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Arts Advising

Students who:

  • wish to transfer to the Honours Communication Studies programs
  • are in first year
  • are undeclared or in the general Arts (no major) programs
should seek advising from Arts advisors. For more information on Arts Advising, visit the Arts Advising page.

Communication Studies and Cultural Studies Undergraduate Program Advising for Senior CS/KS Students

Dr. Sara Matthews is the Undergraduate Program Advisor for senior Communication Studies and Cultural Studies students.

Spring 2024 advising hours
  • Wednesdays, 3-4 p.m. (via Zoom, by appointment)
  • Thursdays, 11-12 noon (via Zoom, by appointment)

Special advising hours:

  • Wednesday, July 3rd: 3-5 pm via Zoom DROP-IN
  • Thursday, July 4th: 11-1 pm via Zoom DROP-IN
  • Wednesday, July 10th: 3-5 pm via Zoom DROP-IN
  • Thursday, July 11th: 11-1 pm via Zoom DROP-IN
  • Zoom drop-in information:
    • Prior to dropping-in, please create an audit of your program requirements following the instructions posted here.
    • Join Zoom Meeting:
    • Meeting ID: 991 3230 6655
    • When joining the meeting, you will be entering a waiting room. When Dr. Matthews is ready to talk to you, she will admit you to the meeting.

Request an appointment by sending an email (using your Laurier email account) to You must include:

  • your Degree Audit, from MyDegree
  • name, student ID number
  • reason for the appointment
  • preferred appointment day and time within advising hours

We will reply with your meeting date, time and Zoom meeting information.

Please make sure that you are set up properly per the instructions posted here

Please note that if you have a Zoom account with email other than, there is a possibility that you will be locked out of the Zoom meeting; you need to check with the HelpDesk on merging your Zoom account.