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Incoming Student Support

We’re excited to welcome you to the Lazaridis Master of Business Administration program – what we know will be a valuable and challenging investment in your professional development.

Now that you’ve been accepted into the program, there are few things you need to do before all the learning begins. The information below provides you with a step-by-step guide on how to begin your career as a Lazaridis MBA candidate. Your academic advisor, Annmarie White, is available for any questions you may have as you arrive on campus. The Lazaridis Graduate Program Office is is located on the fourth floor of Lazaridis School.

Step 1: Register for Your Courses

Each term, you will register for your courses. This can be done through the Laurier Online Registration Information System (LORIS). If you have specific questions pertaining to your registration, contact your academic advisor, Annmarie White.

Step 2: Set up Your Laurier Email Account

The Lazaridis MBA program’s faculty and staff will only contact you through your Laurier email account. When you are accepted to Laurier, a student email is automatically created for you. Be sure you can access your student email and learn about maintaining your network account information. If you have any questions or concerns about your network account, contact the ICT Student Service Desk at or at 226-243-6393.

Step 3: Pay Your Tuition

After registering for courses, you will receive an email from Service Laurier stating that your tuition and fees invoice is ready to be viewed on LORIS. Once you understand the tuition costs for your program and review the graduate student fees breakdown, familiarize yourself with the payment deadline and how you can pay.

Payment options:

Step 4: Get Your Laurier OneCard

The Laurier OneCard is your student card/photo identification while enrolled in the MBA program.

For students in the full-time and part-time Waterloo cohort, it gives you access to the Lazaridis Graduate Study Spaces, Athletic Complex, and public transit (full-time students only). You can add money to your card and use it at various shops and services around campus such as restaurants and copy centres. You can arrange for your OneCard online ahead of the term, or go to the OneCard office and have your picture taken.

Step 6: Buy a Parking Pass

Parking at Laurier’s Waterloo campus requires a student permit. Visit Laurier’s Parking and Transportation webpage to learn how to buy your parking permit.

Step 7: Brush up on the Basics

It may have been a while since you were last in university, therefore we offer free refresher workshops in math and Microsoft Excel to help you get up to speed before classes begin. Once you are enrolled, we will email you with the next round of workshops available for registration.

In the meantime, feel free to visit these sites for some free refresher content:

Step 8: Go to Orientation

All MBA students are required to attend a mandatory orientation session. This is your first chance to meet your fellow MBA candidates and professors, as well as learn about what the program has in store for you. You will be emailed with the specific date, time and location of the orientation.