Incidental Fees
Fees found on this page are for the 2024/2025 academic year (fall 2024, winter 2025, and spring/summer 2025) by approval of the Senate and the Board of Governors and can be subject to change.
Overview of Incidental Fees
Laurier programs are delivered either in Waterloo, Brantford, or online. Some fees are associated with a particular campus/site or a particular program/faculty; other fees may be applicable to all programs.
For further information about each fee, see the descriptions of fees below.
Optional Fees
Note: Some optional fees are subject to eligibility and approval.
All optional fees have specific deadlines for opting out and all opt-out deadlines are firm.
As opt-out requests are not guaranteed and are subject to approval, students are advised to pay the entire amount billed by the due date to avoid late payment fees (interest).
Health and dental plan fees are compulsory unless you already have health and dental coverage.
The fees are assessed to your account in your first term of the academic year (generally fall term or winter term for new, incoming undergraduate students beginning in winter) for which you may opt out with proof of alternative coverage.
Opt-out requests and opt-out deadlines can be found through your respective students' union:
Undergraduate: WLUSU | Contact E-Mail:
Graduate: WLUGSA
Laurier Students' Public Interest Research Group (LSPIRG) is a non-profit organization that has provided tools for action and advocacy for nearly 15 years. If assessed to your account, you may opt out of the LSPIRG fee at the start of each term through the opt-out portal.
Opt-Out Deadline: Last registration date for the term. Please refer to the academic calendar.
Students within the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics are automatically enrolled into the Prism Resources program and have access to unlimited technology rental and training services. You may opt out of the Prism fee at the start of each term through the opt-out portal.
Undergraduate Student Fees
Note: Fees are for both full- and part-time undergraduate students, unless otherwise noted.
*Maximum fees charged are per term unless otherwise noted.
