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Working in Canada

Whether you are a current international student looking for part-time work or you have graduated from Laurier and are exploring your options, learn more about what you need to work or volunteer in Canada.

Part-Time Work

As an international student, you are eligible to work part-time in Canada if you have:

  • A study permit that indicates you can work in Canada.
  • A social insurance number (SIN).
Information about working in Canada is subject to change, so be sure to refer to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) site for the latest information.

Co-op Work Permit

A co-op work permit is required to participate in Laurier’s co-op program, even if your study permit says you are eligible to work in Canada. Co-op work positions are often for more than 20 hours a week and many are off campus.

You can apply for a co-op work permit if:

  • You have a valid study permit.
  • Work is required to complete your program of study in Canada.
  • You have a letter from Laurier confirming that all students in your program must complete work placements to get their degrees.
  • Your co-op placement totals less than 50% or less than your study program.

How you apply for a co-op work permit depends on if you have already applied for your study permit or not. Review the application process to determine your next steps.

Apply After You Receive Your Study Permit

If you have already received your study permit and started your studies, you can apply for your co-op work permit online through your IRCC account.

Cost: Free
  • Processing time: Check the IRCC website
  • How to apply: Online through your IRCC account
  • Documents required: Current valid study permit, letter from co-op office, passport and a digital passport-style photo

Apply With Your Study Permit

If you are applying for your co-op work permit along with your study permit please make sure you submit all documents required for your study permit and then include a letter from the co-op office stating the requirement of your program for your to participate in co-op. 

If you have questions or concerns about your co-op work permit, contact Laurier International.

After Graduation

Find out what immigration options are available to you if you want to stay in Ontario or Canada after graduation.