Frequently Used Forms
During your studies at Laurier, here are some forms that you'll commonly use:
Campus Transfer
If you are looking to transfer to the Waterloo, Brantford or Online campus, complete our Campus Transfer Request Form.
Full-Time Studies Request Form
If you are looking to switch from part-time to full-time, complete our Full-Time Studies Request Form.
Request for Readmission
If you wish to return to Laurier after being required to withdraw, view our Request for Readmission Process.
Request for Re-registration
If you have had a lapse in registration of 18 months or greater or have attended another postsecondary institution since your last registration at Laurier and now wish to return to your studies, complete the Request for Re-Registration Form.
Sequential Degree Request
If you have already completed a degree program, and wish to complete a sequential degree program at Laurier, complete the Sequential Degree Request Form.
Withdraw Request
If you would like to leave the university on a temporary or permanent basis, complete the appropriate form:
Temporary Withdrawals
Complete the appropriate form based on your program or student status:
- BBA: Leave of Absence Form: Bachelor of Business Administration
- BTM: Leave of Absence Form: Business Technology Management
- Students studying on a visa: Authorized Leave of Absence for International Students
- Faculty of Education, BEd leave of absence process
- Other undergraduate students are approved for a leave and do not need to complete a form.
Permanent Withdrawals
- For permanent withdrawals only, complete the Withdrawal Form based on your campus and program.
- Faculty of Education, BEd withdrawal process.
OSAP Course Load Update
If you need to update the course load you have indicated on your OSAP application, view Eligibility and Course Load.
Tuition and Late Registration Fee Appeal Form: Undergraduate Students
If you wish to appeal the assessment of your tuition fees for dropped course(s) or fees incurred due to withdrawal from the university, complete our Tuition and Late Registration Fee Appeal Form.
Audit an Undergraduate Course
If you wish to complete an undergraduate course but not receive credit, complete our Request to Audit Form.
Campus Override Forms
If you want to take a course that campus restrictions prevent you from taking, you can request permission by speaking to your academic advisor or by completing the appropriate form below.
- Faculty of Arts Course Override Form
- Faculty of Science Campus Override Form
- Campus overrides for the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Faculty of Liberal Arts and the Bachelor of Social Work program are requested using the program override forms.
Cross Registration
If you are interested in taking courses at the University of Waterloo, complete our Cross Registration Form.
Drop a Course with a Hold on Account
If you are looking to drop a course with a hold on your account, complete our Drop Course: Hold on Account Request Form.
Early Grade Release
If you are requesting official final grades to be released early, complete our Early Grade Release Request Form.
Only complete this form once all your unofficial grades for the current term are showing in LORIS
Intent to Register (Visiting Student)
If you are a non-Laurier student who would like to register courses at Laurier on a letter of permission, complete our Intent to Register Form.
Letter of Permission
If you are an undergraduate student on the Waterloo or Brantford campus, and wish to take courses at another university, complete our Letter of Permission Form.
Overload Forms
If you are requesting to take more than the maximum number of courses you are allowed to take in a term, use the appropriate form below:
- Faculty of Science Overload Form
- Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Course Overload Request Form
- Faculty of Liberal Arts Course Overload Request Form
- Faculty of Social Work Course Overload Request Form
Program Override Forms
If you want to take a course that program restrictions prevent you from taking, you can request permission by speaking to your academic advisor or by completing the appropriate form below.
- Faculty of Arts Course Override Form
- Faculty of Science Course Override Forms
- Bachelor of Social Work Override Form
- Criminology Override Form
- Digital Media and Journalism Override Form
- English Override Form (Brantford)
- Game Design and Development Override Form
- Health Studies Override Form: Community Health, Health Administration, Public Health
- History Override Form (Brantford)
- Human Rights and Human Diversity Override Form
- Indigenous Studies Override Form (Brantford)
- Languages and Literatures Override Form
- Law and Society Override Form (Brantford)
- Leadership Override Form
- Policing Override Form
- Psychology Override Form
- Social and Environmental Justice Override Form
- User Experience Design Override Form
- Youth and Children's Studies Override Form
Time Ticket Request
If you need to request a Time Ticket to register for courses via LORIS in your current program, complete our Time Ticket Request Form.
Application to Graduate
You are required to apply to graduate regardless of whether you intend to participate in the scheduled ceremony events.
Duplicate Degree/Diploma Request
If you require your degree/diploma to be replaced (e.g. due to damage or name change) please complete our Duplicate Degree/Diploma Request Form.
Program Selection Form
If you are looking to request a change to your program, such as add or remove a Major, and add or remove Minors, Options, Concentrations, and Specializations, from June-April when the Program Change option on LORIS is closed or unavailable, please complete one of the following forms:
- Science, Music and Lazaridis School Program Selection Form
- Arts and Luther Program Selection Form
- FHSS, FLA, BSW and BTM (Brantford)
Program Transfer Form
If you are looking to request a highly competitive programs that cannot be switched in LORIS or a program selection form, complete one of the following forms. These forms become available in March for the following academic year and are typically due by May 1.
- Kinesiology and Health Sciences Program Transfer Request Form
- Economics Program Transfer Request Form (Available from April – February)
- FHSS, FLA, Social Work, BTM, Sussex LLB Program Transfer Request Form
Highly competitive programs include:
- Business Administration (BBA)
- Business Administration/Computer Science (BBA/BSc Double Degree)
- Business Administration/Financial Math (BBA/BA Double Degree)
- Business Technology Management (BBTM)
- Economics (BA)
- Health Sciences (BSc)
- Kinesiology (BKin)
- Public Safety – 2-Year Advanced Standing Online Program (BA)
- Social Work (BSW)
- Sussex BA/LLB & BSc/LLB programs
Chosen Name Change
If you are looking to update your chosen name for internal use only in LORIS and MyLearningSpace classroom lists, complete our Chosen Name Change Form.
Legal Name Change
If you are looking to change your legal name and birthdate in LORIS, including your academic records (degree, transcript, confirmation of enrolment), complete our Legal Name Change and Birthdate Correction Form.