Program Requirements
Note: University regulations apply to all students at Laurier. If there is any discrepancy between the program or progression requirements outlined on this page and those in the university's academic calendars, the academic calendars are the official sources of information. The information below is from the latest calendar, and you may be following progression requirements from an earlier calendar. Students are responsible for checking the appropriate calendar. Contact your program coordinator should you notice any discrepancies.
All students in math programs are required to complete MA103. Based on the results of the Calculus Preparation Evaluation (CPE), some students might be required to take MA102 before taking MA103. Students must write the CPE before registering in either MA102 or MA103.
The Honours BSc Mathematics program consists of a minimum of 20.0 credits, including at least 9.0 but no more than 13.0 senior MA (Mathematics) or ST (Statistics) credits. The program shall include no more than 7.0 100 level credits and must include the following:
Required Courses
- MA103, MA104, MA121, MA122, MA201, MA205, MA215, MA222, MA250, ST259, ST260, MA304 or MA350, MA323, MA489 and at least 4.0 additional senior MA or ST credits, which must include at least 3.5 credits at the 300 or 400 level, of which at least 1.5 must be at the 400 level.
- At least 2.0 credits from: both BI110 and BI111; both CH110 and CH111; both CP104 and CP164; both DATA100 and DATA200; both GL101 and GL102; both PC131 and PC132.
- 2.0 approved senior non-Mathematics, non-Statistics science credits.
Program Regulations and Notes
- Progression into Year 2 requires a successful completion of both MA103 and MA122, and an overall GPA of 4.00. Progression into subsequent years requires a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Graduation requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in all Mathematics and Statistics courses, and a minimum overall GPA of 5.00.
- CP104 is recommended as an elective.
- Electives must include at least 1.0 credit from a discipline outside of those offered by the Faculty of Science.
- The following is a suggested schedule within which all program requirements can be fulfilled. Based on the results of the Calculus Placement Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 would be completed in Fall term of Year 1, MA103 would be completed in Winter term of Year 1 and MA104 would be completed in Fall term of Year 2.
- One of CP103 and CP104 is a prerequisite for DATA200.
Year 1
MA103, MA104 (unless MA102 is taken; refer to Note 4 above), MA121, MA122;
1.0 credit from: both BI110 and BI111; both CH110 and CH111; both CP104 and CP164; both GL101 and GL102; both PC131 and PC132
2.0 non-MA elective credits
Year 2
MA201, MA205, MA215, MA222, ST259, ST260
1.0 credit from: both BI110 and BI111; both CH110 and CH111; both CP104 and CP164;
both DATA100 and DATA200; both GL101 and GL102;
both PC131 and PC132
MA104 if not taken in Year 1 (refer to Note 4 above) or 0.5 non-MA/ST elective credit
0.5 elective credit
Year 3
MA250, MA323
2.0 senior MA or ST elective credits
1.0 senior science credit
1.0 elective credit
Year 4
MA304 or MA350,
2.0 senior MA or ST elective credits,
1.0 senior science credit,
1.0 elective credit
The Honours BSc Mathematics and Data Analytics program consists of a minimum of 20.0 credits, including at least 9.0 and no more than 13.0 senior MA and ST credits. The program shall include no more than 7.0 100 level credits and must include the following:
Required Courses:
DATA100 - Introduction to Data AnalyticsDATA200 - Data Analytics
MA103 - Calculus I
one of MA120 or MA121;
one of MA122 or MA123;
MA170 - Introduction to Mathematics for Finance
MA200 - Advanced Calculus
MA207 - Introduction to Mathematical Software
two of MA205, MA220, MA222, MA238, or MA270;
ST259 - Probability I
ST260 - Introduction to Statistics
one of MA307 or MA371;
one of ST358, ST359, or ST361;
one of MA305, MA306, MA338, MA355, MA370, MA372, MA373, or ST344;
ST362 - Regression Analysis
ST494 - Statistical Learning
MA489 - Honours Seminar
At least 3.0 additional senior MA or ST credits, which must include at least 2.0 credits at the 300 or 400 level, of which at least 1.0 must be at the 400 level
At least 1.0 credit from: both BI110 and BI111; both CH110 and CH111; both CP104 and CP164; both GL101 and GL102; both PC131 and PC132.
1.0 approved senior non-Mathematics, non-Statistics science credit.
Program Regulations
Progression into Year 2 requires a successful completion of MA103 and (MA122 or MA123), and one of MA122, MA123, and an overall GPA of 4.00. Progression into subsequent years requires a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Graduation requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in all Mathematics and Statistics courses, and a minimum overall GPA of 5.00.
CP104 and CP164 are recommended as electives.
Electives must include at least 1.0 credit from a discipline outside of those offered by the Faculty of Science.
See suggested schedule in which all program requirements can be fulfilled, below. Based on the results of the Calculus Placement Evaluation (CPE), an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103. In that case, MA102 would be completed in Fall term of Year 1, MA103 would be completed in Winter of Year 1.
