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Faculty of Arts Co-op

Honours students in certain Arts majors on the Waterloo campus may apply to co-op in their first year.

Beginning in fall 2025, Faculty of Arts co-op will be available to honours students in the majors below.

*Students in English, Film Studies, History, Philosophy, or Political Science: If you intend to participate in the Vancouver Film School Pathway or the Law Degree in partnership with the University of Sussex program, you will not be eligible for co-op.

**Students in the BA + MBA and the BA + MA (Sussex) programs, please note while participation may be possible, because co-op would delay your graduation, your graduate program would be deferred until the following year.

Students admitted to Arts co-op before fall 2024, you will continue to follow the co-op program and sequence assigned to you at your admission to co-op; your co-op program and sequence remain unchanged.

“My abstract understanding of international development has transformed into real-world insights about humanitarian work, public policy and foreign aid, through my co-op experience at War Child Canada.”

Hayley Newman-Petryshen, Global Studies, Class of 2021