Fee Type |
Per 0.5 Credit |
Maximum Fee Charged** |
Comprehensive Student Services Fee |
$80.53 |
$402.65 |
Copyright Fee |
$0.96 |
No maximum |
Dental Plan (per year, charged in student's first term of the academic year) |
N/A |
$138.16 |
Health Plan (per year, charged in student's first term of the academic year) |
N/A |
$233.46 |
Independent Student Media Fee |
$3.18 |
$12.72 |
International Students Overcoming War Scholarship Fund |
$2.00 |
$8.00 |
OneCard New Student Fee (new students only) |
N/A |
$28.00 |
OneCard Digital Card Fee (new students in online programs only) |
N/A |
$13.75 |
Provincial Advocacy Fee (Fall term only) |
N/A |
$3.72 |
Students' Union Academic Support Fee |
$1.26 |
$5.04 |
Students' Union Campus Clubs Fee |
$0.75 |
$3.00 |
Students' Union Non-Academic Support Fee |
$2.27 |
$9.08 |
Students' Union Health and Wellness Fee |
$0.87 |
$3.48 |
Students' Union Student Success Initiatives |
$2.73 |
$10.92 |
Students' Union Student Experience Programs |
$3.04 |
$12.16 |
Sustainability Fee |
$1.71 |
$6.84 |
WUSC Student Refugee Program Fee |
$1.00 |
$4.00 |
**Maximum fees charged are per term unless otherwise noted.
Fee Type |
Per 0.5 Credit |
Maximum Fee Charged** |
Enhancement of Life Levy |
$4.95 |
No maximum |
Undergraduate Faculty Association |
$4.43 |
$17.72 |
Student Centre Building Fee |
$14.62 |
$58.48 |
U-Pass: Brantford Transit Fee (full-time registered students only) |
N/A |
$56.58 |
Laurier Student Public Interest Research Group Fee |
$1.21 |
$4.84 |
Fee Type |
Per 0.5 Credit |
Maximum Fee Charged** |
Laurier Athletics & Recreation Fee |
N/A |
$95.00 |
Undergraduate Faculty Association Fee (excluding Lazaridis School) |
$3.79 |
$15.16 |
Undergraduate Faculty Association Fee (Lazaridis School) |
$5.42 |
$27.10 |
Students' Union Building Fee |
$11.43 |
$45.72 |
U-Pass: Waterloo Transit Fee |
N/A |
$118.97 |
Laurier Student Public Interest Research Group Fee |
N/A |
$6.76 |
Fee Type |
Per 0.5 Credit |
Maximum Fee Charged** |
Milton Student Support |
$4.78 |
$19.12 |
**Maximum fees charged are per term unless otherwise noted.
Fee Type |
Per 0.5 Credit |
Maximum Fee Charged** |
Co-operative Education Fee (summer co-op only, Science and Arts students) |
N/A |
$412.47 |
Co-operative Education Fee for All Prorgrams (excluding summer co-op only, Science and Arts students) |
N/A |
$863.31 |
Technology Fee (Faculty of Education) |
N/A |
$75.00 |
Music Academic Support Fee |
$21.69 |
$108.48 |
Music Career Support Fee |
$7.89 |
$39.45 |
Music Diversity and Equity Fee |
$4.05 |
$20.25 |
Music Student Buildings Support Fee |
$5.17 |
$25.85 |
Music Student Experience Fee |
$3.84 |
$19.20 |
Music Student Coach/Accompanying Fee (per time allotment) |
N/A |
$74.68 |
PRISM Fee (full-time, Lazaridis School students only) |
N/A |
$65.00 |
Work-Integrated Learning Practicum Placement Fee (Faculty of Education)(per term, for 2 terms) |
N/A |
$275.00 |
Graduate Student Fees
Maximum fees charged are per term unless otherwise noted.
Fee Type |
Full- / Part-Time |
Basis |
Fee |
Canadian Federation of Students Fee |
both |
fall term only |
$20.16 |
Copyright Fee |
both |
per term |
$3.20 |
Dental Plan |
12 month |
fall term start |
$222.00 |
Dental Plan |
8 month |
winter term start |
$148.00 |
Dental Plan |
4 month |
spring term start |
$74.00 |
Graduate Students' Association Fee |
part-time |
per term |
$26.98 |
Graduate Students' Association Fee |
full-time |
per term |
$53.96 |
GSA Technology and Infrastructure Fee |
part-time |
per term |
$5.00 |
GSA Technology and Infrastructure Fee |
full-time |
per term |
$10.00 |
GSA Graduate Enhancement Fund (paused) |
both |
per term |
$55.80 |
GSA Legal Protection Service Fee (paused) |
Both |
fall term only |
$14.00 |
Health Plan |
12 month |
fall term start |
$428.00 |
Health Plan | 8 month | winter term start | $285.33 |
Health Plan | 4 month | spring term start | $142.67 |
Independent Student Media Fee |
full-time |
per term |
$8.65 |
International Students Overcoming War Scholarship Fund |
both |
per term |
$8.00 |
Comprehensive Student Services Fee |
part-time |
per credit |
$80.53 |
Comprehensive Student Services Fee |
full-time |
per term |
$402.65 |
Laurier Students' Public Interest Research Group Fee |
both |
per term |
$3.63 |
OneCard New Student Fee |
both |
New Students |
$28.00 |
OneCard Virtual Card Fee |
both |
New Students |
$13.75 |
Sustainability Fee |
part-time |
per term |
$3.41 |
Sustainability Fee |
full-time |
per term |
$6.82 |
Maximum fees charged are per term unless otherwise noted.
Fee Type |
Full- / Part-Time |
Basis |
Fee |
U-Pass: Waterloo Transit Fee |
full-time |
per term |
$118.97 |
Laurier Athletics & Recreation Fee |
both |
per term |
$95.00 |
Maximum fees charged are per term unless otherwise noted.
