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Graduate Courses

We offer six courses each year. CS600 and CS601 are required courses. You must also register for CS695 or CS699 while working on your MRP or thesis.  Please see the academic calendar for more course information.

You are allowed to take up to 1.0 credit from other graduate programs with approval from the graduate coordinator. In the past, Communication Studies master's students have taken graduate courses in programs such as Cultural Analysis and Social Theory, English and Film Studies, and Political Science.

2024/25 Course Offerings

Fall 2024

CS600 Graduate Seminar in Communication Studies (R 8:30-11:20 a.m.)
CS601 Communication Studies Research Methods (W 1-3:50 p.m.)
CS605 Critical Theory (W 8:30-11:20 a.m.)

Winter 2025

CS602 Mobilities (T 8:30-11:20 a.m.)
CS640u Communication and the Senses (W 8:30-11:20 a.m.)
CS640v Black Feminist Thought (R 8:30-11:20 a.m.)

Spring 2025

CS640r/CQ640f Art As Method (Intersession, tentatively, TR 1-3:50 p.m.)

2025/26 Course Offerings

CS600 Graduate Seminar in Communication Studies
CS601 Communication Studies Research Methods
CS640k Sound, Aurality and Power
CS640i Platform Studies
CS640w Mapping Communication Studies
CS640x Decolonizing Feminism

Special Topics Descriptions

Additional Courses

CS690 Directed Studies 

A selected research project supervised by an individual faculty member.

CS695 Major Research Paper

A major research project to be undertaken on an approved topic and in accordance with the guidelines of the department.

CS699 Thesis

An independent thesis project to be undertaken on an approved topic based upon research connected with the discipline of communication studies and in accordance with the guidelines of the department.