Suggested Schedule
Year 1
DATA100; MA103; MA120 or MA121; MA122 or MA123; MA170;
1.0 credit from: both BI110 and BI111, both CH110 and CH111, both CP104 and CP164,
both GL101 and GL102, both PC131 and PC132; 1.5 non-MA elective credits
Year 2
DATA200; MA200; MA207; ST259; ST260;
1.0 senior science credit; 1.5 non-MA/ST elective credits
Year 3
ST362; two of MA205, MA220, MA222, MA238, MA270;
one of ST358, ST359, ST361; one of MA307, MA371;
1.0 senior MA or ST elective credit;
1.5 elective non-MA/ST credit
Year 4
ST494; MA489;
one of MA305, MA306, MA338, MA355, MA370, MA372, MA373, ST344;
2.0 senior MA or ST elective credits;
1.5 elective credits
The Honours BSc Financial Mathematics program consists of a minimum of 20.0 credits, including at least 9.0 and no more than 13.0 senior MA or ST credits. The program shall include no more than 7.0 100 level credits and must include the following:
Required Courses:
MA103, MA104, MA121, MA122, MA170, MA201, MA205, MA207, MA222, MA250, ST259, ST260, MA270, MA307 or MA371; ST359; MA370, MA451, MA470; two of MA350, MA372, MA306, ST474, ST490; and at least 1.5 additional senior Mathematics or Statistics elective credits at the 300 or 400 level;
EC120, EC140.
At least 2.0 credits from: both CP104 and CP164;
both BI110 and BI111; both CH110 and CH111;
both DATA100 and DATA200; both GL101 and GL102;
both PC131 and PC132;
2.0 approved senior non-Mathematics, non-Statistics science credits.
Program Regulations
1. Progression into Year 2 requires a successful completion of both MA103 and MA122, and an overall GPA of 4.00. Progression into subsequent years requires a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Graduation requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in all Mathematics and Statistics courses, and a minimum overall GPA of 5.00.
2. EC260, CP104 and CP164 are recommended.
3. Electives must include at least 0.5 Laurier credit from a discipline outside of those offered by the Faculty of Science or the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics.
4. The following is a suggested schedule within which all program requirements can be fulfilled. Based on the results of the Calculus Placement Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 would be completed in Fall term of Year 1, MA103 would be completed in Winter term of Year 1 and MA104 would be completed in Fall term of Year 2.
5. One of CP103 and CP104 is a prerequisite for DATA200.
Suggested Schedule
EC120, EC140
At least one of: both CP104 and CP164; both BI110 and BI111; both CH110 and CH111; both GL101 and GL102; both PC131 and PC132
a 0.5 non-MA elective credit
Year 2 MA201, MA205, MA207, ST259, ST260, MA270
1.0 credit from: both CP104 and CP164; both BI110 and BI111; both CH110 and CH111;both DATA100 and DATA200; both GL101 and GL102; both PC131 and PC132
MA104 if not taken in Year 1 (refer to Note 4) or a 0.5 non-MA, non-ST elective credit;
0.5 elective credit
Year 3 MA222; MA250; MA307 or MA371; ST359; MA370;
0.5 senior MA or ST elective credits
1.0 senior non-MA/ST science elective credit
1.0 elective credit
Year 4 MA451, MA470
2.0 senior MA or ST elective credits
1.0 senior non-MA/ST science elective credit
1.0 elective credit
Required Courses:
DATA100; DATA200;
MA103; MA120 or MA121; MA122 or MA123; MA170;
MA200; MA205; MA207; MA220 or MA222; MA250; ST259; ST260; MA270;
MA307 or MA371; ST358 or ST359; ST362; MA370; MA373;
one of ST451 or ST473 or ST490;
one of MA469 or MA470 or MA471 or MA477;
at least 1.5 additional senior elective in Mathematics (MA) or Statistics (ST) at the 300 or 400 level;
EC120; EC140;
At least 1.0 credit from: (BI110 and BI111), (CH110 and CH111), (CP104 and CP164), (GL101 and GL102), (PC131 and PC132).
At least 1.0 approved senior non-Mathematics, non-Statistics science credit.
Program Regulations
1. Progression into Year 2 requires a successful completion of both MA103 and (MA122 or MA123), and an overall GPA of 4.00. Progression into subsequent years requires a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Graduation requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in all Mathematics and Statistics courses, and a minimum overall GPA of 5.00.
2. EC260, CP104 and CP164 are recommended.
3. Electives must include at least 0.5 Laurier credit from a discipline outside of those offered by the Faculty of Science or the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics.
4. The following is a suggested schedule within which all program requirements can be fulfilled. Based on the results of the Calculus Placement Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 would be completed in Fall term of Year 1, MA103 would be completed in Winter term of Year 1 and MA104 would be completed in Fall term of Year 2.
Suggested Schedule
Year 1 DATA100; MA103; MA120 or MA121; MA122 or MA123; MA170; EC120; EC1401.5 non-MA elective credit
Year 2 MA200; MA207; MA220 or MA222; MA270; ST259; ST260;
1.0 credit from: both CP104 and CP164; both BI110 and BI111; both CH110 and CH111;both DATA100 and DATA200; both GL101 and GL102; both PC131 and PC132
1.0 non-MA elective credit
Year 3 DATA200; MA205; MA250; MA307 or MA371; MA370; ST359; ST362;
0.5 senior non-MA/ST science elective credit
1.0 elective credit
Year 4 MA373; one of ST451 or ST473 or ST490; one of MA469 or MA470 or MA471 or MA477;
1.5 senior MA or ST elective credits
0.5 senior non-MA/ST science elective credit
1.5 elective credit
The Honours BSc Biology and Mathematics program consists of a minimum of 20.0 credits, including at least 6.5 senior credits in each of Biology and Mathematics. Students may use their senior Biology courses to fulfill the requirements for one of three concentrations and/or research specialization. Not more than 6.0 credits may be at the 100 level (except refer to Note 2).
