Admission Requirements
Grade Requirements for Admission Interviews
We interview only those applicants who completed their first year, progressed to the beginning of second year, and achieved the minimum required Grade Point Average (GPA) for co-op by the application deadline.
Please review the information about eligibility, entry points, and GPA requirements specific to your program:
- Business and Economics (including ENTR310 information)
Note: Students applying to Business and Economics Co-op in fall 2024 needed to achieve an overall first-year GPA of at least 8.8 out of 12 to be eligible for an admission interview. We will announce the minimum GPA requirement for fall 2025 admission in May. - Computer Science
- Data Science
- Faculty of Arts
- Faculty of Science
- Geography and Environmental Studies
- Professional Experience Program (PEP)
- User Experience Design
- Business and Economics (including ENTR310 information)
Courses Graded as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
When calculating your GPA, we will include only those courses for which we see a numeric grade. We will exclude grades from courses such as UU150 that provide only a grade of either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. We will, however, include courses graded as "satisfactory" when counting the number of courses you have completed.
We may give you slightly less credit for your marks than we give students who provided numeric grades for all ten half-credits.
Courses Taken After Winter Term
Refer to our resource on Courses Taken After the Winter Term to learn more about how we consider these courses.
Students Who Started First Year in Winter Term
Most students begin their first year studies in September. If you began your first year at Laurier in January, please note that you still need to complete ten courses by the end of the spring term. The admission process occurs only in the fall each year.
Requirements by Applicant Type
- International Students
(information about co-op work permits and requirements to participate in co-op recruiting) - Transfer Students
(information about how we assess transfer credits, including credits from WLIC) - International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP)
(information about how we assess IB and AP courses)
Re-Admission to Co-op
If you are removed from your academic program, you are not eligible to continue in co-op, even if you are later reinstated into that program.