Fee Type |
Full- / Part-Time |
Basis |
Fee |
Co-operative Education Fee |
full-time |
per term |
$863.31 |
Fee Type |
Full- / Part-Time |
Basis |
Fee |
MBA Waterloo Student Support & Services Fee |
part-time |
per 0.50 credit |
$15.00 |
MBA Waterloo Student Support & Services Fee |
full-time |
per term |
$150.00 |
full-time |
per term |
$65.00 |
Fee Type |
Full- / Part-Time |
Basis |
Fee |
Luther Academic Support Fee |
both |
per term |
$5.00 |
Luther Building Fee |
both |
per term |
$5.00 |
Luther Career Services Fee |
both |
per term |
$2.00 |
Luther Community Services Fee |
both |
per term |
$5.00 |
Luther Health and Counselling Fee |
both |
per term |
$5.00 |
Luther Learning Series Fee |
both |
per term |
$3.00 |
Fee Type |
Full- / Part-Time |
Basis |
Fee |
Music Academic Support Fee |
full-time |
per term |
$89.82 |
Music Diversity and Equity Fee |
full-time |
per term |
$16.78 |
Note: This fee is for graduate students only.
Graduate students at Laurier democratically decided to join the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) as member Local 56. This fee includes: the fee to CFS, which coordinates the federation's campaigns and advocacy work across the country; the fee to CFS-Ontario, which coordinates this work in the province specifically; and the fee to CFS-Services, which coordinates student services such as health and dental plans through the National Student Network, and the distribution of the ISIC student discount card (free for members, $20 for non-members), among others.
For more information on CFS and CFS-Ontario, visit and On these websites, you'll find the federation's audited financial statements, meeting minutes, governing documents, research reports and government submissions, and information on current campaigns and services work.
Note: There are two fees associated with co-op: one for all co-op programs other than summer-only co-op for undergraduate programs in Arts and Science; and one for summer-only co-op programs in Arts and Science.
The co-op fee is for enrolment in the co-op program. Co-op students pay the fee for each academic term, according to the fee schedule for their program. The university assesses the co-op fee to recover a portion of the overall costs of maintaining Laurier's co-operative education programs and promoting the programs to employers.
The co-op fee is not an employment fee, and is payable regardless of whether a student secures an approved position.
The university will not refund any portion of the co-op fee to a student who is temporarily suspended or required to withdraw from co-op for contravening academic or non-academic policies or co-op regulations.
If a student chooses to withdraw, or is required to withdraw from co-op for reasons other than contravening academic or non-academic policies or co-op regulations, the university will adjust the fee on a pro-rated basis.
The Comprehensive Student Services fee (CSS) enhances the student experience by partially funding specific Student Affairs departments that support athletics and recreation, career services, health and wellness, academic support initiatives, Indigenous student services and the Centre for student equity, diversity and inclusion.
The Copyright Fee is an academic support fee. Through the copyright licensing agreement and Copyright Fee, students have access to a wide range of academic learning materials that they retain.
The fee allows for copying and access to a wide range of materials and formats (including digital and print) and the option of print-on-demand. The Copyright Fee also provides for enhanced licensing of learning material content beyond what would be available under fair dealing guidelines and at a lower cost than separate copyright clearances.
Undergraduate Students
The Undergraduate Dental Plan fee provides undergraduate students with an annual combined maximum dental coverage of $500, including oral examinations, fillings, extractions, radiographs, and other services.
Students may opt out if they have proof of alternative dental coverage, or may remain enrolled in the plan and coordinate (combine) the plan with existing coverage.
Graduate Students
The Graduate Dental Plan fee provides GSA members with dental coverage of $550 per year, including preventative services, basic services and major restorative services. The plan is administered by StudentCare, the leading provider of student health and dental plans in Canada, and works to address gaps in provincial health care and other basic health-care programs.
Students may opt out during the change-of-coverage period if they have proof of alternative coverage, or may remain enrolled in the plan and coordinate (combine) the plan with existing coverage.
Note: This fee is for Bachelor of Education students only.
The Technology Renewal Fee supports the purchasing, upkeep and continuous renewal of the technology hardware used in courses. The hardware is also available for TECs to check out and use in their PDS sites, to use for practice or for their own professional development, or to augment assignments or presentations for courses. It is also possible to check out multiple pieces of the same type of technology to facilitate lessons with children and youth during practica or field days.