Required Courses:
BI110, BI111, BI206, BI226, BI236, BI256, BI266, BI276, and at least 3.5 additional senior BI credits, which must include at least 2.0 BI credits at the 300 or 400 level, of which at least 1.0 must be at the 400 level.
CH110, CH111, CH202, CH203
MA103, MA104, MA121, MA122, MA201, MA215, MA222, MA250, ST259, ST260, MA323 and at least 3.0 additional senior MA or ST credits, which must include at least 2.0 at the 300 or 400 level, of which at least 1.0 must be at the 400 level.
Program Regulations and Notes
- Progression into Year 2 requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in BI110 and BI111, successful completion of both MA103 and MA122, and a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Progression into subsequent years requires a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Graduation requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in Biology courses, a minimum GPA of 5.00 in Mathematics courses, and a minimum overall GPA of 5.00.
- If MA102 is taken in Year 1, the maximum number of credits at the 100 level in the program is 6.5.
- Senior HN and senior WASC courses count as senior BI courses to fulfill program requirements; grades earned are included in the cumulative GPA in Biology.
- Electives must include at least 1.0 credit from outside of the major discipline(s) of which 0.5 credit must be from a discipline outside of those offered by the Faculty of Science.
- Senior honours students are expected to attend all departmental seminars.
- Based on the results of the Calculus Preparation Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 would be completed in Fall term of Year 1, MA103 would be completed in Winter term of Year 1 and MA104 would be completed in Fall term of Year 2.
Course Schedule
Year 1
BI110, BI111, CH110, CH111
MA121, MA122, MA103, MA104 (unless MA102 is taken; refer to Note 6 above)
1.0 elective credit
Year 2
2.0 credits from the list of 200 level BI courses (BI226, BI266, BI236, BI256 are recommended)
CH202, CH203
MA201, ST259, ST260
Either a 0.5 senior MA or ST elective credit, or MA104 if not taken in Year 1 (refer to Note 6 below)
Year 3
1.0 credit from the list of 200 level required BI courses (BI206 and BI276 are recommended)
1.0 senior BI elective credit
MA215, MA222, MA250
1.0 senior MA or ST credit (MA205 is recommended)
0.5 elective credit (0.5 senior MA or ST credit if MA102 taken in Year 1)
Year 4
2.5 senior BI elective credits
MA323 and 1.5 senior MA or ST elective credits
0.5 elective credit
The Honours BSc Chemistry and Mathematics program consists of a minimum of 20.0 credits, and all required elements are contained in the following recommended schedule (refer to Note 1):
Year 1
CH130, CH131
MA103 and MA104 (unless MA102 is taken; refer to Note 7 below), MA121, MA122
PC131, PC132
1.0 elective credit (refer to Note 2)
Year 2
CH206, CH207, CH212, CH225, CH261, CH262
MA201, MA205
0.5 senior MA or ST elective credit
0.5 elective credit or MA104 if not taken in Year 1 (refer to Note 7 below)
Year 3
CH213 or CH215,
CH226, CH250, CH390 (refer to Note 4)
MA215, MA222, ST259, ST260, MA250
0.5 MA or St elective credit at the 300 or 400 level (excluding MA323).
Year 4
2.0 CH elective credits at the 300 or 400 level (refer to Note 4)
1.5 additional MA or ST elective credits at the 300 or 400 level (must include MA489 if CH490‡ is not taken)
1.0 elective credit (refer to Note 2)
Program Regulations and Notes
- While the above schedule constitutes the recommended sequence by which all program requirements are satisfied, other valid sequences are possible. However, many of the required courses have one or more prerequisites and students are advised to be cautious in departing from the recommended schedule.
- Electives must include at least 1.0 credit from outside of the major discipline(s) of which 0.5 credit must be from a discipline outside of those offered by the Faculty of Science.
- For progression into Year 2 of the program, the requirements include a minimum average GP of 5.00 in Year 1 MA and ST courses, a minimum average GP of 5.00 in CH130 and CH131 and an overall GPA of 5.00. For progression into Year 3 and Year 4, and for graduation, the requirements include a minimum average GP of 5.00 in Chemistry, Mathematics and Statistics courses and an overall GPA of 5.00. Students who would like to switch into this program after Year 1, but who completed CH110/111 or CH120/121, must consult with the undergraduate advisor for the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department on a progression pathway and earning credit for CH130 and CH131.
- Students who are not planning to enroll in CH490‡ in Year 4 must enroll in CH390 in Year 3. Students who plan to enroll in CH490‡ in Year 4 are encouraged to enroll in CH390 in Year 3 but are not required to do so and may replace CH390 with a 0.5 CH elective credit.
- The program must include at least 1.0 400 level MA credit (including MA489, if taken).
- Senior honours students are expected to attend all department seminars.
- Based on the results of the Calculus Preparation Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 and MA103 would be completed in Year 1 and MA104 would be completed in Year 2.
