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Incidental Fees

Fees found on this page are for the 2024/2025 academic year (fall 2024, winter 2025, and spring/summer 2025) by approval of the Senate and the Board of Governors and can be subject to change.

Overview of Incidental Fees

Laurier programs are delivered either in Waterloo, Brantford, or online. Some fees are associated with a particular campus/site or a particular program/faculty; other fees may be applicable to all programs.

For further information about each fee, see the descriptions of fees below.

Optional Fees

Note: Some optional fees are subject to eligibility and approval.

All optional fees have specific deadlines for opting out and all opt-out deadlines are firm.  

As opt-out requests are not guaranteed and are subject to approval, students are advised to pay the entire amount billed by the due date to avoid late payment fees (interest).

Undergraduate Student Fees

Graduate Student Fees

Incidental Fee Descriptions (Undergraduate and Graduate)