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Course Offerings for 2024/2025

Departmental course information is provided for your convenience only. Schedules - including times and locations of classes are subject to change and should be confirmed on LORIS under the Student Services tab by accessing the link for Registration. All official academic information, including prerequisites and exclusions, can be found in the academic calendars.

As far as possible, the department attempts to provide a full range of core courses and electives. However, every course listed in this section is not available in every session or every year. Students are encouraged to consult the department to inquire about course offerings each year.

If you would like to take more than 2.5 credits in one term, you must complete a Request for Course Overload Form.


Course Registration Resources

Fall 2024

Table listing courses offered in Fall 2024 term
MA506 Partial Differential Equations I
MA523 Intro to Groups and Rings
MA555 Continuous/Discrete Transforms
MA570 Financial Math in Discrete Time
MA571 Computational Methods for Data Analysis
MA572 Intro to Optimization
MA622 Advanced Linear Algebra
MA651 Stochastic Analysis
MA677 Quantitative Financial Risk Management
MA680 Seminar Mathematical Modelling
MA686M Mathematics of Planet Earth I
MA695 Major Project
MA699 Master's Thesis
MA810 Research Proposal and Qualifying Exam
MA820 Modelling and its Applications
MA821 Research Seminar
MA880 Grad Seminar in Math & Stats
MA899 Doctoral Dissertation
ST559 Intermediate Probability Theory
ST561 Theory of Statistics
ST562 Regression Analysis
ST674 Monte Carlo and Sim Methods

Winter 2025

Table listing courses offered in Winter 2025 term
MA505 Ordinary Differential Equation
MA507 Numerical Analysis
MA517 Number Theory
MA550 Real Analysis
MA606 Partial Differential Equations II
MA670 Financial Modelling & Pricing
MA671 Computational Methods in Fin.
MA675 Ring, Field, Galois Theory
MA695 Major Project
MA699 Master's Thesis
MA810 Research Proposal and Qualifying Exam
MA820 Modelling and its Applications
MA899 Doctoral Dissertation
ST544 Intro to Experimental Design/Survey Sampling
ST673 Financial Data Analysis
ST690 Stochastic Processes
ST691 Survival Analysis
ST692 Time Series Analysis
ST694 Statistical Learning

Spring 2025

Table listing courses offered in Spring 2025 term
MA506 Partial Differential Equations I
MA651 Stochastic Analysis
MA693 Graduate Seminar
MA695 Major Project
MA699 Master's Thesis
MA800 Comprehensive Exam
MA810 Research Proposal and Qualifying Exam
MA821 Research Seminar
MA899 Doctoral Dissertation
ST559 Intermediate Probability Theory
ST562 Regression Analysis
ST674 Monte Carlo and Sim Methods