The Honours BSc Computer Science and Mathematics program consists of a minimum of 20.0 credits including 7.5 senior credits in Computer Science and 6.5 senior credits in mathematics (MA) or statistics (ST), and all required elements are contained in the following recommended schedule:
Year 1
CP104, CP164
MA103, MA104 (refer to Note 6 below), MA121, MA122;
PC131, PC132 (or PC141 and PC142)
1.0 elective credit
Year 2
CP213, CP216, CP220, CP264
MA201, MA205, MA215, MA238
1.0 elective credit (including MA104 if MA102 taken in Year 1) (refer to Note 6 below)
Year 3
CP312, CP317, CP363, CP372, CP373, CP386
MA222, ST259, ST260, MA338
Year 4
CP315/PC315, CP414
1.5 senior CP elective credits at the 300 or 400 level. (Refer to Note 2)
2.0 senior MA or ST elective credits at the 300 or 400 level. (Refer to Notes 3 and 7)
Program Regulations and Notes
- While the above schedule constitutes the recommended sequence by which all program requirements are satisfied, other valid sequences are possible. However, many of the required courses have one or more prerequisites and students are advised to be cautious in departing from the recommended schedule.
- The program must include at least 1.5 elective credits of senior CP courses, at least 1.0 credit of which must be at the 400 level.
- The program must include at least 1.0 credit of 400 level MA and/or ST courses.
- Progression into Year 2 requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in CP104 and CP164, successful completion of both MA103 and MA122, and an overall GPA of 4.00. Progression into subsequent years requires a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Graduation requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in Computer Science courses, a minimum GPA of 5.00 in Mathematics and Statistics courses, and a minimum overall GPA of 5.00.
- Senior honours students are expected to attend all department seminars.
- Based on the results of the Calculus Preparation Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 and MA103 would be completed in Year 1 and MA104 would be completed in Year 2.
- CP214 may not be used to fulfill senior CP credits in the Honours BSc Computer Science and Mathematics program.
BU111 - Understanding the Business Environment or ENTR100 - Introduction to Business Principles for Entrepreneurs
CP104 - Introduction to Programming
CP164 - Data Structures I
CP213 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
CP264 - Data Structures II
CP312 - Algorithm Design and Analysis I
CP317 - Software Engineering
CP363 - Database I
CP373 - Ethics and Professional Practice in Computer Science
CP321 - Data Visualisation
CP322 - Machine Learning
CP421 - Data Mining
DATA100 - Introduction to Data Analytics
MA103 - Calculus I
MA120 - Foundations and Applications of Mathematics or MA121 - Introduction to Mathematical Proofs
MA122 - Introductory Linear Algebra or MA123 - Introductory Linear Algebra with Applications
MA200 - Advanced Calculus
MA238 - Discrete Mathematics
MA371 - Computational Methods for Data Analysis or ST361 - Mathematical Statistics
ST259 - Probability I
ST260 - Introduction to Statistics
ST362 - Regression Analysis
ST494 - Statistical Learning
0.5 senior BU credit (BU425 - Business Analytics is recommended)
2.5 senior CP, MA, ST, DATA elective credits which must include at least 2.0 credits at the 300 or 400 level (See Program Regulation 7).
See our recommended schedule for taking courses.
You may complete one or two of three optional concentrations:
- Concentration in Financial Risk Analysis
- Concentration in Big Data
- Statistical Analysis
The concentration(s), if declared, will appear on your transcript.
Note: The credits required for a concentration count toward the CP/DATA/MA/ST electives.
The following courses are required for the Concentration in Financial Risk Analysis:
- MA170 - Introduction to Mathematics for Finance
- MA270 - Financial Mathematics I
- One of (MA370 - Financial Mathematics II, MA373 - Introduction to Actuarial Mathematics)
- One of (MA477 - Quantitative Financial Risk Management, ST473 - Financial Data Analysis)
- 1.0 additional credit from ST courses at the 300 or 400 level (which must include ST359 if MA370 is taken);
- MA371 shall be take in the core
The following courses are required for the Concentration in Big Data:
- CP372: Computer Networks
- CP476: Internet Computing
- CP468: Artificial Intelligence
- CP422: Programming for Big Data
- CP423: Text Retrieval and Search Engines
The following courses are required for the Concentration in Statistical Analysis Concentration:
- DATA200: Data Analytics
- 0.5 credit: ST358 and ST359
- ST361-Mathematical Statistics
- ST463: Computational Statistics
- 0.5 Additional credit from ST courses at the 300 or 400 level; MA371 taken in the core
Program Regulations
1. Progression into Year 2 requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in CP104 and CP164, successful completion of both MA103 and (one of MA122 or MA123), and an overall GPA of 4.00. Progression into subsequent years requires a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Graduation requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in Mathematics (MA), Statistics (ST) and data (DATA) courses, a minimum GPA of 5.00 in Computer Science courses, and a minimum overall GPA of 5.0.
2. Electives must include at least 0.5 credit from a discipline outside of those offered by the Faculty of Science.
3. EC140 - Introduction to Macroeconomics is recommended as an elective.
4. A Data Science BSc student cannot obtain a combined BSc major or minor in Mathematics, Financial Mathematics, Statistics, or Computer Science.
5. A maximum of two Data Science Concentrations are permitted as part of the Honours BSc Data Science degree.
6. Based on the results of the Calculus Preparation Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 would be completed in Fall term of Year 1 and MA103 would be completed in Winter term of Year 1.
7. CP214 may not be used to fulfill senior CP credits in the Honours BSc Data Science program.
8. Electives must not include UU201.
The Honours BA Mathematics program consists of a minimum of 20.0 credits, including at least 9.0 and no more than 13.0 senior MA and ST credits. The program shall include no more than 7.0 100 level credits and must include the following:
Required Courses
MA103, MA104, MA121, MA122, MA201, MA205, MA215, MA222, MA250, ST259, ST260, MA304 or MA350, MA323, MA489 and at least 4.0 additional senior MA or ST credits, which must include at least 3.5 credits at the 300 or 400 level, of which at least 1.5 must be at the 400 level.Program Regulations and Notes
- Progression into Year 2 requires a minimum successful completion of both MA103 and MA122, and an overall GPA of 4.00. Progression into subsequent years requires a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Graduation requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in Mathematics and Statistics courses, and a minimum overall GPA of 5.00.
