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PhD Funding

For more information on university-wide scholarship, bursary and funding information, visit the: 

Laurier has a minimum funding policy to support full-time doctoral students to a minimum of $19,000 per year for the first four years of doctoral-level study.

Students are expected to apply for any financial awards for which they are eligible. Funding may come from a combination of sources (and can differ from student to student), such as Laurier scholarships, external scholarships and on-campus employment income from teaching or research assistantships.

Financial Support

Financial support for our full-time PhD students is available from several sources including:

  • Teaching Assistantships for the fall and winter term are available to all full-time students. Funding is also available in the form of Research Assistantships.
  • Laurier Graduate Scholarships, awarded on a competitive basis to full-time graduate students who achieve high academic standing. These scholarships are tenable for study at Laurier while enrolled as a full-time student.
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarships, subject to provincial funding levels. These are competitive awards for which all students seeking graduate admissions should apply. Awards are based on merit.
  • SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships are scholarships are awarded based on merit, and are subject to federal funding levels. These competitive awards should be considered as a potential source of funding for all students seeking graduate admissions.

Departmental Travel Funding

  • MA and PhD students who are attending a conference may apply to the department for travel funding once a year (May 1 to April 30).
  • The department will subsidize travel costs for the amount of $350 if you are presenting a paper and $150 if you are attending a conference or performing administrative duties (such as chairing a session).
  • If you attend a second conference in the same year, you may apply for further funding, which may be granted if funds are available.
  • Students may also apply for funding from the Graduate Students' Association.