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Connect with Us

Use the staff directory below to connect with one of our staff members for concerns related to student support or student conduct

If you are not sure of who to connect with first, email (Kitchener/Waterloo students) or (Brantford/Milton students) and our team can help you from there.

Elevated Student Support

Our student care and support staff work with students who require elevated levels of support when there are extenuating circumstances impacting their academic success or when they need assistance connecting to campus resources. We provide coordinated support to students experiencing a disruption to their studies, which may include absences due to illness or hospitalization, family emergencies, or other significant life events. Our goal is to ensure that during challenging times, students are connected to the support and resources they need to get back on track.

Black or Racialized students looking for support are welcome to connect with Reina Stewart, Student Care Coordinator, for specialized support, resources, advocacy, and referrals.

Brantford/Milton Students

Kitchener/Waterloo Students

Student Conduct

The Student Conduct team strives to help our community uphold a positive, respectful, and learning-centred environment. We are here to listen, and connect students who have experienced harm, safety concerns, or conflict, with resources and tools to support them with feeling safer in this community and more capable to resolve future concerns. We oversee the Non-Academic Student Code of Conduct, and support students who are engaged in the conduct process with reconciling harm, exploring accountability, and moving forward. The Student Conduct team seeks to support the whole student in moving forward from violations of policy and incidents of harm. Our conduct process is built upon a student development framework and outcomes of our conduct process are developed through a restorative lens to support students so that they may continue to be successful members of the Laurier community.