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Scholarships and Bursaries

The Student Awards General Profile

Martin Luther University College (Luther) is a federated college of Wilfrid Laurier University. Luther graduate students are eligible for some Laurier bursaries and awards. To be considered, fill out the General Profile on the Student Awards tab on LORIS. (Visit Student Awards for more information about the General Profile.)

To apply for the annual financial-aid bursaries, you must have completed the General Profile in the Student Awards tab on LORIS. Please see below for more information.

See details and deadlines

Full-Time Term-by-Term Bursary

If you are a graduate student taking a full-time course load, you are eligible to receive a bursary of about $600 per term (students receiving senior tuition exemption are not eligable for this bursary). The exact amount varies slightly from year to year. You will need to apply for this bursary on LORIS. You will receive an email notification that a new application is available, you will be able to access it through the Student Awards and Financial Aid tab on LORIS. We award it based on your registration after the last day to add courses for the term. It may take several weeks to appear on your student account, so don’t worry if you don’t see it right away.

Annual Financial-Aid Bursaries

Over the years, we’ve collected several bursaries in the form of financial endowments. (Please consider contributing when you are able.) Annual financial-aid bursaries are issued on the basis of financial need.

We issue these bursaries only once per year. Your application is not complete unless you have followed all three of the following steps by the deadline:

  • Be fully registered with a full-time course load for both fall and winter terms.
  • Complete the Annual Bursaries Application Form.
  • Complete the General Profile in the Student Awards tab on LORIS.

We follow our donors’ stipulations. In some cases, that means asking you about your faith tradition. If you are successful in receiving an annual financial-aid bursary, we may ask you to write a note of thanks to your benefactor.

You need to complete both forms in order for your application to be reviewed.

Late applications will not be considered.

Supervised Pastoral Education Bursary

Students in the Master of Divinity program are required to complete one unit of Supervised Pastoral Education (SPE). We are especially grateful for the generosity of the Martin Luther University College Auxiliary (formerly Women's Auxiliary) for providing bursaries to MDiv students completing the SPE portion of their degree program.

MDiv students may apply for this bursary once they have received an acceptance letter from the SPE site. To apply for this bursary, contact

Graduate Students' Association

Luther graduate students are members of the Wilfrid Laurier University Graduate Students’ Association (GSA). The GSA provides a slate of services to graduate students including an extended health and dental insurance plan, career counselling, and discounts through a variety of resources. It also administers a number of different funds, including funds that can help you pay for attending professional development workshops, new technology, or many other grad-student expenses. You should definitely check them out!

External Opportunities Listed by the FGPS

External scholarship competitions awarded on the basis of academic merit are listed by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FGPS). Normally Luther students are eligible for social science competitions. Students with a psychotherapy focus could also consider applying under health categories.

Contact Graduate Studies and the Student Advisor for more information.