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Winter 2022 Updates for Accessible Learning

Accessible Learning Centre (ALC) staff extends a warm welcome to all new and returning students with disabilities. We look forward to supporting you in your studies as we return to campus.

Contact the ALC using one of the email addresses on the left for support or questions about registering.

In-Person Learning

We know some students have questions about returning to in-person learning. Below are responses to some frequently-asked questions you may find helpful.

New Applications

The ALC welcomes new students with disabilities to Laurier! Registration with the ALC is an easy 3-step process: 

  1. Complete our "self-identification" form.
  2. Submit your disability documentation.
  3. Meet with an ALC Accommodation Consultant

Visit our Registration page for instructions and more information.

Exam Accommodations

Are you already registered with the ALC and have exam accommodations? Follow these instructions to access your exam accommodations:

A-activate your exam accommodations in AL Online for each course that you need your exam accommodations. 

B-book your in-person exams and online exams for which you need virtual proctoring.  Do this before the published deadline.

C-confirm your exam location and check that your accommodations are correct, including your extra time.

Helpful links:

Assistive Technology for ANY Online Quiz/Test/Midterm or Final Exam

Students who want to access their accommodations to use an assistive technology exam accommodation (for example: Kurzweil, Dragon, ZoomText, or any other reading/dictation software) for online timed assessments (quizzes, tests, midterms or finals) are required to book their assessment in Accessible Learning Online prior to the booking deadlines. Visit our website to find more information about using assistive technology during online exams. 

Note taking

Note taking as an accommodation helps students to access oral information presented in class.  The note taking accommodation supplements information that students obtain themselves through their own note taking efforts and is not intended to replace their attendance and engagement in class – whether in person or online.

Students approved for note taking as an accommodation must specify courses for which they want note taking in Accessible Learning Online.  

Note: Notetaking support is not provided in courses where students have unlimited access to course or lecture content (e.g., pre-recorded lectures, or presentations with audio). 


Until physical distancing restrictions are fully lifted, the ALC encourages students who use tutoring support to connect with tutors online using Zoom, TEAMS or other virtual meeting applications (e.g., Skype or Google Hangouts). 

Is your tutoring support covered by bursary funding?  Be sure to verify your time log receipts using DocuSign.

Learning Strategies

Email Accessible learning using one of the emails to the left, or your Learning Strategist directly, to book a Learning Strategist appointment


Students who receive government or university bursary funding are responsible for submitting appropriate receipts and repayment by the end of the term. Students are encouraged to utilize electronic signatures for receipts. Please speak with your ALC consultant about any questions you have related to bursary funds. 

Other Campus Resources/Supports/Information