- CP104 is recommended as an elective.
- Electives must include at least 1.0 credit from a discipline outside of those offered by the Faculty of Science.
- The following is a suggested schedule within which all program requirements can be fulfilled. Based on the results of the Calculus Preparation Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 and MA103 would be completed in Year 1 and MA104 would be completed in Year 2.
Suggested Schedule
Year 1
MA103, MA104 (unless MA102 is taken; refer to Note 4 above), MA121, MA122
3.0 non-MA elective credits
Year 2
MA201, MA205, MA215, MA222, ST259, ST260
2.0 elective credits including MA104 if not taken in Year 1 (refer to Note 4 above)
Year 3
MA250, MA323,
2.0 senior MA or ST elective credits,
1.0 non-MA, non-ST elective credit,
1.0 elective credit
Year 4
MA304 or MA350,
2.0 senior MA or ST elective credits,
1.5 non-MA, non-ST elective credits,
0.5 elective credits
Required Courses
MA103, MA104, MA121, MA122, MA201, MA222, MA250, ST259, ST260, MA323 and at least 3.0 additional senior MA or ST credits, which must include at least 2.5 credits at the 300 or 400 level, of which at least 1.0 must be at the 400 level.Program Regulations and Notes
- Progression into Year 2 requires a minimum successful completion of both MA103 and MA122, and an overall GPA of 4.00. Progression into subsequent years requires a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Graduation requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in Mathematics and Statistics courses, and a minimum overall GPA of 5.00. Refer to second major for progression and graduation requirements of that major.
- CP104 is recommended as an elective.
- Electives must include at least 1.0 credit from a discipline outside of those offered by the Faculty of Science.
- Based on the results of the Calculus Preparation Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 would be completed in Fall term of Year 1, MA103 would be completed in Winter term of Year 1 and MA104 would be completed in Fall term of Year 2.
Financial mathematics is the foundation for financial risk management. Our program educates students in the relevant mathematics, its financial applications and computing methods in a unified and comprehensive way. We introduce students to methods of developing financial models in topics such as pricing theory and portfolio optimization.
The Honours BA Financial Mathematics program consists of a minimum of 20.0 credits, including at least 9.0 and no more than 13.0 senior MA or ST credits. The program shall include no more than 7.0 100 level credits, and must include the following:
Required Courses
MA103, MA104, MA121, MA122, MA170, MA201, MA205, MA207, MA222, MA250, ST259, ST260, MA270, MA307 or MA371, ST359, MA370, MA451, MA470; two of MA350, MA372, MA306, ST474, ST490; and at least 1.5 additional senior Mathematics or Statistics elective credits at the 300 or 400 level;
EC120, EC140.
Program Regulations
- Electives must include at least 0.5 Laurier credit from a discipline outside of those offered by the Faculty of Science or the School of Business and Economics.
- Progression into Year 2 requires a minimum successful completion of both MA103 and MA122, and an overall GPA of 4.00. Progression into subsequent years requires a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Graduation requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in Mathematics and Statistics courses, and a minimum overall GPA of 5.00.
- EC260, CP104, and CP164 are recommended.
- Based on the results of the Calculus Preparation Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 would be completed in Fall term of Year 1, MA103 would be completed in Winter term of Year 1, MA104 would be completed in Fall term of Year 2.
Suggested Schedule
Year 1
MA103, MA104, MA121, MA122, MA170,EC120, EC140
1.0 non-MA elective credit
Year 2
MA201, MA205, MA207, ST259, ST260, MA2702.0 elective credits
Year 3
MA222, MA250, MA307 or MA371, MA370, ST3590.5 senior MA or ST elective credits
2.0 elective credits
Year 4
MA451, MA4702.0 senior MA or ST elective credit
2.0 elective credits
The Honours BA Financial Mathematics and Analytics program consists of a minimum of 20.0 credits, including at least 9.0 and no more than 13.0 senior MA or ST credits. The program shall include no more than 7.0 100 level credits, and must include the following:
Required Courses:
MA103; MA120 or MA121; MA122 or MA123; MA170;
MA200; MA205; MA207; MA220 or MA222; MA250; ST259; ST260; MA270;
MA307 or MA371; ST358 or ST359; ST362; MA370; MA373;
one of ST451 or ST473 or ST490;
one of MA469 or MA470 or MA471 or MA477;
at least 1.5 additional senior elective in Mathematics (MA) or Statistics (ST) at the 300 or 400 level;
EC120; EC140.
Suggested Schedule
Year 1 DATA100; MA103; MA120 or MA121; MA122 or MA123; MA170; EC120; EC140
1.5 non-MA elective credit
Year 2 MA200; MA207; MA220 or MA222; MA270; ST259; ST260;
2.0 elective credits
Year 3 MA205; MA250; MA307 or MA371; MA370; ST359; ST362;
2.0 elective credits
Year 4 MA373; one of ST451 or ST473 or ST490; one of MA469 or MA470 or MA471 or MA477;
1.5 senior MA or ST elective credits
2.0 elective credits
Program Regulations
- Electives must include at least 0.5 Laurier credit from a discipline outside of those offered by the Faculty of Science or the School of Business and Economics.
