Program Requirements
Note: University regulations apply to all students at Laurier. If there is any discrepancy between the program or progression requirements outlined on this page and those in the university's academic calendars, the academic calendars are the official sources of information. The information below is from the latest calendar, and you may be following progression requirements from an earlier calendar. Students are responsible for checking the appropriate calendar. Contact your program coordinator should you notice any discrepancies.
The PhD Human Relationships has two fields: Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy, and Pastoral Leadership. Each field has a prescribed set of required and elective courses.
Year 1
Fall term
- TH761K: Adult Education
- TH760: Clinical/Ministry Work
Register in TH760 each term until your 500 clinical hours requirement of your degree is complete. Once complete, contact your faculty advisor to have a successful grade applied to your record.
Winter term
- TH761I: Qualitative and Quantitative Research
- TH664H: Professional Studies and Ethics
If you have completed a comparable ethics course at the graduate level, you will be exempt from the TH664H program requirement. No further action is required if this course was completed at Martin Luther University College. All other students should submit an appeal to the academic administrative committee to remove the pre-requisite of the advanced research course.
- TH760: Clinical/Ministry Work
Spring term
- Counselling Elective (Normally selected from TH663 or TH664 course offerings.)
- TH760: Clinical/Ministry Work
Year 2
Fall term
- TH761E: Doctoral Pastoral Counselling Studies: Theological Reflection in Pastoral Care and Counselling
- TH760: Clinical/Ministry Work
Winter term
- Counselling Elective (Normally selected from TH663 or TH664 course offerings.)
- TH760: Clinical/Ministry Work
By this term, you should complete your 500 clinical hours requirement and you will no longer need to register for this course. Please speak with your faculty advisor to ensure that a successful grade has been recorded.
Spring term
- TH761J: Advanced Qualitative and Quantitative Research
- Theological Elective
Year 3
Fall term
- Theological Elective
Winter term
- TH740A: Comprehensive Paper and Exam: Integration of Theory and Praxis
Spring term
- TH780A: Human Relationship Dissertation Proposal
Year 4
Each term until completion of program:
- TH780B: Human Relationship Dissertation
Year 1
Fall term
- TH761K: Adult Education
- TH760: Clinical/Ministry Work
Register in TH760 each term until your 500 ministry hours requirement of your degree is complete. Once complete, contact your faculty advisor to have a successful grade applied to your record.
Winter term
- TH761I: Qualitative and Quantitative Research
- TH664H: Professional Studies and Ethics
- TH760: Clinical/Ministry Work Spring term
Spring term
- TH765A: Pastoral Leadership Seminar I
- TH760: Clinical/Ministry Work
Year 2
Fall term
- TH761E: Doctoral Pastoral Counselling Studies: Theological Reflection in Pastoral Care and Counselling
- TH760: Clinical/Ministry Work
Winter term
- Elective
- TH760: Clinical/Ministry Work
By this term, you should complete your 500 ministry hours requirement and you will no longer need to register for this course. Please speak with your faculty advisor to ensure that a successful grade has been recorded.
Spring term
- TH761J: Advanced Qualitative and Quantitative Research
- TH765B: Pastoral Leadership Seminar II
Year 3
Fall term
- Elective
Winter term
- TH740A: Comprehensive Paper and Exam: Integration of Theory and Praxis
Spring term
- TH780A: Human Relationship Dissertation Proposal
Year 4
Each term until completion of program:
- TH780B: Human Relationship Dissertation
Progress Report Form
Progress reports are due on April 15th of each year. Students are required to submit the PhD Progress and Activity Report directly to their supervisor/advisor and collect all the required signatures. Then submit the complete form with all the signatures to their student advisor.