The technology fee was waived for teacher candidates in the fall term as instruction continued in its remote environment. The current complement of digital technology was not available for use by teacher candidates. With the continuing remote context into the winter term the faculty of education is working to make our complement of tech available for distribution in the winter term. The fee for the winter term will be used to supplement and augment your access to technology resources and support the maintenance of the technology, e.g., batteries for robots. The kits will be signed out using an online consent form and distributed through an organized strategy on campus in a contactless drive through approach or courier.
For more information regarding this fee please contact
Note: This fee is for undergraduate students only.
The Enhancement of Student Life Levy supports special one-time projects, including student proposals, which enhance the undergraduate experience for students. The Student Life Levy is available to fund in-person, “virtual,” or online-based initiatives that support career services, health and counseling, academic support, or provide increased opportunity for students to engage each other and their environment in a culture of learning outside of physical classroom space.
Note: These fees are for graduate students only.
Graduate Students' Association Fee
The Graduate Students' Association (GSA) is a non-for-profit operated by graduate students of Wilfrid Laurier University for graduate students of Wilfrid Laurier University. If you are enrolled as a graduate student, you are automatically a member!
Our mission is to recognize the unique perspective of our diverse membership, to identify common threads that can bring us all together and to amplify our collective voice to advocate on all students' behalf.
Find out more at
GSA Technology and Infrastructure Fee
The GSA prioritizes staying connected with our graduate students who are learning and researching globally. In addition to supporting the technology and infrastructure needs for the GSA to support students in a remote environment, this fee supports the costs of operating and maintaining GSA space, including Veritas Café spaces in Waterloo and Brantford, and GSA office space in Waterloo, Kitchener, and Brantford.
GSA Graduate Enhancement Fund (Paused)
Funded directly through the generosity of our graduate students, the Graduate Enhancement Fund (GEF) supports special one-time projects that enhance the graduate student experience across all Laurier campuses and locations.
The GEF was initiated as a means to support projects that couldn’t otherwise happen, and as of September 2019 only supports projects that support either athletics and recreation, career services, student buildings, health and counselling, academic support, financial aid offices, or campus safety programs. Past projects include: Mental Health Yoga, Accessible Learning Accommodation Bursary, and the Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement (SAGE) Nest.
GSA Legal Protection Plan (Paused)
The LPP offers complete legal representation in important categories related to the post-secondary experience: (1) Employment, (2) Housing & tenant, and (3) Academic disputes. Eligible legal expenses include 100% of lawyers’ fees, experts’ fees ($1,000 per case), and other relevant disbursements (court fees, attendance fees, and witness expenses) for issues pertaining to the three aforementioned categories.
In addition to legal representation, students have unlimited access (no cap) to a toll-free legal services helpline for any area of the law. Immigration, for example, is among the most common areas in which we receive inquiries. Other examples include housing rights, employment law, academic rights, intellectual property and patent law, traffic law, civil mediation, family law, real estate and property law, to name a few.
For more information regarding these fees please contact
Undergraduate Students
The Undergraduate Health Plan provides undergraduate students with extended health benefits up to $3,500, including drug coverage, mental health supports, coverage for extended health therapies, vision coverage, prescription delivery, travel coverage, and accident coverage.
Students may opt-out if they have proof of alternative health coverage, or may remain enrolled in the plan and coordinate (combine) the plan with existing coverage.
Graduate Students
The Graduate Health Plan fee provides GSA members with extended health coverage each year, including prescription drugs, health practitioners, vision care and travel coverage. The plan is administered by StudentCare, the leading provider of student health and dental plans in Canada, and works to address gaps in provincial health care and other basic health-care programs.
Students may opt out during the change-of-coverage period if they have proof of alternative coverage, or may remain enrolled in the plan and coordinate (combine) the plan with existing coverage.
The Independent Student Media Fee supports WLU Student Publications. WLU Student Publications is an independent, not-for-profit, student-run media group providing accurate, up-to-date reporting on issues important to students such as reporting on the Students’ Union, university budgeting, student life, athletics and breaking news.