- Progression into Year 2 requires a minimum successful completion of both MA103 and (MA122 or MA123), and an overall GPA of 4.00. Progression into subsequent years requires a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Graduation requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in Mathematics and Statistics courses, and a minimum overall GPA of 5.00.
- EC260, CP104, and CP164 are recommended.
- Based on the results of the Calculus Preparation Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 would be completed in Fall term of Year 1, MA103 would be completed in Winter term of Year 1, MA104 would be completed in Fall term of Year 2
This double degree program provides qualified students the opportunity to gain expertise in business models and management practices, and the theory and quantitative methods fundamental to the financial and related sectors. This BBA/BA program consists of a minimum of 26.0 credits and normally requires at least 10 academic terms, over 4 2/3 calendar years of study, to complete all requirements.
Students normally enter this program in a Fall term. Students who satisfy the progression requirements for entry to Year 2 are guaranteed entry into the Co-operative Education, but this is not mandatory. The progression requirements of each program (the Honours BBA and the Honours BA Financial Mathematics (and Analytics) must be satisfied in order to receive both degrees.
On successful completion of this program, students will be eligible to attend the convocation ceremonies in SBE and in Science and will receive the Honours BBA degree and the Honours BA Financial Mathematics (and Analytics) degree at the respective convocations.
Required Courses
MA103, MA104, MA121, MA122, MA170, MA201, MA205, MA207, MA222, MA250, ST259, ST260, MA270, MA307 or MA371, ST359, MA370, MA451, MA470; two of MA306, MA350, MA372, ST474, ST490; and at least 1.5 additional senior MA or ST credits at the 300 or 400 level;
BU111, BU121, BU127, BU231, BU247, BU275, BU283, BU288, BU352, BU354, BU362, BU375, BU393, BU398, BU415 or BU486, BU481, BU491 and at least 2.5 additional senior BU credit;
EC120, EC140, EC250 or EC260
Program Regulations and Notes
- Progression:
Students must meet the following conditions in each year of the program by August 31:
Minimum GPA of 7.00 in Business (BU) courses,
minimum GPA of 5.0 in Mathematics (MA) and Statistics (ST) courses and
an overall GPA of 5.0 in non-Business, non-Mathematics, non-Statistics courses;
completion of 5.0 required and elective credits, including the required Business and Mathematics credits in the program outline - Graduation:
Completion of all 26.0 required and elective credits;
minimum GPA of 7.0 in BU courses;
minimum GPA of 5.0 in MA and ST courses;
minimum GPA of 5.0 in non-BU, non-MA, non-ST courses. - Students who do not meet the requirements in one of the Honours subjects, will progress into the subsequent year of the one Honours program for which they have met the requirements, then all the regulations for that single Honours program will apply. Students who have not met the graduation requirements due to low GPA must do so within one calendar year to graduate with the double degree.
- Based on the results of the Calculus Preparation Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 would be completed in Fall term of Year 1, MA103 would be completed in Winter term of Year 1, MA104 would be completed in Fall term of Year 2 and MA207 would be completed in Spring term of Year 3. Students who have credit for MA102 require 1.5 open elective credits. Students who do not have credit for MA102 require a 0.5 non-BU elective along with 1.5 open elective credits.
- MA121 and MA122 can be completed in Fall and Winter terms of Year 1 in any order.
Suggested Schedule
Year 1
- Fall Term: BU111, BU127, EC120, MA103, MA122
- Winter Term: BU121, EC140, MA104, MA121, MA170
- Spring Term: EC250 or EC260 (may be taken online during Year 1, 2 or 3)
Note: GPA requirements for both Business and non-Business courses must be achieved by August 31 for progression into Year 2. Total course repeats may not exceed a maximum of 1.5 credit. All credits taken during Year 1 will be included in the GPA requirements for progression into Year 2. A total of 5.0 credits must be completed by August 31 for progression to Year 2.
Year 2
- Fall Term: BU231, BU247, MA104 (if not taken in year 1) or MA207, MA222, ST259
- Winter Term: BU283, BU288, MA201, MA270, ST260
- Spring Term: Co-op Work Term #1
Note: A total of 10 credits must be completed by August 31 for progression to Year 3.
Year 3
- Fall Term: BU352, BU354, BU393, MA370, ST359
- Winter Term: Co-op Work Term #2
- Spring Term: BU275, MA205, MA250, MA207 (if not taken in Year 2) or non-BU elective; 0.5 elective (BU387 if in accounting)
Note: A total of 15 credits must be completed by August 31 for progression to Year 4.
Year 4
- Fall Term: Co-op Work Term #3
- Winter Term: BU362, BU375, BU398, MA307 or MA371, 0.5 elective (BU397 if in accounting)
- Spring Term: BU415 or BU486; BU481, 1.0 BU elective, 0.5 MA or ST elective
Note: The required 300-level Business courses in Year 4 are an integrated set which must be taken concurrently. A total of 20.0 credits must be completed by August 31 for progression to Year 5.
Year 5
- Fall Term: MA451, 0.5 elective
- Winter Term: BU491, MA470, 1.5 BU elective (Fall or Winter), 2.0 MA or ST elective (Fall or Winter)
- Spring: None
Additional Notes
- Students are encouraged to select Co-op Education. If co-op is not selected, then different academic plans for completion of this double degree program are possible. Students should consult the Business Department and the Mathematics Department to ensure program requirements are met.
