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Writing services provides constructive feedback to students on writing strategies and assignments. We will not edit your paper for you, but we will teach you to become a better editor of your own writing.

If you have a draft, or if you want to discuss your writing or ideas in depth, make an appointment for a 50-minute consultation. We offer both in-person and online appointments. Online consultations are conducted using Microsoft Teams and SharePoint/Word.

Please login with your usual Laurier network credentials, for example, "smit1234"  Your password is your regular Laurier passoword (it may take a few tries to login).

Please note that we will not be offering appointments during the two-week period of August 26 to September 6, 2024.

To have a successful consultation, we recommend that you book your appointment early and come prepared with your assignment instructions and any work you have done so far. We also encourage you to start thinking about your assignment early so that you have time to work on and revise your writing after your appointment with one of our team members. The task of revision on any written work remains your responsibility. 

Appointment Guidelines

The following guidelines are in place to help writing support services run smoothly and support students as effectively as possible. 

Cancellations and Missed Appointments

Please cancel your appointment 24 hours in advance. If you do not cancel your appointment at least four hours in advance, it will be recorded as missed. If you miss two appointments, you will be locked out of the student portal and not be able to book future appointments online until meeting with a professional staff member.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, you can do it through the student portal, or by emailing us. If you are late by more than 10 minutes, we will open the appointment up to another student.

Number of Appointments

We limit the number of appointments you can book per term to 8. In addition, you cannot bring the same paper more than twice nor have more than one appointment per day.

These guidelines ensure that you retain responsibility for your own work and that you grow as a writer.

Also, students are limited to one appointment per tutor per week. Students are welcome to book with other tutors for additional appointments.