Prepare for Graduation and Convocation
You've applied to graduate, now what? Here's a list to help you prepare:
Ceremony invitations are sent to email accounts mid-spring for June ceremonies and late summer for October/November ceremonies. Invitations contain detailed instructions with a link on how to RSVP your attendance.
We ask for all graduates to RSVP, even if you are not planning to attend the ceremony, as the response is crucial for planning purposes. It also helps to avoid delays in receiving your degree/diploma for those that do not attend.
As individual email settings may vary, please be sure to check your spam/junk folders and inbox focused filters and settings.
If you are not attending your ceremony, or if circumstances change and you do not attend your ceremony, you will receive instructions to your email on how to receive your degree the week after ceremonies are complete. You will be able to pick up your degree or receive it by courier (at a cost).
A link to the Convocation Portal will be provided in your ceremony invitation. Using your Laurier credentials (SSO) log in and provide payment for the attendance fee by purchasing a Graduate Ticket. The fee includes the cost of the regalia rental. The fees for 2024 are:
- Undergrad/Masters: Attendance fee ($26.04) + Regalia rental ($33 + HST) = $63.33
- PhD: Attendance fee ($26.04) + PhD Regalia rental ($125.50 + HST) = $167.86
All graduates, other than those who complete the Indigenous Identity Verification and Voluntary Indigenous Self-Identification Process, wear a black robe during the ceremony. Laurier's convocation regalia includes a hood for degree earning graduates. Hoods are neither required, nor worn, for candidates from diploma and certificate courses. It does not include a hat/cap/mortar board.
We know how important it is for graduates and loved ones to celebrate at convocation. That is why we use a multi-round distribution system that ensures graduates have equal opportunity to claim guest tickets. Additionally, we make every effort to fill each available seat for guests to join the celebration.
Guest tickets are free of charge, required for all ceremonies and can only be claimed by the graduate during the RSVP process.
You can prepare early by reviewing the details on our tickets page.
Graduates with guests traveling internationally should review the steps provided by Laurier International on how to invite family from visa-required countries.
Here's a look at what do expect on the day of your ceremony:
What to Wear
What you wear is up to you! All graduates, other than those who complete the Indigenous Identity Verification Process, wear a robe during the ceremony. Laurier's convocation regalia includes a hood for degree earning graduates. Hoods are neither required, nor worn, for candidates from diploma and certificate courses. It does not include a hat/cap/mortar board.
No pins, sashes, flags, or accessories may be worn over the robe. Cultural stoles are permitted.
We strongly encourage careful consideration in selecting footwear as you will spend a considerable amount of time standing and walking leading up to and during the ceremony.
What to Bring
We are unable to provide storage of your personal belongings during your ceremony. Please leave all personal items at home/in your car or with your guests. This includes; jackets, purses, bags, and cellphones (unless you have pockets). Items are not to be left at graduate check-in, line up or in your seat during your ceremony.
For Waterloo, complimentary parking is available in the parking lots closest to Lazaridis Hall in our white and gold parking lots. Please note the reserved spots within these lots are not available. Our staff and attendants will be on site to assist and direct you and your guests to available parking lots. Accessible parking is available in the parking lots closest to Lazaridis Hall for graduates and guests who have requested it. Please refer to the Waterloo Campus Parking Map for further information on where to park.
For Brantford, there are a number of private and public parking lots available within walking distance of the Sanderson Centre. Visit the City of Brantford website for more information about municipal lots and street parking, including time limits.
Arrive Early
For Waterloo, arrive at Lazaridis Hall 60 minutes early to:
- check-in and receive your participation card (this helps our marshals keep you organized)
For Brantford, arrive at One Market (Dalhousie & Market Street entrance) 90 minutes early to:
- check-in and receive your participation card (this helps our marshals keep you organized)
- As part of a Brantford campus tradition, graduates are led by the academic procession through the downtown campus district to the Sanderson Centre. We strongly encourage appropriate footwear for this approximately 15-minute parade march.
Pick Up Your Regalia
Staff and signage will direct you to the regalia pick up area.
After collecting your participation card, you will be directed to the regalia pick up area. Give your name to the staff and they will check you off the list of Graduate Ticket claimants, as proof of payment for the attendance fee and regalia rental. Regalia is available for all body types.
During the Ceremony
Convocation Marshals will provide pre-ceremony instructions and guide you throughout the ceremony to help you enjoy the event!
Graduates are advised to avoid any actions on stage that could disrupt the formal nature of the convocation ceremony. Our goal is to honour all of our graduates and allow family and friends to enjoy this special occasion.
Indigenous graduates who have completed the Indigenous Identity Verification Process, will receive a stole from the Office of Indigenous Initiatives.
In order to receive your stole, and to let us know that you are wearing traditional regalia to your convocaiton, please first complete the Indigenous Identity Verification process through the Indigenous Identity Verification and Voluntary Indigenous Self-Identification Form. After completing te Indigenous Identity Verification process, please complete the Indigenous Graduates form.
If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to