- The above outline incorporates the prerequisite structure in BU, EC, MA and ST courses. Students are strongly advised to consult with academic advisors before altering their academic plan.
- ENTR courses are considered BU electives, but are included in the non-BU GPA. BU elective credits cannot be used for progression during Year 1 and 2. However, as an additional elective credit, the elective will count in the GPA.
Students normally enter this program in a Fall term. Students who satisfy the progression requirements for entry to Year 2 are guaranteed entry into the Co-op Option, but this option is not mandatory. The progression requirements of each program (the Honours BBA and the Honours BA Financial Mathematics and Analytics) must be satisfied in order to receive both degrees.
On successful completion of this program, students will be eligible to attend the convocation ceremonies in SBE and in Science and will receive the Honours BBA degree and the Honours BA Financial Mathematics and Analytics degree at the respective convocations.
Double degree programs must be completed simultaneously, and one degree cannot be delayed as a sequential degree.
Program Regulations
1. Progression:
Students must meet the following conditions in each year of the program by August 31:Minimum GPA of 7.00 in Business (BU) courses,minimum GPA of 5.0 in Mathematics (MA) and Statistics (ST) courses and an overall GPA of 5.0 in non-Business, non-Mathematics, non-Statistics courses;completion of 5.0 required and elective credits, including the required Business and Mathematics credits in the program outline
2. Graduation:
Completion of all 26.0 required and elective credits;
minimum GPA of 7.0 in BU courses;
minimum GPA of 5.0 in MA and ST courses;
minimum GPA of 5.0 in non-BU, non-MA, non-ST courses.
3. Students who do not meet the requirements in one of the Honours subjects, will progress into the subsequent year of the one Honours program for which they have met the requirements, then all the regulations for that single Honours program will apply. Students who have not met the graduation requirements due to low GPA must do so within one calendar year to graduate with the double degree. Special circumstances do exist for the double degree program including the allowance for 2.5 course credit repeats, instead of the traditional 2.0 course credit repeats allowed in the Honours BBA (WLU) program.
Required Courses
DATA100; MA103; MA120 or MA121; MA122 or MA123; MA170;
MA200; MA205; MA207; MA220 or MA222; MA250; ST259; ST260; MA270;
MA307 or MA371; MA370; MA373; ST358 or ST359; ST362;
one of MA469, MA470, MA471, MA477;
one of ST451, ST473, ST490;
and at least 1.5 additional senior Mathematics (MA) or Statistics (ST) credits at the 300 or 400 level;
BU111; BU121; BU127;
BU231; BU247; BU275; BU283; BU288; BU252;
BU354; BU362; BU375; BU393; BU398;
BU415 or BU486; BU381; BU491;
and at least 2.5 additional senior BU credit;
EC120, EC140Please see the online Undergraduate Academic Calendar for a suggested schedule for completion of this program.
The program consists of a minimum of 20.0 credits, including at least 8.0 senior Mathematics (MA) or Statistics (ST) credits and no more than 7.0 credits at the 100 level.
Required Courses:
MA103, MA104, MA121, MA122, MA201, MA222, MA250, ST259, ST260, MA323
5.0 senior Mathematics or Statistics elective credits, which must include at least 3.0 credits at the 300 or 400 level, of which at least 1.0 credit must be at the 400 level.
BU111, BU121, BU127, BU231, BU247, BU283, BU357, BU387, BU393, BU397.
2.0 credits from: BU413, BU443, BU453, BU463, BU466, BU473, BU477, BU483, BU486, BU487.
EC120, EC140.
Program Notes and Schedule
- Progression into Year 2 requires a minimum successful completion of both MA103 and MA122, and an overall GPA of 4.00. Progression into subsequent years requires a minimum overall GPA of 4.00. Graduation requires a minimum GPA of 5.00 in Mathematics and Statistics courses, and a minimum overall GPA of 5.00.
- CP104 is recommended as an elective.
- Based on the results of the Calculus Preparation Evaluation, an entering student may be advised to complete MA102 prior to completing MA103; then MA102 would be completed in Fall term of Year 1, MA103 would be completed in Winter term of Year 1 and MA104 would be completed in Fall term of Year 2.
Course Schedule
Year 1
MA103, MA104 (unless MA102 is taken; refer to Note 3 above), MA121, MA122BU111, BU121, BU127
EC120, EC140
0.5 elective credit
Year 2
MA201, MA222, ST259, ST2601.0 senior MA or ST elective credit (or 0.5 senior MA elective credit and MA104 if MA102 is taken in Year 1 - refer to Note 3 above)
BU231, BU247, BU283
0.5 credit non-MA, non-ST, non-BU elective (EC250 or EC260 recommended)
Year 3
MA250, MA3231.5 senior MA or ST elective credits
BU357, BU387, BU393, BU397
0.5 credit non-MA, non-ST, non-BU elective (EC250 or EC260 recommended)
Year 4
2.5 senior MA or ST elective credits2.0 credits from BU413, BU443, BU453, BU463, BU466, BU473, BU477, BU483, BU486, BU487
0.5 elective credit (or 0.5 senior MA or St elective credit if MA102 is taken in Year 1)
Elective MA and ST credits at the 300 and 400 levels can be applied to a concentration. A maximum of two Mathematics concentrations are permitted as part of the Honours BSc and BA Mathematics and Honours BSc and BA Financial Mathematics and Analytics degrees.
A concentration requires completion of a minimum of 2.5 credits (including 1.0 credits of required courses, and 1.5 credits of eligible electives). If a student chooses to follow one or two concentrations in the program, this will be listed on the student's transcript.
