The Answers You Need Over the Holidays
Wilfrid Laurier University is closed for the holiday season as of 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 20, and reopens on Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025.
Laurier staff will not be available for assistance during the holiday closure.
But we know the holidays also offer some extra time in your schedule to research and plan, come up with questions, and identify deadlines that are coming up fast. That’s why we’ve put together this resource page so you can find your way to all the answers you need over the holidays, even while our team is away.
If you still have questions after reviewing these resources and connecting with SeLa, our chatbot, feel free to reach out to us by phone, in-person, web form or via virtual appointment starting Jan. 2, 2025.
Paying Fees and Securing OSAP
Payment Options
For payment options and due dates, visit the Payments website. Payments will not be processed during the closure and any payments made during the break will not appear on your student account until Jan. 3. As a result, holds will not be removed until the week of Jan. 2.
Refund requests for winter term credits will be processed beginning Feb. 3, 2025.
Invoices and Fees
Invoices are static documents reflective of registration and payments at the time of invoicing. Up-to-date account balances, including payments and opt-outs, can be found on your Account Summary by Term in LORIS. Information related to tuition and fees, Invoicing and Accounts, Payments, and Fee Appeals can be found online.
Digital Text Access Fees are charged after the term has begun. Many students believe they have paid in full and wonder where additional charges have come from. Check the Account Summary by Term for the most up-to-date account balances.
OSAP will begin Jan. 6 and will take one to two weeks to be completed.
View your OSAP status on LORIS under the 'Student Awards and Financial Aid' menu by selecting 'View My Aid/Funding.'
Visit our OSAP Funding Release and Paying Laurier Fees website for details of this process.
Registering for Courses
For information on course registration, including adding/dropping courses, important dates and how to build your schedule, check out the Course Registration Guide online.
For questions about course selection, meeting degree requirements, or overrides, please connect with your Academic Advising team!
Updating Credits and Accessing Records
If you require official proof of enrolment, we encourage you to use the free Verification of Enrolment (VOE) found in your LORIS account. This document is an official verification of enrolment and is accepted by many RESP companies as well as Service Canada for CPP Forms.
Other Key Contacts
Questions about residence? Please contact the Department of Residence at housing@wlu.ca.
Questions about meal plans or OneCards? Contact onecard@wlu.ca.
Looking for Mental Health and Wellness supports? Visit the Mental Health Resources webpage.
Looking for academic or financial dates and deadlines? Visit the Academic Calendar.
Interested in applying to Laurier for a future term? Check out our Future Student’s Guide to Applying.
From all of us at Service Laurier, happy holidays! We look forward to connecting with you again in 2025!