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Course Offerings for 2024/25


  • IFSFT = Indigenous Field of Study Full-time
  • FNTI = First Nations Technical Institute Part-time
  • KT = Kenjgewin Teg Part-time

Note regarding the use of the words "Indigenous" and "Indigenous peoples": The term Indigenous has a specific meaning in Canada, in that it is a term used to recognize the three major Indigenous groups: Status Indians, Metis and Inuit. This term and meaning is entrenched in the Canadian constitution and therefore in these course descriptions "Indigenous" refers to the Canadian context. "Indigenous" is a word whose meaning has emerged to mean all people around the globe who are recognized as the original ancestral inhabitants of a given territory before contact with outside groups. Therefore, when the word "Indigenous" is used it refers to the experiences and worldviews shared among original peoples around the globe.

Fall 2024 Course Offerings

Winter 2025 Course Offerings

Spring 2025 Course Offerings