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Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy

Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy and Procedure

At Laurier, we offer various avenues within the Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy and procedures to help students address issues related to safety, accountability, repair, and healing.

Laurier’s Sexual Violence Response Staff can provide support in navigating the Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures. We recognize that this decision and process may seem overwhelming and intimidating. Our office can provide information and resources on the process to help inform your decision and offer ongoing support.

If you have any questions or would like support, please don't hesitate to contact us at

Laurier’s Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy was originally approved by the Board of Governors in November 2016. The policy was revised and approved in June 2023. 

Access the documents here:

12.4 Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy

Procedures Relating to the Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy (12.4)

Your Rights to Confidentiality

Before disclosing your experience(s) of sexual, intimate, or family violence, you are entitled to be informed about the level of confidentiality you can expect from the person to whom you are disclosing.

Confidentiality is an essential consideration whenever an individual has made a disclosure or filed a complaint about an incident of sexual violence. See the Procedures Relating to the Gendered and Sexual Violence Policy (12.4)

Laurier will respect a survivor’s privacy and honour requests for confidentiality to the greatest extent possible; however, there may limits to confidentiality, including when:

i. There is reasonable basis to believe someone is at imminent risk of being harmed, risk of self-harm, or risk of harming another; Members of the university or broader community may be at risk of harm as determined by the university (e.g., when there is an established pattern of behaviour, or the alleged perpetrator is in a position of authority);

ii. Reporting is legally required as per the Child and Family Services Act because an incident involves a child 16 or under;

iii. University officials require information for the purposes of implementing this policy (including providing accommodation and interim measures and investigative and decision-making processes);

iv. A complaint process has been initiated and the respondent must be informed of the details of the complaint;

v. Laurier Special Constables become aware in any way of sexual violence and may have an obligation to report to the local police;

vi. A Laurier employee is legally obligated to hand over case notes or other documentation in relation to a criminal or civil proceeding;

vii. A member of the university community becomes aware of workplace violence or the threat of violence which they must report immediately under Laurier’s Workplace Violence Prevention Policy; or

viii. A residence don receives information about an incident of sexual violence that took place in a Laurier residence.

Noteworthy instances of limits to confidentiality have been listed above; however, survivors should be aware that there are other instances where information may be shared among staff and faculty in the university in order to facilitate requests for accommodations, support, and/or complaints. In cases where information has been shared among staff and faculty in the university, survivors will be kept informed about university offices notified and the information provided.

The sexual violence response coordinator records non-identifying data about disclosures or reports of incidents of sexual violence. This information is used for provincial reporting and to track trends.

Need Help Right Now?

Gendered and Sexual Violence Prevention and Supports:

24 Hour Sexual Assault Crisis and Support Lines:

  • Waterloo: 519.741.8633
  • Brantford: 519.751.3471


  • 911

Special Constable Services:

  • 519.885.3333, or from an internal phone x3333.
Download SAFEHawk App

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Laurier’s Sexual Violence Policy can be tough to understand. These FAQs aim to create clarity, address your concerns, and answer questions you may have.

The Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management is dedicated to equity, transparency and supporting all impacted by gendered and sexual violence engaging with our policy. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact

Laurier’s Gendered and Sexual Violence Prevention and Supports operates on the sacred and traditional land of the Anishnawbe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples.