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Writing Services

Writing services at Waterloo and Brantford can help undergraduate and graduate students develop the writing skills needed to succeed in their academic studies. We provide an accessible, supportive, student-centred environment where ideas can take shape and students can develop their writing through critical thinking.

Writing support includes:

  • One-on-one writing appointments (online and in person) with a student or professional staff member.
  • On-campus, in-class, and online writing workshops.
  • Online writing resources.

In Waterloo, we are located in the Teaching and Learning Commons, 2nd floor Peters. Look for the Writing and Learning Lab, room P226. 
In Brantford, we are located at One Market, room OM207.


We are currently offering both in-person and online writing appointments. Online appointments are conducted using Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Sharepoint/OneDrive. 


Service Approach and Guiding Principles

We work with undergraduate and graduate students at any stage of the writing process to help them enhance their academic writing. The key principle of our approach is to support the writing that goes on in the classroom in a way that helps students become better writers and achieve their academic goals. Our work is informed by internal and external research on academic writing and instruction.

Writing Services has four full-time staff and approximately 15 paid student tutors.

Our mission is to help students become better writers and achieve their academic goals.