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Student Appeal Procedures

The Wilfrid Laurier University Act, 1973 gives the Senate of Wilfrid Laurier University responsibility for the educational policies of the University, including the power to "hear and determine appeals from the decisions of the faculty councils on applications and examinations by students."

The Senate has delegated the authority to act for Senate in hearing appeals to the Senate Student Appeals Committee (Senate SAC). There is no appeal level beyond the Senate SAC; the decision of the committee is final.

Note: This is a simplified version of the procedure. For the full procedure for the Senate Student Appeals Committee, see the Procedures for Considering a Student Appeal page.

Preparing an Appeal

You can appeal to Senate SAC only after you have:

  • Received a decision from a petitions committee 
    • Appeals of this nature must be submitted within 30 days of receiving a petitions committee decision.


  • Have received the final notice of penalty of a second (or subsequent) academic misconduct offense.
    • Appeals of this nature must be submitted within 10 working days of receiving the Final Notice of Penalty document.

Grounds: Petitions

Appeals to the Senate SAC are not a resubmission of the original petition.

The Senate SAC will only consider an appeal if you submit one or more of the following grounds:

  • New Evidence directly related to your appeal that, through no fault of your own, was not available or provided in the initial petition and provides information that would impact the decision.
  • Evidence that the petitions committee process included a serious procedural error.
    • This includes the handling of the petition, the application of written procedures of the University, and fair application of University procedures.

If you do not include new evidence directly related to your appeal or evidence of a procedural error, you will be notified that your appeal will not move forward.

Grounds: Second (or subsequent) Academic Misconduct Offence

Appeals of a subsequent offence of academic misconduct to the Senate SAC are being heard by an appeals body for the first time, and therefore it is not necessary to meet grounds.

Submitting an Appeal

Your appeal letter must include the following:

  • the specific decision that is being appealed,
  • the solution being asked for,
  • the grounds for the appeal (new evidence and/or serious procedural error – not applicable to academic misconduct submissions),
  • and a summary of the evidence which you are providing in support.

Your documentation must include the following (where applicable):

  • the text of the decision being appealed (i.e. email from petitions committee with final decision or final notice of penalty document),
  • the text of the relevant procedural regulations (if any) allegedly violated or otherwise deemed applicable to the case (i.e. published procedure or regulation), and
  • the documentation and written evidence being used to support the appeal.

After You Submit an Appeal

Once you have submitted your appeal using the online form, the Senate SAC will request the full petition file from the petitions committee or your full academic misconduct file to review with your appeal (if applicable). The committee has 21 days from the date of submission to consider and decide the appeal.

The final decision will be communicated to you through your email and may also be sent to your faculty’s dean, associate dean, and Enrolment Services for their records.

The Senate SAC has the power to:

  • Return the appeal to the petitions committee with instruction to:
    • reconsider on the basis of new evidence or
    • reconsider using proper procedure.
  • Approve the appeal.
  • Deny the appeal.
  • Uphold all, or part, of the appeal or substitute its own decision.
  • Dismiss the appeal.

There is no appeal beyond the Senate SAC and its decision is final.


For support with the appeal, the following services are offered through WLUSU:

Persons with questions regarding the Senate Student Appeals Committee procedures should contact the Office of the Provost and Vice-President: Academic, Wilfrid Laurier University, at