English (BA Brantford)
Experience and Career Guide

Make the most out of your university career by taking advantage of all that Laurier has to offer you and learning about the many ways you can extend your classroom experience into the real world. There are so many opportunities to learn, lead, and embrace new opportunities all while having an exceptional student experience.

In this Guide

Learn the many ways you can extend your classroom experience to the real world.

Your Year-to-Year Experience

Enhance your academic experience by learning about the opportunities available in your program.

Explore Co-Curricular Experiences

Participate in co-curricular experiences to complement your Laurier
academic journey and gain meaningful learning opportunities.

As a English (Brantford) student, you can: 

Outside of your program, there are many co-curricular opportunities for you to participate in. 

Design Your Degree

These are a few popular academic opportunities which allow you to dive deeper into your major area of study or broaden your knowledge. See undergraduate options, minors and courses for more information.

  • Leadership option
  • Media Studies option
  • Teaching option
  • History minor
  • Criminology minor

Develop Your Knowledge and Skills

As a Laurier student, you will develop the following competencies through your curricular and co-curricular experiences.

Competency Framework

Competencies are categories of transferrable skills that appear on your online Experience Record to help you reflect on what you've learned from your experiences. The competencies include: 

  • Adaptability and Resiliency
  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Critical Thinking
  • Digital Literacy
  • Diversity and Intercultural Understanding
  • Functional Knowledge
  • Leadership
  • Problem Solving
  • Professional Attributes
  • Self-Awareness

Functional Knowledge

  • Analyze, interpret, structure and edit written materials and information in print and digital formats and develop your critical thinking, reading and writing skills in preparation for working in a globally connected world.
  • Learn the practice of effective communication and other keys to professional success in careers as diverse as education, law, politics and public relations.
  • Understand social, cultural and political perspectives on literature and the act of writing in a range of genres and historical periods by a wide selection of authors.
  • Achieve a more advanced understanding of texts by both canonical and non-canonical authors, and their wider cultural and historical contexts, contribute to class discussions, and work with instructors to develop your writing and research skills.

Discover Career Options

All your experiences at Laurier can help you prepare for your future. Attend Career Centre events and workshops or book a career consulting appointment to explore career and further education options.

Pursuing Further Education

Faculty of Liberal Arts respondents from the 2023 Laurier Graduate Survey conducted by the Career Centre. Graduates were surveyed within 12 months of graduation.

Alumni Careers and Pathways

Sample Further Education Programs Within the First Year After Graduation

  • Master’s Degree - English, Teaching and Learning
  • Bachelor’s Degree - Education
  • College Program - Public Relations

Sample Jobs Within the First Year After Graduation

  • assistant museum curator
  • data entry clerk
  • independent freelance writer/social media marketing
  • junior content creator
  • provincial youth ambassador program coordinator

Careers Of Alumni Two to Five Years After Graduation

  • digital marketing coordinator
  • director of content marketing
  • editor/reporter
  • human resources generalist
  • publishing sales representative
  • supervising editor

Career Options and Resources

Need some guidance on what you can do with your degree? Discover some career options and find resources to help guide you. 

Career and Industry Options

  • advertising/marketing
  • business/corporate communications
  • counselling/social work
  • digital media/social media
  • education/teaching
  • entertainment/film
  • event planning
  • government
  • human resources
  • journalism/media
  • law/legal field
  • library/archives/museum
  • non-profit/advocacy
  • public relations
  • radio
  • writing/publishing

Your Experiences Tell Your Story

Share your story through your Laurier Experience Record. An interactive, shareable and official record of your hands-on experiences and learning opportunities at Laurier – the first of its kind in Canada!

Share Your Feedback

We'd love to hear from you. Complete the Laurier Experience Guide Feedback Survey to share your thoughts.