Fall term invoice information
Your first invoice of the fall 2022 term is now available. Here are some things you'll want to know as you review your invoice.
Your invoice includes fall 2022 term registration and reflects any changes as of July 27, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. Remember, invoices are static and changes to registration made or payments submitted after this date will not be reflected on this invoice. Anticipated scholarships and awards are granted throughout the year and may also not be reflected on this invoice.
To see any changes or to find your most up-to-date balance:
- Go to LORIS.
- Select the Student Services tab.
- Select Student Account Summary.
- Select your term.
Fall Due Date
Payment options are included with your invoice. Additional payment options, including information for international and third-party sponsored students can also be found on the Payments page.
A late payment fee of 1.25% will be applied to all overdue balances after the invoice due date.
Paying with OSAP
All OSAP funding will automatically be directed to Laurier and applied to your student account to pay outstanding tuition and fees:
- If your OSAP funding for the fall term covers all outstanding fees, no additional payment is required.
- If your OSAP funding does not cover all of your tuition and fees, it is your responsibility to pay the difference before the invoice due date to avoid late payment fees.
Note: OSAP funds will only be directed to Laurier if there is a balance owing. If fees are paid in advance, or OSAP is greater than the current student account balance, OSAP funds will be deposited in the bank account you identified on the MSFAA that is registered with the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC).
If you are interested in applying for OSAP, it's not too late!
Late Payment Fees
Late fees are assessed to all student accounts with balances owing after the invoiced due date (including those expecting OSAP). You will qualify for a late fee adjustment if:
- Your OSAP funding covers your outstanding fees on your student account, and
- If it is received within a month from the start of term (Oct. 8, 2022)
Fee Information
Don't forget to check online for more details on tuition fees, incidental (including those available for opt-out) and other fees.
You'll also find more detail about each fee you may see on your invoice, including what it funds, who makes the decisions about the fee levels and contact information for student/parent inquiries.
Financial Support for Students
Figuring out how you're going to pay for tuition can be overwhelming, but it doesn't need to be. There are resources available to support you in funding your education.