WLU Student Publications is home to nine publications including:
- The Cord: Laurier’s official monthly newspaper
- Radio Laurier: online campus and community radio station
- Blueprint Magazine: quarterly literary arts magazine
- The Sputnik: monthly newspaper for the Brantford campus
- The Keystone and Carnegie yearbook
- The Community Edition: community-focused newspaper
- Laurier Student Poll: a market research and consumer behaviour group
- The WLU’er: Laurier’s official student agenda and handbook
All publications are free and can be located on stands across campus and online. The Independent Student Media Fee directly funds these publications in addition to employing and providing volunteer opportunities to students and alumni.
For more information regarding this fee, please contact:
International Students Overcoming War (ISOW) program at Laurier administers scholarships for students from conflict-affected countries to be able to attain higher education. With the support of the Laurier community, international students are able to pursue their education and receive the multifaceted support that is necessary for academic and personal success. Although the practical methods through which ISOW supports scholars will require adaptation to our new reality, their needs, especially financial ones, remain unchanged whether academic terms are in-person or remote. The levy is essential to uphold ISOW and Laurier’s commitment to current and future scholars, as well as honour the agreements made with partner organizations to provide necessary financial support to scholars. It is also important to note that Laurier’s ISOW scholars are students who are affected by the pandemic as well, and yet have no alternative funding options. Although there is a pressing need to alleviate the financial strain the pandemic has placed on all students, we are confident as a student-funded and student-run organization that the sum total benefit generated by the levy is far greater than the impact made by removing the levy. As a community, it is important that Laurier and ISOW stand together in solidarity to prevent temporary circumstances from having a lasting, negative effect on its students.
Laurier Students' Public Interest Research Group (LSPIRG) is a non-profit organization that has provided tools for action and advocacy for nearly 15 years. LSPIRG:
- Has established a COVID-19 Emergency Fund for students in financial need;
- Has increased funding opportunities for students and community members who are leading Mutual Aid initiatives in response to COVID-19;
- Funds Research and Action Groups who are doing ongoing work (e.g. Food Not Bombs distributes free weekly meals, which are now in higher demand due to COVID-19);
- Provides workshops and events around Social and Environmental Justice;
- Continues to provide support for students (online);
- Provides volunteer opportunities both online and physically distanced in person (advocy, community gardening, board of directors, etc.);
- Advocates for equity for people of all races, genders, classes, sexualities and abilities;
- Hosts events LGBTQ+ issues, going zero waste, sexual pleasure and boundaries, ending racism, safety during protests, and self-care;
- Supports marginalized students and community members;
- Conducts community-based, grassroots research; and
- Runs campaigns on gender, Indigenous territory and safety/support.
Some of LSPIRG’s groups:
- Advocates for a Student Culture of Consent (consent education, sexual violence support)
- Food Not Bombs (reduces food waste by cooking and serving free food)
- ShamRose for Syrian Culture (supports newcomer Syrian children)
- Brantford Food Forest Student-Community Partnership (permaculture gardening, food security)
The Athletics and Recreation Facility Fee is to support the expansion and enhancement of all fitness, sport, and active extra-curricular amenities on the Waterloo campus.
Some information on how this fee came to be and examples of projects that this fee will support can be found here:
Contact Information:
Note: These fees are for Martin Luther University College Students only.
Luther Academic Support Fee
This fee helps fund many of Luther's extracurricular opportunities that help students grow personally and succeed academically. For example, faculty and staff run workshops to help students hone many skills, including research and scholarly writing techniques. Students also have the opportunity to publish their papers in academic journals, including in Consensus: A Canadian Journal of Public Theology; the journal is co-edited by Luther faculty members.
This fee also funds student achievement awards that are granted at Luther's convocation services.