The following concentrations are permitted for all Honours BSc and BA Mathematics and Honours BSc and BA Financial Mathematics and Analytics degrees:
MA304 - Introduction to Complex Analysis
MA350 - Real Analysis
Elective Courses (1.5 credits):
MA306 - Partial Differential Equations I (Partial Differential Eqns I)
MA318 - Geometry
MA355 - Continuous and Discrete Transforms
MA406 - Partial Differential Equations II (Partial Differential Eqns II)
MA418 - Differential Geometry
MA422 - Advanced Linear Algebra
MA450 - Measure and Integration
MA465 - General Topology
Required Courses (1.0 credit):
MA471 - Computational Methods in Finance
ST474 - Monte Carlo Methods
Elective Courses (1.5 credits):
MA306 - Partial Differential Equations I (Partial Differential Eqns I)
MA350 - Real Analysis
MA355 - Continuous and Discrete Transforms
ST362 - Regression Analysis
MA372 - Optimization
MA406 - Partial Differential Equations II (Partial Differential Eqns II)
MA338 - Graph Theory
MA323 - Introduction to Groups and Rings
Elective Courses (1.5 credits):
MA317 - Number Theory
MA318 - Geometry
MA372 - Optimization
MA422 - Advanced Linear Algebra
MA425 - Group Theory
MA475 - Ring and Field Theory
ST362 - Regression Analysis
MA477 - Quantitative Financial Risk Management
Elective Courses (1.5 credits):
MA372 - Optimization
ST473 - Financial Data Analysis
ST474 - Monte Carlo Methods
ST490 - Stochastic Processes
ST492 - Time Series Analysis
MA305 - Differential Equations II
MA487 - Mathematical Modelling in the Applied Sciences and Finance
Elective Courses (1.5 credits):
MA306 - Partial Differential Equations I (Partial Differential Eqns I)
MA307 - Numerical Analysis
or MA371 - Computational Methods for Data Analysis
MA355 - Continuous and Discrete Transforms
MA360 - Topics in Applied Mathematics
MA361 - Methods in Applied Mathematics
MA372 - Optimization
MA405 - Dynamical Systems
MA406 - Partial Differential Equations II (Partial Differential Eqns II)
MA464 - Mathematical Biology
ST361 - Mathematical Statistics
ST362 - Regression Analysis
Elective Courses (1.5 credits):
ST344 - Introduction to Experimental Design and Survey Sampling
ST358 - Applied Probability
ST359 - Probability II
ST462 - Advanced Regression Analysis
ST463 - Computational Statistics
ST474 - Monte Carlo Methods
ST491 - Survival Analysis
ST492 - Time Series Analysis
ST494 - Statistical Learning
The Applied Mathematics Option, which is available only to students registered in Honours programs (See Note 3), consists of the following courses:
MA103;MA122 or MA123;
either MA200 or (both MA104 and MA201);
MA220 or MA222;
one of MA360, MA361, MA464, MA487;
one of ST259, MA250, MA305, MA306, MA307;
0.5 senior Mathematics (MA) or Statistics (ST) course at the 300 or 400 level approved by the department.
Refer to Regulations Governing Minors/Options.
A minimum cumulative GPA of 5.00 is required in all option (MA and ST) courses.
This option is not available to Mathematics, Financial Mathematics and Analytics, or Data Science majors.
This option cannot be combined with any other option or minor offered by the Department of Mathematics.
The Data Analytics Option consists of the following 5.0 credits:
one of CP103, CP104;DATA100; DATA200;
one of MA101, MA103;
one of MA122, MA123;
one of MA200, MA201;
ST259; one from the following: ST230, ST231, ST260, or equivalent;
ST362; and an additional 0.5-credit ST course at the 300 or 400 level.
at least one of MA104, MA120, MA121, MA122, MA123;
and 2.0 senior MA or ST credits.
- Refer to Regulations Governing all Minors.
- This minor is not available to Honours Mathematics, Financial Mathematics, and Data Science majors.
- This minor cannot be combined with any other option or minor offered by the Department of Mathematics.
- Refer to SBE chapter for special requirements for the Mathematics minor for former BBA/BMath students only.
1. Refer to Regulations Governing all Minors.
2. This minor is not available to Honours Mathematics, Financial Mathematics, and Data Science majors.
3. This minor cannot be combined with any other option or minor offered by the Department of Mathematics.
One of MA122, MA123;
one of MA200, MA201;
ST259; one of ST230, ST231, ST260, or equivalent; and two additional ST courses at the 300 or 400 level.
The Certificate in Data Analytics consists of 2.5 credits.
The certificate program is offered ona part-time basis only and requirements must be fulfilled within three years from the date of entry.
Required Courses:
DATA100 - Introduction fo Data AnalyticsDATA200 - Data Analytics
One of (MA207 - Introduction to Mathematical Software, MA220 - Mathematics for Data Analysis and Computing)
ST259 - Probablity I
ST260 - Introduction to Statistics
The Certificate in Quantitative Finance consists of 2.5 credits.
The certificate program is offered on a part-time basis only and requirements must be fulfilled within three years from the date of entry.
Required Courses:
MA170 - Introduction to Mathematics for FinanceOne of (MA207 - Introduction to Mathematical Software,
MA220 - Mathematics for Data Analysis and Computing)
MA270 - Financial Mathematics I
ST259 - Probability I
ST260 - Introduction to Statistics