Program Requirements
Note: University regulations apply to all students at Laurier. If there is any discrepancy between the program or progression requirements outlined on this page and those in the university's academic calendars, the academic calendars are the official sources of information. The information below is from the latest calendar, and you may be following progression requirements from an earlier calendar. Students are responsible for checking the appropriate calendar. Contact your program coordinator should you notice any discrepancies.
The Leadership program is currently available as both a Leadership BA (in Combination) as well as an Option and Minor.
Option and Minor
Note: For any academic concerns or help understanding program requirements, contact Academic Advising.
The Leadership Option consists of 4.0 credits. Students must complete all required courses (2.0 credits) plus a minimum of 2.0 credits from the list of elective courses. Minimum GPA required to graduate with the Option is a cumulative 7.0 in Leadership Option courses.
Required courses: (2.0 credits)
- OL140: Leadership Foundations
OL200/MB200: Communication Skills for Leadership (or OL109/MB109) - OL224/PD224: Organizational Leadership
- OL401: Leadership Skills Practice and Application or OL485: Expanding Leadership Potential
Electives courses (2.0 credits)
Four of the 0.5 courses from the list of approved courses below:
- OL101: Leadership and Personal Development
- OL201: Applying Leadership Experience
- OL202: Designing Leadership Experience
- OL233/CC233/HS233: Introduction to Social Science Research Methods
- OL251/HR251: Workplace Diversity in the 21st Century
- OL270: Leadership: Followers and Leaders
- OL298: Entrepreneurship
- OL300: Leadership Ethics or MB300: Ethics, Technology and Organizations
- HR301/OL301: Development Theories, Approaches and Issues
- OL314: Listening and Nonverbal Communication
- HR322/OL322: Non-Profits and NGOs
- OL340: Leadership, Culture and Change
- OL365: Influence, Persuasion and Negotiation
- OL370: Power and Governance in Organizations
- OL380: Directed Studies
- OL481: Project Management
- WS204: Women, Gender and Work
- Students should be aware that some of these courses have prerequisites. Although these prerequisites may be waived by the department administering the course, it is the responsibility of the student to make such arrangements.
- Effective Fall 2021, OL109/MB109 was changed to OL200/MB200. Students are not permitted to hold credit in both OL109/MB109 and OL200/MB200.
- Students who have completed BU208 and/or BU288 and are interested in the Leadership Minor or Option should contact the Leadership Program Coordinator for more information.
The Minor in Leadership consists of 3.0 credits, including all required courses (2.0 credits) plus a minimum of a 1.0 credit from the list of elective courses. No fewer than 2.0 credits may be senior. Minimum GPA requirement to graduate with the minor is a cumulative 4.5 in Leadership minor courses.
Required Courses (2.0 credits)
- OL140: Leadership Foundations
- OL200/MB200: Communication Skills for Leadership (or OL109/MB109)
- OL224/PD224: Organizational Leadership
- OL401: Leadership Skills Practice and Application or OL485: Expanding Leadership Potential
Elective Courses (1.0 credit)
Two of the 0.5 courses from the list of approved courses below:
- OL101: Leadership and Personal Development
- OL201: Applying Leadership Experience
- OL202: Designing Leadership Experience
- OL233/CC233/HS233: Introduction to Social Science Research Methods
- OL251/HR251: Workplace Diversity in the 21st Century
- OL270: Leadership: Followers and Leaders
- OL298: Entrepreneurship
- OL300: Leadership Ethics or MB300: Ethics, Technology and Organizations
- HR301/OL301: Development Theories, Approaches and Issues
- OL314: Listening and Nonverbal Communication
- HR322/OL322: Non-Profits and NGOs
- OL340: Leadership, Culture and Change
- OL365: Influence, Persuasion and Negotiation
- OL370: Power and Governance in Organizations
- OL380: Directed Studies
- OL481: Project Management
- WS204: Women, Gender and Work
- Students should be aware that some of these courses have prerequisites. Although these prerequisites may be waived by the department administering the course, it is the responsibility of the student to make such arrangements.
- Effective Fall 2021, OL109/MB109 was changed to OL200/MB200. Students are not permitted to hold credit in both OL109/MB109 and OL200/MB200.
- Students who have completed BU208 and/or BU288 and are interested in the Leadership Minor or Option should contact the Leadership Program Coordinator for more information.
- Refer also to the regulations governing minors in the academic calendar.
Honours Programs
The Honours BA Leadership program focuses on the interdisciplinary problems facing our leaders and our organizations. It explores, from a liberal arts perspective, a range of historical and emerging contemporary resources relevant to these challenges. Graduates will find themselves well equipped to understand organizations and leadership, and well prepared for leadership positions in a wide range of organizations.
The combined Honours Leadership program consists of 20.0 credits, of which not more than 7.0 may be at the 100 level. A minimum of 6.0 and a maximum of 8.0 senior credits must be in Leadership.
Program Requirements:
Students must complete all required 2.0 credits in the combined honours program, plus 5.0 additional credits in OL.
Required OL Courses: (2.0 credits)
- OL140: Leadership Foundations
- OL200/MB200: Communication Skills for Leadership
- OL224/PD224: Organizational Leadership
- One of OL401: Leadership Skills: Practice and Application or OL485: Expanding Leadership Potential
Degree Program Electives: An additional 13.0 credits toward the degree total of 20.0 credits, which includes the second Honours BA major.
Students who are required to take research methods and statistic courses in their second honours program should seek academic advice to avoid duplication.
Note: WS209 is considered an “OL” course to fulfill requirements.
COMING 2025-2026
Note: For any academic concerns or help understanding program requirements, contact Academic Advising.
The Honours Leadership program consists of 20.0 credits, of which not more than 7.0 may be at the 100 level. The program must include a minimum of 9.0 and a maximum of 12.5 senior credits in Leadership.
Program Requirements:
Students must complete all required 7.0 credits in the honours program, plus 3.0 additional credits in OL.
Degree Program Electives: An additional 10.0 credits toward the degree total of 20.0 credits.
Required Courses: (7.0 credits)- OL101: Leadership and Personal Development
- OL140: Leadership Foundations
- OL200/MB200: Communication Skills for Leadership
- OL201: Applying Leadership Experience
- OL202: Designing Leadership Experience
- OL224/PD224: Organizational Leadership
- OL233/CC233/HS233: Introduction to Social Science Research Methods
- OL251/HR251: Workplace Diversity in the 21st Century
- OL270: Leadership: Understanding Followers & Leaders
- OL300: Leadership Ethics or MB300: Ethics, Technology and Organizations
- OL311: Teams in Organizations
- OL340: Leadership, Culture and Change
- OL365: Influence, Persuasion and Negotiation
- OL401: Leadership Skills: Practice and Application or OL485: Expanding Leadership Potential
Additional Courses: (3.0 credits)
- OL260: Organizations and Social Change
- OL298: Entrepreneurship
- OL314: Nonverbal Communication and Listening Skills
- HR301/OL301: Development Theories, Approaches & Issues
- HR322/OL322: Non-profits and NGOs
- OL401: Leadership Skills: Practice and Application or OL485: Expanding Leadership Potential
- OL380: Directed Studies
- OL430: Advanced Topics in Leadership
- OL481: Project Management
- WS209: Women and Leadership
- Refer to the University Regulations chapter of the academic calendar for progression and course regulations and the earlier section regarding Regulations for All Honours Programs.
- Students completing the honours Leadership program are excluded from completing the Honours Health Administration program.
- Effective Fall 2021, OL109/MB109 was changed to OL200/MB200. Students are not permitted to hold credit in both OL109/MB109 and OL200/MB200.