Luther Building Fee
This fee helps pay to maintain spaces at Luther where students can gather to study; pray or meditate; hold a student club activity; or simply hang out. The Luther building, which was completely renovated in 2018, offers a lounge equipped with a fridge, microwave and coffee maker; a gathering area that is also equipped with a microwave; chapel; multifaith room; ablution / ritual cleansing facilities for students; and a courtyard deck with chairs.
Luther Career Services Fee
Note: This fee is for graduate students only.
Luther plays an active role in connecting students and recent graduates with potential employers. The academic advisor shares relevant job advertisements with students and graduates in specific fields. Students and recent graduates are regularly connected with people in faculty members' professional networks.
Luther Community Services Fee
Luther provides community building events and positive social spaces for everyone. This fee supports community initiatives such as soup lunches, midday pauses in the chapel and multifaith space, and a household-goods lending library.
Luther Health and Counselling Fee
Luther offers a number of opportunities for students to take care of their mental health. Students can de-stress with four-legged friends during weekly sessions (called Chilling With Dogs) throughout the school year. To help relieve exam stress, many students receive packages stuffed with study essentials and notes of encouragement. Our community pastor is available, on a drop-in basis, for conversation and/or spiritual support.
Luther Learning Series Fee
This fee supports Luther's "Lunch and Learn" learning series, where guest speakers from the community share their expertise and experiences in the field.
MBA Waterloo Student Support & Services
MBA Waterloo Student Support and Services fee covers activities to further develop essential skills to succeed in the workplace, dedicated career development programming, acdemic success programming and experiential learning opportunities that enhance students' MBA studies.
Note: These fees are for Faculty of Music students only.
Music Academic Support Fee
The Music Academic Support Fee is for academic supports for Music students, including free attendance at professional concerts and professional workshops, specialized networking opportunities and peer-to-peer learning.
Music Career Support Fee
Note: This fee is for undergraduate students only.
The Music Career Support Fee provides professional development opportunities for experiential learning and career readiness, including workshops and placements that assist with essential employability skills.
Music Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Fee
The Music Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Fee supports workshops, clinics and other events with special guests, including renowned performers, educations and scholars, that bring global and inclusive perspectives to the Faculty of Music.
Music Student Buildings Support Fee
Note: This fee is for undergraduate students only.
The Music Student Buildings Support Fee helps provide students access to professional performance facilities on- and off-campus for recitals, rehearsals and masterclasses.
Music Student Experience Fee
Note: This fee is for undergraduate students only.
The Music Student Experience Fee supports any initiative that enhances the student experience beyond the classroom.
Note: This fee is for Lazaridis School students only.
The Prism membership fee provides unlimited training courses valuing a total of $750, and provides career-enhancing certifications. Membership also provides access to over $5,000 worth of equipment rentals for free. Members also get exclusive access to the finance computer lab outside of course hours.
Training and certification courses include:
- Microsoft Office, including Excel, PowerPoint, Word and Access;
- Bloomberg finance software;
- Quickbooks and Audit accounting software;
- VBA, Python, SQL and web design;
- Nielsen MarketTrack and Salesforce; and
- R and Stata statistical software packages.
Prism also offers its members equipment rentals such as laptops, chargers, DSLR cameras, and other equipment to support your assignment needs.
Note: This fee is for undergraduate students only.
This fee supports the Students’ Union’s influential provincial advocacy efforts, including membership with the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance. Initiatives promote a safe, sustainable, affordable, and empowering academic experience. This fee facilitates policy change that is student-driven, evidence-based, and politically independent. The Students’ Union’s advocacy priorities include, but are not limited to: gendered violence prevention and response; housing affordability; eliminating food insecurity; improved mental health support integration; increased supports and services for 2SLGBTQ+ students; increases to grant-based financial aid; Indigenous student financial assistance and campus support services; regulation of international student tuition; course material affordability and open educational resources; and expanded accessible learning support services.
Note: These fees are for undergraduate students only.
Milton Student Support Fee
Note: This fee is for Milton campus students only.
This fee supports co-curricular services provided by the Students' Union, campus-wide community events that prioritize the student experience, academic and non-academic success and advocacy efforts.
