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Taking Courses at Another University

Undergraduate Students: Letter of Permission

You may be interested in completing a course at another institution to count towards your degree. Prior to registering, you must receive a letter of permission (LOP) from Laurier. A letter of permission acknowledges that you have received academic approval to take courses at another institution and have this course work contribute to your degree requirements. Laurier students may not take courses at another institution unless a Letter of Permission has been granted by the Office of Enrolment Services at Wilfrid Laurier University.

Note: If you are looking at taking a course at the University of Waterloo, a letter of permission is not necessary. Refer to Cross-Registration with University of Waterloo.

Note: If you are an OSAP student, please review how to apply for OSAP with a Letter of Permission.

Academic Requirements 

  • You are required to complete a minimum of 3.0 credits at Laurier (transfer credits excluded).
  • You must currently hold a cumulative grade point average of 4.00.
  • You may not be on Academic Probation in a General Program or in post-degree studies, including sequential degree.
  • Your requested LOP courses must be used to meet degree requirements at Laurier.
  • You cannot exceed your program residence requirements.
  • You cannot exceed your maximum credit limit per term.
  • You cannot have a financial hold on your account.
  • Courses requested cannot be less than 36 lecture hours.
  • You are advised not to take Letter of Permission courses in your last semester at Laurier (see Official Transcripts and Deadlines).

If you meet the above academic requirements and have the required approvals, complete the online letter of permission request form (see below) and upload the required documentation to the form.

Process at a Glance

To successfully submit the letter of permission request form, you must obtain and submit:

  1. Determine the course you would like to pursue at another Institution. Save relevant links to the course description and/or syllabus.
  2. Obtain written approval from your academic advisor.
  3. Obtain written approval from the Laurier department that most closely aligns with your requested course. For example, if you are requesting a math course, you require department approval from Laurier’s Math department. Ensure the approval indicates the course’s equivalency at Laurier. 
  4. Complete the Letter of Permission Request form Upload all approvals and select the 'Term Requesting to Attend' with consideration to the term’s 'Transcript Deadline'. Please note, you are required to submit a new request for each term requesting to attend at the host institution (unless it is a 1.0-credit course taken over fall and winter sessions).
  5. Once you have completed your coursework, order an Official Transcript from the host Institution to arrive at Wilfrid Laurier University within the transcript deadline’s timeframe to transfer your earned credit(s).  Failure to do so will result in an F grade on your record. 

Official Transcripts and Deadlines

An official transcript is a document prepared by the Registrar's Office, recording your courses, grades, number of credits transferred, academic standing, co-op work terms, and degrees awarded. 

For the purposes of transferring the credit(s) earned on a Letter of Permission, it is required that you arrange an official transcript from the host institution to arrive directly at Wilfrid Laurier University within the timeframe of your transcript deadline. Failure to do so will result in an F grade on your record.

Please note, deadlines differ for graduating and non-graduating student.

Transcript Deadlines for Non-Graduating Students

  • Fall term course: transcript due Jan. 31.
  • Winter term course: transcript due May 31.
  • Spring term course: transcript due Sept 15.

Transcript Deadline for Graduating Students

If you are taking the final course of your program on a letter of permission during the terms below, please review the deadlines required for graduation. Failure to meet the following deadlines can result in a delayed graduation.

  • Fall term LOP: Transcript due Jan. 31.
  • Winter Term LOP: Transcript must be received by May 1 for the Spring Convocation.
  • Spring Term LOP: Transcript must be received by Sept 15 for the Fall Convocation.

Mailing Addresses

Official transcripts can be sent via mail or email (from the host University directly to Laurier).  Faxed copies of a transcript are not considered official. Transcripts cannot be sent from the student.

Mailing Address:

Wilfrid Laurier University
Enrolment Services: Records
75 University Ave. W.
Waterloo, ON
N2L 3C5


Important Notes

Submit a new request for each term required at the host institution (unless it is a 1.0-credit course taken over fall and winter sessions). Upon approval, an administrative fee of $68 will be applied to your account and is non-refundable. 

It is your responsibility to reach out to the host institution to register for classes. You will need to follow add/drop deadlines as outlined by your host institution, as well as pay tuition fees to that host institution. Being granted a letter of permission from Laurier does not guarantee that you will be registered in a class. 

Please note, Letters of Permission will not be granted to students for the purpose of studying at an institution outside of Canada with which Laurier does not maintain an active agreement.

Students seeking study abroad opportunities can explore the Global Engagement and Exchange opportunities facilitated by Laurier International. These Global Engagement and Exchange opportunities are not linked to the Letter of Permission process. 

Students enrolling in the following partner Institutions/programs must also obtain a Letter of Permission prior to registering for any external course(s): Conestoga college and the Explore Program.

For self-paced online courses, the last day to add a course during the term is two weeks following the last day to add a course deadline at Laurier (example institutions: Thompson Rivers University and Athabasca University).

Note, the Lazaridis School does not accept equivalencies for BU, EC, ENTR or MB courses completed at Athabasca University.  A Letter of Permission will not be granted.

If you do not register at the host university, you must notify prior to the deadline for academic withdrawal without penalty.

The grade obtained for a course taken on a letter of permission will be included in your cumulative grade point average. Courses taken overseas are normally awarded a 'CR' grade. A credit will not be granted for courses taken on a Challenge for Credit basis. An official hard copy transcript is due one month after the end of the term at the host institution. If not received by this deadline, a grade of F will be assigned.

If you have questions about taking a course at another institution, email Records and Registration:

Graduate Students: Letter of Permission

Selecting a Course at Another Ontario University

Depending on your program of study, you may apply to register for a course at other Ontario university. Consult the graduate academic calendar for full guidelines.

Important Notes

Students who choose to take a graduate-level course outside of Laurier and have it credited to their Laurier graduate degree must provide a copy of the course syllabus for the desired course to the graduate program coordinator, along with a written rationale for taking the course.

The decision on whether or not the course taken will be credited to the Laurier graduate degree rests with the dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, based upon a recommendation from the program. The student is responsible for any application and tuition costs associated with the course, as well as for arranging to have an official transcript submitted to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies upon completion of the course.