schedule that works best for your internal clock. For example, if you're a morning person and know you're most alert after your first cup of coffee, dedicate that time for high-focus tasks like writing an essay or doing a practice quiz before a midterm. Research shows coordinating your day based on your body's internal clock can help you become more productive and efficient with your to-do list.
Stay on track by breaking down your assignments into smaller tasks to create a complete calendar of due dates for the term. Creating daily and weekly to-do lists can help you track your progress. Keep motivated by celebrating the small victories, such as staying one chapter ahead in your readings.
Take Advantage of Available Academic Supports
Connect virtually with the people and services dedicated to supporting your academic success! Remember, we're always here to help.
Bonus: Reach out to Classmates to Maintain Social Connections (and to Maximize Learning!)
Be sure to take advantage of peer-led course support when available. Bring your group study sessions online and work with classmates to create student plans, review course concepts, test each other on challenging concepts, and engage in peer editing.