Student Centre Building Fee (Brantford)
Note: This fee is for Brantford campus students only.
This fee funds the critical infrastructure that supports the Students’ Union’s Brantford operations, including the Brantford Student Centre, a hub of important student activities and services, such as the Student Wellness Centre.
Students' Union Building Fee (Waterloo)
Note: This fee is for Waterloo campus students only.
This fee funds the critical infrastructure that supports the Students’ Union’s Waterloo operations, including the cost of operating and maintaining the Fred Nichols Campus Centre (FNCC). Frontline services in the building include the Terrace Food Court, Wilf’s Restaurant and Pub, and the INS Market variety store. The FNCC is also home to a number of multi-functional student study spaces, including the 2-4 Lounge and the Turret.
Students' Union Academic Support Fee
This fee supports student-focused educational programming and academic advocacy efforts. The Students’ Union elevates student concerns about academic instruction and pedagogy, assessment practices, and academic misconduct principles, while also promoting equitable access to technology and open educational resources. The Students’ Union also provides support to those students navigating academic appeals.
Students' Union Campus Clubs Fee
The Students' Union Campus Clubs Fee supports opportunities, resources, and financial funding for the more than 200 clubs managed by the Students’ Union. An integral part of Laurier's renowned student experience, clubs provide distinct leadership opportunities and foster friendships that promote a sense of belonging on campus.
Students' Union Non-Academic Support Fee
This fee supports the holistic non-academic student experience, including off-campus housing supports, safety, health and wellness, personal finance education, and food insecurity prevention. Accessible both online and in-person these initiatives are designed to ease the burdens that distract or inhibit your academic studies.
Students' Union Health and Wellness Fee
The Students' Union Health and Wellness Fee supports health and wellness services provided by the Students’ Union that include mental health training and awareness campaigns facilitated by the Peer Connect and Healthy Lifestyles initiatives. In addition, all students benefit from educational programs and advocacy efforts designed to enhance health and wellness on all Laurier campuses.
Students' Union Student Success Initiatives
This fee supports co-curricular programming for students that promotes leadership intensive experiential learning, the development of career ready job skills, and the chance to make meaningful peer connections. Student-led initiatives provide formative team building experiences and professional development opportunities for volunteers.
Students' Union Student Experience Programs Fee
This fee supports the diverse and inclusive social programming provided by the Students’ Union. The renowned Laurier student experience reflects a sense of community built around friendships formed inside and outside of the classroom that foster a lifelong pride in being a Golden Hawk. Unique opportunities to explore art, culture, and entertainment provide a healthy contrast to the rigors of the academic grind. Community building may include trivia, open mic nights, coffee houses, bingo, concerts, and targeted programming specifically for first-year students. Whether through collective experiences with classmates, or more individually focused activities, social programming is an integral component of student life.
For more information regarding these fees please contact
The Sustainability Office was created in 2009 as a student-funded initiative committed to raising environmental and social awareness and providing opportunities to get involved in sustainability initiatives on Laurier campuses and in surrounding communities. The Sustainability Office is funded through the Sustainability Fee and supports all programming efforts and initiatives. The aim of the Office is to create a culture where sustainability is integrated into daily student life through engagement, collaboration, projects and programming.
Create and foster a culture of sustainability by engaging, promoting and coordinating action with all stakeholders, developing an environmentally proactive Laurier community.
To continue Laurier's transformation into an institution that integrates sustainable practices into all facets of the university. We aim to inspire, educate and equip students, faculty and staff to lead, innovate, and engage others in the same practices.
2023-24 student programs, services, and events:
- Bee City campus designation initiatives (Ongoing)
- Fair Trade campus designation initiatives (Ongoing)
- Food Insecurity program partnership with WLUSU, GSA, ISC, Food Services, and LSPIRG (Ongoing)
- Freestore: Waterloo campus (Ongoing)
- Friendlier reusable food containers at six campus restaurants (Ongoing)
- Menstrual Equity committee initiatives (Ongoing)
- Northdale Garden pollinator workshops and community garden plots (May 2023 to November 2023)
- Neuron and Region of Waterloo e-bike and e-scooter launch (Summer 2023)
- Freestore: Brantford campus (starting September 2023)
- Surplus furniture recycling (starting September 2023)
- Fair Trade campus week (October 2023)
- Zero Waste campus week (October 2023)
- Landscape for Holistic Sustainability and Wellbeing retreat (October 2023)
- Sustainable Hawk Fund program (November 2023 to January 2024)
- Leadership for Sustainability Speaker Series (November 2023 and March 2024)
- Laurier community tree plantings (Fall 2023 and Spring 2024)
- Seasonal Move-Out (April 2024)
To access student programs, services, and events, please follow the Sustainability Office on social media, sign-up for our newsletter, or email us directly:
Website -
Monthly newsletter -
Email -
Instagram -
Twitter -
Facebook -
For more information regarding this fee please contact
Undergraduate Faculty Association Fee (Brantford and Waterloo Campus Students)
Note: This fee is for undergraduate students only (excluding Lazaridis School students).
The Undergraduate Faculty Association Fee supports the academic and career support initiatives facilitated by faculty associations and the student clubs they fund. Students benefit from leadership intensive experiential learning opportunities that support career development and enhance the comprehensive learning environment at Laurier. This includes academic guidance, faculty-specific information sessions, job fairs, special events, and networking within the sector.
Undergraduate Faculty Association Fee (Lazaridis School Students)
Note: This fee is for undergraduate, Lazaridis School students only.
The Undergraduate Faculty Association Fee supports the academic and career support initiatives facilitated by the Lazaridis Students’ Society and the student clubs they fund. Students benefit from leadership intensive experiential learning opportunities that often support career development and enhance the comprehensive learning environment at Laurier. This includes academic guidance, faculty-specific information sessions, job fairs, case competitions, special events, and networking within the business and economics community.
Waterloo Campus
Note: This fee is for full-time, graduate and undergraduate students at the Waterloo campus. Part-time registered students may opt-in to the U-Pass through the OneCard office.
The universal transit pass provides access to both the bus and light rail transit (LRT) service within Waterloo Region. Access is available for all full-time students that have paid the essential fee and is granted through the OneCard. Student status is verified through an electronic validation of students' registration and through the assessment of the fee between Grand River Transit and Laurier.
Access is also available for all full-time co-op students, whether they are on their co-op term or academic term.
Access is also available during the "off term" (e.g. summer term) for non-registered students, if the fee has been paid in the previous two terms.
Part-time Waterloo Campus students can request to opt-in to the bus pass through the Optional Student Fees Portal.
Opt-In Deadline: Last registration date for the term. Please refer to the academic calendar.
Brantford Campus
Note: This fee is for full-time, undergraduate students at the Brantford campus.
The universal transit pass provides access to the bus service within the city of Brantford. Access is available for all full-time students that have paid the essential fee and is granted through the OneCard. Student status is verified through an electronic validation of students' registration and through the assessment of the fee between Brantford Transit and Laurier.
Access is available for all full-time students during the fall and winter terms. There is a special program available for the summer term, with a separate fee paid directly to Brantford Transit.
Graduate Students
The U-Pass is available for exemption requests for graduate students each term, as applicable.
Exemption Request: Optional Student Fees Portal
Contact: Region of Waterloo
Opt-Out Deadline: Last registration date for the term. Please refer to the academic calendar.
The fee will support the administrative costs of facilitating and managing placements for practicum.
Contact Information:
The World University Services of Canada (WUSC) provides refugee students with the opportunity to complete their degree at Laurier, to make an impact on campus and in the wider community, and to start on the pathway to Canadian citizenship. The Student Refugee Program Fee, in partnership with WUSC, is a unique student-to-student funding opportunity that empowers Laurier students and inspires lives. The fee currently supports nine students at Laurier.
Money generated through this fee represents 80% of the funding and all funding goes directly to the sponsored students, with Laurier International overseeing the allocation of the funding.
For more information regarding this fee please contact